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undefined Sagger

Everything that is new is here:

6/22/2002: Sagger has recorded more stuff. 1 song from these sessions will be on a 7" being put out by goodbye boozy based out of italy. It will also feature one track recored with the skull rider single. Should be out by the end of aug.

also, some of the new recordings will be featured on a new single put out by electrorock records based out of our good home Wauwatosa.

Sagger will be recording a full length album in July, and will be touring in late August some of which shows will be with the Piranhas. Also, we updated this webpage incase you cant see.

06/12/2002: The Skull Rider 7" EP is fuckin out now on Big Neck records so get it. email the if you cant find it yourself and you want our help, you big baby.

01/03/2002: Sagger has played a few shows and expect a record sometime in Feb or March or something. the (I am) Skull Rider 7". Four songs hot rox. Bigneck Records. Its the new year Sagger rocked the newyear, I'm updating this page without Tony even telling me to do it. I think someone looks at this page sometimes, so now I made that one person happy.
Ok, -Skull Rider.
oh yea, also coming up is another 7" coming out on Electrorock Records. Trax were laid, but Ryan decided it wan't good enough, so back to the drawing board right? Coming up is Sagger's Record release show for the abovementioned 7" on Bigneck. Probably with the Kill-a-Watts who are also doing a record release show and also probably the Baseball Furies will be there maybe.

6/18/2001: It's been a while but our shows in Buffalo and Detroit went really well. We added ourselves to a final suprise show in Chicago. We recorded and mixed a demo CD that has been floating around. Expect a release of some sort on "Big Neck Records" (home to friends the Mistreaters) in the somewhat near future. Get ready for fun times and a small tour in the end of summer. Hopefully we will get some more pictures up sometime if the computer storing them all ever recovers from the virus that it has.

05/05/2001: Sagger has played its first two shows with new singer, Skull Rider. Some were heard to say "best show ever." Pictures from the show at Quarters will be up soon.

Also, new mega action shots have been added to band member pages.

04/14/2001: Sagger has laid down some hot trax for upcoming releases. Trax were laid nicely, and there are some pictures in the pictures section, U fuk.

On a side note, go visit the old Sagger page, which has now been whined all over by ex-Sagger singer, "Keef Vee." Great stuff, mang.

04/11/2001: Word has it that Sagger is doing a split 7" with Jaguar. Rad. Does your mom know yet?
04/10/2001: Sagger is taking over the world in a couple of days, so watch out. The newest news is that Sagger has received a replacement singer in the mail.