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"Hello, Dr. Dreen's office. How may I help you?" said the voice on the other line.

"Yes this is Terri, and..."the voice cut here off before she could finish.

"Oh, Hi Terri so how are you" the voice said again.

"Oh, fine thanks, but I need to set up an appointment with Dr. Dreen." Terri said.

"Um, okay what time?" the voice asked.

"Whenever" Terri replayed.

"okay dear how about 2:00pm tomarrow after noon." the voices said.

"That would be fine thanks" Terri quickly replyed. "Now I have to hurry if I wanna get to work on time" Terri said to herself. Just then the phone rang.

"Hello?" Terri said kinda frusterrated.

"Hey" said the voice on the on the other end.

"IKE?" Terri said with great surprise.

"Yeah, it's me. So how have you been doing?" Ike asked.

"Michelle said something to Tay didn't she?" Terri asked Ike.

"What makes you say that?" Ike asked.

"Well lets see you know I go to work at 3:00 everyday, and that I need a good half hour to get ready." Terri glanced at the clock as she said this.

"Yeah, but she only said something has been bothering you." Ike said.

"Well I go to the Doctor tomarrow, to see what is wrong with me, I've been pucking alot and just all together feeling crappy."Teri said fast.

"Okay, well, look babe I gotta go Zac, Tay need help with something, but I'll see you in a couple of weeks okay?" Ike said.

"Okay" Terri said.

"I love you" Ike said.

"I love you too" Terri said.

Back in Naperville, IL Allie was sitting in class telling her best friend about what she won. "You'll never guess what happened to me today!" Allie said trying to calm herself.

"Lets see you were listening to the radio, and you won backstage passes to meet Hanson" said her friend Erica with no excitment at all.

"Hey, how'd you know?" Allie said with the feeling that said thanks for bursting my bubble.

"My little sister was listening and she started yelling cause she didn't win, she was mad she was caller 12." Erica said. Erica doesn't listen to the same music Allie does. Erica listens to KORN, Limp Bizkit, and suff like that.

"Oh." Allie said.

"Allie girlfriend you sound like you are 12 and in love with Hanson, it's time to grow up ypu are 19 years old. Maybe I need to take you to one of my wild partys." Erica said with a grin on her face.

"No, thanks I don't wanna get wraped up with any of your other friends." Allie said backing off of the subject.

"Fine then be a Daddy's girl all your life" Erica said.

"Fine I will be then." Allie said ", and you can't change that."



