My Stories

* Captive *

Chapter One

It was a cause for celebration, at least according to Alex. I did not readily submit to his view. I wasn't happy with the outcome, not in the least.

"You're supposed to be happy, Sherl," he proclaimed, fussing with the cork in the bottle of Dom Perignon. "I just netted us a fortune."

I shrugged. It was unlike me to complain. As Alexander James McLean's ornament, I was supposed to shine. Many girls vied for the position I claimed. They would have sold their souls for the gifts, the attention, the privilege associated with being Alex's "babe". I was chosen from countless others, hopefully for more than my body. Alex took immense pride in showing me off. His buddies drooled over my breasts, hoping to cop a feel when he wasn't looking. Of course, Alex was wise to them. He knew I was in steep demand. Nobody dared to mess with him in fear of what he was capable of doing.

The cork rocketed from the bottle and shot across the room. Alex let out a whoop as its contents spilled onto the freshly cleaned carpet. "Do me a favor and get the glasses, baby. We're gonna party tonight."

I was acutely aware of what that included. Alex was "up", ready for a marathon. He could fuck from dusk to dawn and still be ready to eat up shrewd businessmen for breakfast.

I, on the other hand, would ache for the most of the day. I'm not exactly fragile, but I didn't have a tenth of his staying power. I would have liked to believe I could handle Alexander James McLean, but I would have been fooling myself. He had a voracious appetite for sex.

You wouldn't think that of me from the way I'm built, brunette, and gorgeous, with breasts that don't quit. Alex liked me to show them off. He made no attempt to conceal his fascination for them, his eyes always darting over those billowy globes. I didn't mind. I liked to keep him interested.

I fetched the glasses from the cabinet, trying to summon more cheer than I felt. Alex was correct; I should have been ecstatic. He, without question, received the lion's share for his ownership in the casino. I never thought the group that purchased it would meet his price; it was an unthinkable amount that only a truly affluent person, or the Mob, could afford. Apparently, they had access to that kind of money and didn't haggle with Alex.

My reservations stemmed from the pangs of guilt for Alex's partner, Howard. He was omitted in the negotiations, and his substantially reduced allotment supported my hunch. Naturally, Alex made light of it. He claimed that Howard didn't have as large a financial stake in the Casino, and therefore, the amount he was given, in proportion to his, was fair.

Knowing of Alex's underhandedness, I didn't believe him for a second.

I watched as he pored champagne into my glass, forcing a smile to curve my lips. It served no purpose, me being sour. Alex invited me to partake in his success, no to be the voice of restraint.

Alex took an expansive look at me after taking a large gulp. "Sherl, you look hot. Did you pick out that dress with me in mind?"

"Do you like it?"

"Mmmmmmmm." He abandoned his glass and came over to me. His brown eyes pierced me. I had seen that appetite take shape countless times. Alex looked hungry and ready to launch our private celebration.

When Alex develops that raw look, I am quick to shed my apprehensions. The shutdown of my defense system was accelerated by the flick of his tongue. All emotions anger, disappointment, remorse, no longer existed. I couldn't begin to answer the flood of sensations that entered my body. They were too overwhelming.

The telephone jarred me from that luxurious moment. My eyes darted to it, shaking those luscious vibrations from taking root. "I should answer it."

"Don't," Alex said hoarsely.

I smiled apologetically, then turned on my heel. I had a terrible weakness for letting the telephone dominate my life. A distant hope sparked in the back of my mind indicating that the person on the other end was about to change my life. I had no choice but to subscribe to that failing.

I sat down on the studio chair, attempting to compose myself from the thrill that raced through my entire being. Alex had worked me into a frenzy, and in order for me to speak intelligently, I had to calm myself. I was quite aware that my nipples were erect and showing through my diaphanous outfit. No matter how I attempted to shed those goose bumps that emerged along my spine and forearms, they defeated me. Alex was responsible for not only summoning them, but expediting their effect.

