My Stories

* The Beginning *

Their emails continued, and Lacey found herself describing to him various fantasies that she had, from the romantic to the wickedly kinky. Kevin wondered why she was still unattached. What was wrong with her, he asked himself? She was smart, educated, funny, practical, exuberant, companionable, and sexy as hell. What he didn't know was that she was not willing to settle for less than a soul mate. That was why she was still single.

They met a couple more times, out in public, and then she suggested that he just come over to her apartment. She said it so casually, that he wondered if she knew how his stomach, and other parts, jumped when she suggested it. They had rented a movie and ordered pizza, snuggling on the sofa in her living room. He had finally gotten the chance to kiss her, and it was everything he had hoped it would be. Her lips were soft, and her tongue flickered against his as they tasted and licked each other. One thing had naturally led to another, and they ended up making love right there on the living room floor. He had suggested moving to the bedroom, but Lacey had simply smiled up at him, and pulled him to the carpet.

They had licked, nibbled, and sucked each other until they couldn't take anymore, and while she was on her back, Kevin had entered her slowly. They had both sighed as he slid fully inside her wetness, and once he had completely impaled her, they shared a long wet kiss. The actual act took about 15 minutes, but they had both been so worked up by the extended foreplay, that they were exhausted by the time he finally climaxed inside her and collapsed on top of her, kissing gently.

And now was the second time he was coming over to her place. Lacey had suggested it, and when she had, she had a tone in her voice that made him twitch just listening to her voice on the phone.

Kevin heard her coming down the steps, and cleared his throat, but nothing had really prepared him for the sight that greeted him.

Her auburn hair pulled from her face with a dark headband. She was clad in a black semi- sheer robe that came to just above her knees, and was belted around her waist. They stood eye to eye, and he maybe even looked up an inch or so, as she had on two or three-inch black heeled shoes, with her legs encased in dark stockings. If Kevin had any doubt as to what Lacey had in mind for this evening, it was GONE!

She smiled at him, and he leaned closer to kiss her. As he did, he smelled her scent. Vanilla. His favorite. He wrapped his arms around her and could feel that she definitely had no bra on, and he wondered if she was wearing any panties.

As their tongues caressed each other's, her hands wandered down his back and over his jeans, feeling his tight bottom. He was making her wet already, and she wondered if he realized that.

Finally, she broke the kiss and said only two words, "Upstairs. Now." And she stepped aside and let him precede her up the carpeted steps to her apartment.

He walked in, going directly through the kitchen, and pulling aside the curtain to enter the dining room. He was assailed by various aromas, and saw the flickering candles everywhere. Kevin heard her close the door behind him, and she quickly was in the room with him.

"Do you like?" she asked, smiling at him.

He smiled back at her. She had once confessed to him that she had a fondness for candles and candlelight, but this was his first chance to see it in action. "You look beautiful," he told her, " and the candles aren't bad either!"

Lacey laughed throatily and took his hand, leading him into the living room, where more candles glowed, lighting the room with an aura of glamour. She took him over by the sofa, and then stopped suddenly, turning so that she was in his arms.

He knew what she expected, and he kissed her. Long and deeply. He worked his way down her neck, licking and biting lightly. He zeroed in on the pulse on the side of her neck and flickered his tongue back and forth over it quickly, feeling her squirm and enjoying her reaction.

She let him have his way for a few minutes, mostly because he felt damn good, but then she recalled what she had planned for this evening. She pulled away from him and he looked at her quizzically.

She smiled, and told him, "Tonight is the first of what I hope will be many new experiences for you. You know what we have talked about you yearned to try something slightly kinky? Well, tonight we begin. Now, I want you to understand something. I have no intention of hurting you or doing anything that you won't enjoy. However, when you indulge in something . . . . .exotic, you should always have a 'safe word'. If you utter the safe word, all play will stop, and we will talk about what happened. OK?"

He nodded, feeling nervous but already aroused at the thought of what might happen.

"Your safe word is 'mustard'. No one says mustard in the middle of sex, so that will work. Are you OK with that?"

He nodded again. "Yes, Miss," he replied. He knew what she wanted to be called for tonight. She had told him in a million different ways that she wanted to be referred to that way when she was domme. Kevin was smart enough to know that tonight would be played exactly as she wanted. He was just along for the ride. Which was perfect for him.

Again, Lacey smiled at him. "Good, my sweet. I see that we understand each other. I knew we would. Now, your first task of the evening is to strip for me. I want to look at you." Lacey stepped a few feet away and just stared at him.

Kevin inhaled deeply, feeling like a piece of meat, which was strangely exciting. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, placing it on the chair that was next to him. He kicked off his shoes, and unsnapped his jeans.

"Ah, ah, ahhh. . . ." Lacey admonished him. He stopped and looked at her. Oh, she was going to have such fun tonight, she exulted inside. "Your socks?"

He smiled and sat on the chair and pulled off his socks. Then, returning to his feet, he unzipped his fly and in one motion, pushed his underwear and pants to his ankles. He was semi-hard already, and he swore that he could feel her eyes examine his dick. He pulled off his pants and placed them on the chair with his other garments. He finally took a deep breath, and stood up straight, meeting her eyes.

Lacey was delighted, although she tried not to show it to him. He was made perfectly, and he was already starting to get aroused. His little nipples were hardening, and her mouth watered at the idea of biting them into their full hardness. Still, she maintained her composure and commanded, "Turn. Slowly."

She watched as he did. She had him stop when he was facing the opposite way.

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