Do you know how like, 95% of teeny-boppers actually think they’re gonna get married to *N Sync and we know that there isn’t even a CHANCE we’ll get married to them? Yeah well, I was just thinking to meself, hmmmm, what if my wicca, voodoo and Ancient Native American, spells, actually work and someday I’ll get married to one of the members of *N Sync...AH, that’s cray-zee!!! CRAY-ZEE CHILE! So, yeah, let’s delve into my strange imagination to see what it would be like if I married a member of *N Sync. This poor, poor member is Justin, simply ‘cause I would one day like to fuck this man ‘till he goes temporarily veggie AND he’s the closest to my age. And we’re off
Sex life: ~Ah yes, I MUST start with this category. Since I’m married to Justin, as far as sex goes; I’ll fuck him at night, so we can get to sleep, in the morning, to wake him up and anytime during the day, just ‘cause I know he doesn’t wanna. HEY! Go away, me and Ju-Ju...*ahem* we need a little time to awselves, so get the fuck outta my house! *Shuts the curtains in a mad fury*
Food: ~*sigh* as far as that goes, I may as well get used to Jiffy Pop and Kraft Dinner for awhile, I don’t cook that much, even though I DID do really good in Food and Nutrition in grade 10, I’m waaay too busy, and since Justin’s busy-ness has been taken away *meaning, he has alot more time on his hands now that I’m the only one he’s sleeping with* he cooks most of the time. If I’M cooking, there is one grand feast on the table, lemme tell you! Justin says he cooks good apple pie, but I wouldn’t know ‘cause I don’t like pie, any pie...fruit pie especially. Okay, let’s leave the kitchen...EXCUSE ME!!! Don’t dawdle, follow ME!!!
Bathroom: ~Oye, it’s quite small I must say. It’s really only for two people...HEY YOU, out of my bathtub, that’s no place to stand in, even if it is to listen to me explaining the features of being married to Justin!!! So, anyway...Oh God! Do you have your feet in the toilet? *Sigh* I told you this bathroom’s small! Well, yeah, here’s where me and Justin *ahem* shower, we figure it’s faster and more efficient if we shower together ‘cause then we don’t waste water. We get really clean that way lemme tell you, ‘cause even if one of us finishes before the other, we’ll just wait in there for each other to, hehe, he’s in there for awhile. Is anyone else getting cramped in here, I’m being pushed against the wall by like 50 people, so let’s go out...
Basement/Rec-Room/Recording Studio: ~Yup, exactly what I said, you can just put it this way, the Rec-Room and Recording Studio are in the Basement, okay? O-kay! There’s the wicked comfy couch, that’s where me and Justin like to violently cuddle, with votives and other candles and a warm fireplace that sets the mood along with a dimming light and a wool blanket and *record stops with a screeching halt* that’s Justin’s Playstation 2 and WWF & WCW wrestling games *sigh* that always ruins the mood in this room. Ish, ish, ish, what else is there to say? There’s Justin’s guitar and my piano, keyboard, Bohdran (pronounced, Bow-ran), guitar and fiddle. And here’s where I whip his ass in fooseball...Justin seemed to really want to get this thing, he liked the idea of playing a game where I’m bending over the table and my chest is in clear sight. That smart ass, if I didn’t wear low-cut shirts, he wouldn’t have wanted this table!! Oh well, he’s my husband so...
Living Room: ~This is the Black Leather couch...oh dear, people, please ignore the white milky spots on the couch, I didn’t clean up from this morning *sigh*...why does Justin leave everything for ME to do! Anyway, then there’s Justin’s SO explains him well. I like the sleek, metallicy furniture, covered in leather of course. He has similar tastes...he likes things that recline better. We cuddle here to, just not as violently, he does watch his porn here, but I’m never around when he does...whenever he watches his porn, I’m downstairs in the studio banging my anger out at him on my bohdran. He says he’s learning from the pros so he can fuck me better, I just grab my fuzzy hand-cuffs, drag him upstairs to our room, shut/lock the door behind us and well...the rest is behind closed doors, hehehe.