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Nsanely Nsync

Things to know before chatting...

Things I thought you guys should know before venturing into ‘N Sanely ‘N Sync’s chatroom...
The Moderator is in charge of almost anything in the room, they can change the topic, they can make the topic changeable to everyone else, kick people out, etc etc etc

This room IS 'N Sanely 'N Sync's private room but it's not officially private, (as in only the people that come to this site can go into the room) it's OFFICIALLY private when the Moderator (person who’s name is in bold blue letters) double clicks the chat screen, waits for a screen to pop up, clicks on a tab at the top of the page that says Room Options, clicks the box beside "Secret" and clicks okay. Then and ONLY THEN is the room private? Otays? O-Tays!!!

The Moderator is the first one in there, so I *Jenn* can’t be the first one in there because it seems that everytime I try to make other people Moderators, it never works so, either I’ll be there first, leave when another person comes in, have them come in again but before me and have them make me moderator and that person can make everyone else Moderators, blah blah blah or I won’t be the first one there...either or

To make other people Moderators, click on the small button on the bottom right corner of the screen that says "Cmds", click the person's name who you want to be moderator and choose to make them a Moderator (not too sure on the exact words on that one, but it’s easy once you click on cmds and the person’s name)

To make sounds, click on the box next to the cmds box on the bottom right corner and scroll down utill you find the send sound make an action, scroll in that same box to find Send as action then type in your action in the chat box and press enter

I hope these aren't too confusing, if they are, email me and send me a time that you can chat and that I can chat and I’ll personally show you how to use the features in the chat!

Shut the hell up, I wanna chat!

Screw the chat, take me home!