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Michelle’s eyes welded up with tears “Before we met.....I had a lot of difficulties in my life. I think you should know, before your mom or Terri tells you first.”

Taylor walked up and put his arm around her “Go ahead baby, I’m listening!” he urged her to go on.

“Well when I was little my mom died, then 2 years later my dad died from a drug OD.” she stopped and cried.

“You don’t have to tell me. I can get it from someone else. Baby, if it hurts to much stop!” Tay was trying to be supportive.

“No, I can finish. Anyway, I was sent to live with my grandparents! A few years after that my Grandpa had a heart attack and died! That was hard on me since him and I were soclose! Five years later my Grandma was diagnosed with Cancer! She died 10 years after. The doctors said she was the strongest person they had ever seen. I was on my own after that. I had no other relatives. My parents were the only kids that their parents had! My dad’s parents died in a car crash 2 months before I was born! I have no family!” she stopped and buried her head in Tay’s chest.

“Baby, it’s okay. We’ll make a family of our own!” he said.

“Really?” she asked.

“Yeah, but not right this minute, I mean when we get married.” he smiled

“Yeah, I like the sound of that. So did you just ask me?” she smiled back at him.

“No, not yet. But,......**he got down on one knee** Michelle will you marry me?” he smiled at heragain.

At Sarah’s house in Seattle.

“Hi, is Molly there?” Sarah asked

“Yeah this is she. May I ask who this is?” Molly said

“This is Sarah.” she said

“Oh, Sarah. I’m sorry I didn’t recognize your voice.W’sup?”

“Not much here. How about you?”

“Not to bad?”

“So are you married to...*thinking of his name* ...Andrew yet?”

“No, we were engaged, but he slept with someone named Jessica. When I found out I got deeply depressed, and broke off the engagement. I kept the ring though, man was it huge.”

“Wasn’t he rich”

“Yeah, he worked for his dad’s law ferm.” They went and talked for about a half an hour.

“Well, Sarah I gotta go I’m expecting a call fromMark. My new boyfriend.”

“Okay!” Sarah said with laugh.“Well talk to you soon. Bye!”“Bye!” Sarah hung up the phone.



