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"Finally, we are here!" Ike said, streching out his long legs.

"You'd think we are used to being in bus for long periods at a time!" Tay said.

"Well you guys better be getting use to it again cause we are starting a new tour and it's gonna be longer and better than your last one." Ash said.

Zac was laying in his little cubby thing sleeping.

"Dang! He's been sleeping for a long time. How can you sleep when all you are is jerked around for hours?" Ash stated.

"Well it's really fairly easy when you've been on the road most your adult and teen-age life." Ike was saying.

"He's probably having a nightmare on how bad Jessica will take the break-up, shes probably killing him by now." Tay said with a laugh in his voice.

"Well I'll go wake him up!!!" Ike said. Ike walked down the little narrow hall to Zac's cubby. Ike opened the curtain and was watching Zac lay there and make funny faces in his sleep. Ike couldn't help but laugh. <[?It was kinda like Zac ate to many twinkies and he was feeling ill. Then Zac started mumbeling " stay back! No! I just don't think........NO!!!!" Ike had Tay and Ashley down listening now and they all were laughing.

Zac finally woke up and noticed that they had been standing there laughing at him. "Shut up! it wasn't funny Jessica went mad and then hunted down Sarah and killed her! It was horrible." he was looking like he was gonna cry.

"Oh! Don't feel bad man mom is only a phone call away!" Ike said laughing.

"Shut up." Zac said.

Then Ike started mocking Zac " stay back! No! i just don't think........NO!!!". By this time Zac was laughing just as hard as the other guys were. Ashley had stiopped laughing and was trying to tell the gus they should get in that hotel and unpack, or whatever they need to do before they go to supper.

They got rooms all to then selves. "Thats just never happened before we've always had to share with eachother." Tay said, "but I guess we are grown men and I hope when Michelle comes along Zac wont be sharing a room with use."

"Very funny!" Zac said.

"Okay guys! how old are we?" Ike asked. They ended the conversation there and went to their rooms.

Ike got in his and the minute he put his stuff down he called Terri. The phone rang 6 times before Terri picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hey, sweetheart! I've missed you!" Ike said with that little romantic voice that atracted him to her.

"Oh! Hey, baby. I've missed you too!" she said dropping the grocery bag she had in her arms.

"So how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Fine, now that I've heard from you." she said.

"Thats good!" he said. Thet went on talking for over an hour or two.

"Well babe I gotta go cause everyone wants to eat and I still have to take a shower, but I'll call you tomarrow." he said.

"Oh, okay!" she said.

"You know I hate to not be able to see or hold you, but I'll be there in like two days!" he said.

"Okay, I'll talk to you tomarrow!" she said. "I love you Ike."

"I love you too Terri." he said. Then he hung up the phone and stripped his clothes off and got in the shower. (OH lala!)

Mean while Tay was just getting out of the shower and had gotten dressed when he remembered to call is love of his life. He dialed the number and was putting on his socks when she picked up.

"Hey, baby...(he dropped phone and then quickly picked it up)...sorry about that baby I dropped the phone. So how are you?" he said.

"Oh, thats okay. I'm fine and how are you honey?" she asked. He loved the way she sounded so sweet and inocent, the way her voice said "I trust and know you'll never hurt me, because you love me."

"Oh, I'm fine, but I'm going alittle crazy without you here with me!" he said.

She giggled and said " Thats so sweet, and I'm trying to keep myself sane without you too. I try to do things to keep my mind off you, cause if I didn't find things to do that I'd spend all day thinking about you!"

"Well whats wrong with that? I do it!" he said.

She couldn't help but get a HUGE smile across her face and let her heart melt. "You know thats what attracted me to you first." she said.

"What attracted you to me first?" he asked.

"Oh, hell your sweetness baby!" she said. They blabbed on for another half hour or so.

Finally Tay said "Well sweetheart I gotta go, because we are all really hungry and we are gonna go eat."

"Oh, fine!" she said.

"Well I love you and I'll call you tomarrow." he said.

"Okay, and I love you too." she said. He hung up the phone and turned on the T.V and flipped threw the channels. He stopped on HBO and started watching "Blast From The Past".

Mean while Zac was in his room trying to think of how to tell Jessica he didn't want to see her anymore. Finally, he decided to call her. It took dang near five rings before she picked up the phone

"Hello?" she said.

"Hey, Jessica." he said, his voice was flat and serious sounding. He never had called her baby, like ike called Terri, or like Tay called Michelle.

"Hey baby! How are you? Where are you? I miss you so much!" she said.

"Well, I'm in a hotel here in Las Angelas. I need you to meet me at The Olive Garden in one hour." he said, again with no excitment in his voice.

"Okay, baby whats wrong?" she asked. "Nothing, just meet me there." he said.

"Okay, I love you!" she said. Zac just hung up the phone. He then ran down the hall to tell Ike he wasn't going to be joining them for dinner. He ran back to his room and called a cab.

Twenty minutes later the cab pulled up and he jumped in. "The olive Garden please." he told the cabby.

"Sure sir." the cabby answered back. The ride was about twenty minutes as well. Finally the cab stopped and Zac paid the man and gave him a ten dollar tip. He got into The Olive Garden and there was Jessica standing there waiting for him.

"ZAC!" she screamed, and ran toward him hugging him and giving him a kiss not noticing he wasn't greating her as well.

"Hey!" he said.

"Well. I already checked us in and we should be seated soon." she said.

Ten minutes later a handsome young man no older than seventeen yelled "Blain" (which is Jessica's last name).

They sat down and Zac looked at her and said "Jessica, I need to talk to you, and it would be so much easyer if you just let me talk and you keep quiet. Well, okay it started in Seattle with Sarah. Jessica....." She cut him off.

"Your brecking up with me aren't you?"

"Now Jessica I asked you to let me talk then you can okay." he said, he went on "Jessica me and Sarah are together now, and it's over between us." He tryed to sound as sincere as he could.

Just then Jessica broke into a basket case "I thought you loved me? I thought you were gonna marry me. You always said you'd love me till I'd die."

"Well Jessica.....HEY! Who said anything about getting married? Sure as hell it wasn't me. Jessica you are such a stuck up brat I'm surprised I stayed with you as long as I did. Know you just have to face the fact that I'm in love with Sarah now."

SUddenly she stopped crying and got a look of disgust on her face, she suddenly yelled out "What about our baby?" that made everyone look in there direction.

"What are you talking about? We never did anything to have a baby. SO don't try to make me feel guilty cause it wont work Jessica. I never had sex with you." he suddenly stormed out and wen to the pay phone to call a cab.



