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As Terri walked in the Pharamacy, to get her medication, she was thinking about how good it will be when Ike is here, and they can be in each others arms holding each other tight for hours on end. She had to stand in line for awhile so she just kept thinking about Ike and his long blonde hair and big brown eyes.

Her thought were stopped when the tall, red haired lady screamed "Next!"

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about something." Terri said.

"Thats fine dear, but I'm very busy so please tell me what you need, so I can help my other customers." the red headed lady said with a annoyed look.

"Oh, sorry." Terri said handing over the piece of paper the Doctor gave her. "Here you go."

"Okay, lets see, this will take about 5 to 10 minutes so please have a seat. You'll have them as soon as possible." the lady said concentrating on the peice of paper. Terri got out of the line and put her purse over her shoulder, and walked over to a nearest chair. About 7 minutes later the tall lady called her name "Terri, you medication is ready for you."

Terri walked up and took the medication. "How much do I have to pay?" Terri asked.

"Twelve dollars."

"Okay, here you go." Terri said. Terri walked out the door, and hopped in her car.

Mean while back with Sarah and Zac...

"Zac, when did you have to do sound check?" Sarah asked him.

"Um, around 5:00, or somewhere around there." he said.

"Oh, okay well then we have an hour to spare so what do you wanna do?" she asked him.

"Well how about we go to the nearest Laser Tag place and do that.. my treat." he said kissing her on the cheak.

"Oh, okay sounds good to me." she said turning on the car. "Zac, I feel really bad about this."

"What do you feel bad about?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"Well I feel bad about us kissing and getting all gussy, gussy. I mean your taken I should have just kept my mouth shut about me loving you. Jessica and I have never gotten along well, and this probably pushed her over the edge." she was explaining to him while gesturing with her hands.

"Oh, God Sarah. Jessica doesn't like anyone except her little preppy friends. She has never gotten a long with anyone of my friends and I don't expect her to start now." he said.

"Well Zac you just don't get it, I'm a girl and I hate it when people don't like me, and it puts you through a lot of crap. When your best friend and your girlfriend can't stand the sight of eachother." she said getting a sound in her voice.

"Well you know what you don't have to worry about getting along with my girlfriend anymore cause my best friend and my girlfriend are now the same person." he said this smiling at her.

"Oh, Zac really!" she said grabing his hand and sqeazing it slightly.

"Yeah," he said "I want you to be with me, not her, she is a real pain in the butt when she doesn't get her way." Zac said. "I want a girl who can be a big girl when she doesn't get her way. You are that kind of a girl. Jessica is a spoiled, rich, brat, who will probably complain and grab my arm and beg me to stay." he said.

"Oh, Zac thats mean be nice to her......wait I don't like her so be as mean as you want to." she said.

That's were the conversation stopped, untill they got to Laser Queast.

Back at Sarah's house Ike and Tay were on the computer playing LIFE.

"What color are you gonna be?" Ike asked Tay. ",wait do I have to ask? So I guess the big queastion is if you are gonna be a female or a male." Ike said joking around with Tay.

"Ummmmmmm......thats a hard question. you know how I like to pretend I'm a girl. No, for real now I would like to be that good looking, buff, blonde guy right there." Tay said pointing to one of the guys on the screen. "Hey, Ike were did Sarah and Zac say they were going?" he asked.

"I dunno. Should we call them and see where they are?" ike asked Tay.

"Well than he'll feel like we are checking up on him like Mom does."

Ike said, "well in that case lets do it."

"Okay I'll call him and see what he is up to." Tay said.

Tay walked in the kichen, and picked up the phone and dialed Zac's cell phone numeber....789-1314.

"Hello?" Zac said.

"Hey dude where are you two?" Tay said.

"Well we are just walking in to Laser Queast." Zac answered.

"Oh, cool. We are playing LIFE on the computer here." Tay said. "So when will you guys be done?" Tay asked ",cause we still have sound check to do too."

"Ummmmmm, soon? I'll be back before 5:30." he said.

"Okay see ya then." Tay said. Tay hung up the phone and turned back to go in the living room.

"So where were they" Ike asked.

"They were just walking into Laser Queast." he said.

"Oh, cool!" Ike said.

"Well lets start our game now." Tay said.

An hour or so later Zac and Sarah came walking threw the door laughing.

"So did you two have fun?" Ike asked them.

"Oh, yeah even though we just found out why I've never felt the need to go play Laser Tag before." she said.

"Oh, that bad huh." Tay said smiling at Sarah.

"Yep, I suck at playing Laser Tag." she said.

"Well dude we better go sound check now." Ike said lookng at Zac.

"Oh, okay." Zac said ",We'll be back in about 30 minutes." Then he gave Sarah a kiss.

Ike and Tay looked at each other and smiled. "Well ask him about it when we get in the car." Tay said looking at Ike.

When they got in the car, Ike looked at Zac and said "So Zac my man what is up with you and Sarah?"

"Well I have decided to leave Jessica, and start a realationship with Sarah." Zac said.

"Oh, and does Jessica know about this yet?" Tay asked Zac.

"Well...No, but when I get to Los Angelas, and when we go on our date I'll tell her." Zac said.

"And what are you wanting to happen getting a glass of ICE COLD water thrown in your lap?" Tay asked him.

"Will that happen? No, not with Jessica she will just make this big dramatic scene in front of a bunch of people. Common guys this is Jessica she isn't your normal kind of girl." Zac said.

"Okay you have a point" Ike said.



