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'N Sanely 'N Sync's CHAT BAY-BEE!!!

Hey all! Yup, I finally got my lazy ass over to the file manager to put the chat up. It's a private chat so only those who come to this site really know of this chat or whatever...

I try to come on as much as possible and Alisha's been pretty busy but she try's to come on as much as possible, I don't really have a set time that I come on...I come on whenever possible!

Just to let y'all know, I'm in EST and Alisha's in CST...just for all you lazy people who can't look on a map!

My names are IcedLatee and MochaJenn (see anything similar ;)) and as far as I know, Alisha is AlishaJerome or JeromeAlisha..either one....see y'all in the chats and YOU ARE FREE TO USE THE CHAT WHEN WE'RE NOT ON!!!

Before going into the chat, go HERE!!

Country Roads, Take Me Home