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"Hey, guys! What are you doing here?" Sarah said giving Zac a big hug, and then moving toward Taylor.

"Oh, we had a quick change if plans."

"Oh, nothing serious I hope." she said worriedly.

"Oh, no nothing like that." Ike said.

"Oh, thats good."she said with a sigh of relief. "So....oh come in, do you want something to drink?" she said jumping up.

"Um what do you have?" Taylor, and Ike said at the same time.

"I know I don't know what I have just a minute." "Okay I have 7up, Mt. Dew, Dr.Pepper, and Ice Tea." she said looking towards the sky, trying to remember. "I know what Zac wants, but......" she was interrupted by the phone. Oh, I gotta get it, hold on okay.


"Hey, is this Sarah?" said the voice.

"Yeah, this is her." Sarah said.

"Hi, this is Mollie" she said.

"MOLLIE!, Oh my God I can't believe it's you. How are you? How did you get my number? Where do you live?"

"Hold on." she said laughing. "I can only answer one question at a time." "The answer to your first question, I'm fine. Now the answer to your second question I got it from your parents, I called them cause I still have the number you gave me when we were like 14. Now the answer to your third question I live in Bel Aire, California." she said, then taking a deep breath, and exhailing fast.

"Hold, on Mollie i gotta get Zac." said Sarah.

"He's there?" she said so excited.

"Yeah, hold on" She walked out and got him. "Zac, you'll never guess who is on the phone." Sarah said.

Zac responded snotty "Um, lets see Mollie. I heard you crap your pants and scream MOLLIE."

"Hey, I didn't crap my pants, well almost. Well goin the kitchen, and talk to her." she said pulling him off the couch and pushing him toward the kitchen.

"Hey, Mollie, how are you." Zac said.

"Zac? Is that you?" Mollie said.

"Yeah, so how are you?" he repeted his question. "Oh I'm fine, and how about you?"

"Well, despite the fact I'm stuck with Ike and I'm kidding, I'm good." He said.

"Well I'm spose I'll let you Ike, Tay, and Sarah." Mollie said

"Oh, okay do you want to say goodbye to Sarah?" Zac said.

"Um, sure." Mollie said.

"Okay here she is. Bye." Zac said

"Hi, well Sarah I'm gonna let you go since Zac,Ike, and tay are there." Mollie said

"Oh, okay well look give me a call in the next two weeks." Sarah said

"Oh, okay well I'll talk to you soon, bye." Mollie said

"Bye" Sarah said. She hung up the phone. "Okay Ike and Tay what did you say you wanted to drink?" Sarah asked.

"Um, I wanted a cup of Tea." Ike said in one of his British accents.

"I wanted one of the Dr. Peppers." Tay said normally.

"Oh, Sarah can I ues your phone I need to call Jessica and tell her we wont be there tonight like we origanally planed." Zac said.

"Thats fine." Sarah said.

Back in Los Angeles Jessica, was shopping around for the perfect dress for when Zac came to Los Angeles. She walked into JC Penneys, and walked up to the counter and asked were the dress area was.

"Um, right up that way then turn to the left, then keep walking straight, then turn right. Do you got that?"

The sales lady didn't even stop to look up to see if I was even a guy, she said to herself. "Um, yeah I think I got that, if I need help I'll find someone." Jessica said politly. Just then her cell phone rang.

"Hello?" Jessica said.

"Hey, there baby." said Zac.

"Hey, where are you?" Jessica asked.

"Um, well I'm in Seattle, Washington." Zac said

"Well you better leave now if you plan on being here tonigt." Jessica said

"Well that is why I called you." Zac said "we had a change of plans and we decided to do a concert somewhere before we stopped at Los Angeles."

"Oh" she said. "I'm at the mall to shop for the perfect outfit for our date, but I guess I have more time then I thought." she sounded disapointed.

"Well I'm at Sarah's house so I'm gonna call you later, okay" Zac said

"Okay" she said. I'll talk to you later, bye." Jessica said.

"Bye" He said and then hung up.



