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"Um, Starlee do you think this is okay?" Ike was asking his back up guitarist.

"Um, could you please play it again and I'll tell you what I think." she responded back.

"Sure, how about if you go way back there and tell me if you can here it."he said.

She walked to the way way way back row. He started to play a little bit from "MMMBop". "Yeah, that was good." This was Starlee's first tour with the group. She was living in Denver. She meet the guys, through Ashley there manager. Ashley, is her best friends cousin, and she was over there and started playing something on her guitar one day. Ashley said something about Hanson needing a new back up and Starlee offered to be the new back up. At first she was a little nervous, but who wouldn't be come on this is Hanson, for God sake. She has always been a fan, ever since she first heard them.

"Well looks like were done then, lets go get something to eat, and be back here in about an hour." Ashley was telling everyone.

An hour later Ike, Tay, Zac, Starlee, and Sarah all walked through the door. "Man it is a mad house out there" Zac said.

"Yeah, I know I thought maybe 6:00 would be an okay time to be here, but I guess it was wrong." Ashley said.

An hour went by, and Ike, Tay, Zac, Starlee, Angie (the other back-up guitarist), and Anne (the back-up keyboardist)hopped on stage. "They sound great!" said Sarah to Ashley.

" Yeah they always do." Ash said.

"I know but this is the first time I've ever heard them in concert, though." Sarah said.

"Your kidding me, and you'r Zac's best friend!" she said.

"Man make it sound like a bad thing!"Sarah said.

Thats were the conversation stopped. About an two hours later they went back to Sarah's house.

The next morning they were sitting there, and Tay jumped up."Oh, crap I have to call Michelle, I forgot. Can I use your phone Sarah?"

"Sure you guys do know you don't have to ask." she said.

Taylor dialed the number. "Hello?" said the sweet voice he had missed hearing so much.

"Hey, baby!" Tay said.

"Oh, Tay I've missed you so much how much longer till you will be here with me?" she said

"About four or five days" Tay said, "but you know I think I've missed you more."

"No, I don't think so. I've been so lonely lately, I mean without you here with me. I need you." she said.

"I know baby I need you too, and I'm just as lonley without you by my side 24/7." he said.

"So where are you and how have you been?" she said.

"Oh, I'm fine, and I'm at Sarah's know Zac's best friend, even though they are a little more friendly than what the were a day ago. And how have you been?" he said.

"Oh fine, Terri is okay and she finally stopped worrying me."she said.

"Thats good Ike told us it was only stress and I hope that doesn't end up happening to you, cause if it does you know I'll be there in a heart beat. Not to say ike isn't worried or anything, cause he is...." he was interrupted.

"I know what you mean, don't worry" she said.

"At least Terri is there with you to keep you company, well so you can keep eachother company." he said.

"Yeah were here for eachother, you know i think of her as a big sister." she said.

"Yeah I know that." he said, "but i gotta get off the phone cause Sarah's phone bill is gonna be so freaking high, now that we've called you two back there."

"Oh, okay I understand, tell everyone hi for me." she said.

"Okay, I will. I love you Michelle." he said.

"I love you too Taylor." she said. Then she hung up the phone.

That afternoon they had to leave for L.A. Sarah and Zac walked off to another room where they could be alone. "Zac, i'm gonna miss you so much. You promise to call me?" she said.

"I promise honey I'll call you. i'll miss you more though." he said.

"No, you wont" she said kidda pushing him on the sholder.

"I will too" he said. "And I'll prove it."

"How are you gonna do that?" she asked him.

"This is how." he said. He gave her a kiss. It lasted awhile.

"Okay, I belive you now." she said giving him a big hug. ", but you better go, so you can break it off with that wench that has been nagging you butt."

"Okay, I love you. he said.

"I love you too" she said. They walked out to the room where Tay and Ike were. "Bye guys, it was nice to see you." she said giving them hugs. She walked over to Zac, and gave him a kiss and a hug. "Don't forget to call me okay." she said.

"I wont" he said. "I love you Sarah."

"I love you to Zacypooh" she said. Then they were off.