I picked up the receiver, determined to separate myself from that sweet infusion.

"Where the fuck is he?" growled Howard Dorough into the receiver before I could greet him. I had never heard him speak in such an unprincipled, inflammatory tone.

Alex, oblivious to the torrent of fury blaring in my eardrum, stood behind my chair. His large hands swept over my shoulders, his thumbs rotating the upper muscles. I shivered as he exerted delectable pressure. Alex knew how to give a perfect massage, arousing me with those knowledgeable fingers. After several moments of having them explore every region of my backside, I shook so heavily with lust that it would be a total relief he turned me over and fucked my brains out.

"Howard," I announced in a tremulous voice, praying it would puncture Alex's engaged thoughts.

"Is he there?" he repeated in an ugly fashion.

"Why, yes, just a moment." I clamped the mouthpiece with my hand. "He wants to speak with you."

"Tell him I'm busy."

"But, Alex, he's upset."

His fingers delved into my stimulated flesh. He made no further attempt to verbally respond. Hose expert tips wove up and down my upper back, silencing my protests. That hunger that churned inside me prior to Howard's call resurged. It felt so good; I almost forgot the irate tone involved. "I'm sorry, Howard, but he can't come to the phone. I'll have him return the call."

"That bastard," Howard pronounced. "He's avoiding me. He knows he's in deep shit and he's avoiding me."

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about," I lied.

"Right." The line abruptly disconnected.

I winced. "He hung up, and he's totally furious with you."

Alex couldn't be bothered with Howard's mercurial mood. His rubdown technique deepened with each successive stroke, molding the muscles and joints to my satisfaction. He rendered me into a state of complete submission. I couldn't argue with him, couldn't voice my discontentment. Pleasure filled my body.

"Ohhhh, I inadvertently gasped aloud. I couldn't prevent the physical joy his fingers provided me. I felt compelled to moan and writhe against his sizzling touch.

Very slowly, I turned in my seat. Alex's crotch was at eye level. I could see the bulge of his dick and the way it strained the front of his trousers. Its swollen shape enhanced my appetite.

From the corner of my eye, I caught his anxious look. He peered down at me, reflecting serious intentions. His hands left my shoulders and went to the clasp that held his trousers closed. He undid it with a flick, then unzipped himself. He reached inside and removed that thick, hard dick from confinement. I opened my mouth and let my tongue, awaiting its pulsations against my limber tip. Alex cupped the back of my head and dragged me forward. The second I made oral contact, he groaned feverishly.

"Jeeees." His features contorted. I felt the tremors mount. He seized me in a firm grip to work more in my face. Several new inches of that solid monster sank into my mouth. My lips locked around the bulbous head, detecting a wild beat.

I seized his wrists and twisted them in my grasp. Their bristly texture thrilled me. I took slobbering mouthfuls of him in a fiery effort to excite him. When the swollen knob hit the roof of my mouth, I knew I had exhausted all available room. It was time to let him slide into my throat and give him the kind of pleasure he sought.

I sighed as he filled me. There was so much of Alex to suck on; I was overwhelmed. He got so big when turned on. I knew how to handle him, though, whether he was in my mouth, pussy, or even my ass. I knew what sequence of steps to take to expedite his release.

Alex liked the noises of oral sex, the loud slurping, the agonized groans and smacks of saliva. I felt him stiffen further between my lips as I guided along his pulsing length. I fit all that I could into my throat without getting dizzy. There was no opportunity to come up for air. I treated him to deep, feverish sucks that would not stop until hot cum poured into my mouth. Even if I wanted to take a break, I doubted Alex would permit me. His enjoyment of receiving a blowjob precluded suspension. Once my mouth went on his dick, he wanted it stroking him until I swallowed the last bit of male excitement.

"Yeah, baby, suck it," he groaned, his mouth dropping open. His grip on me tightened. His fingers dug into my scalp as he smashed the wide base of his dick to my lips. "Suck me hard, take it all into your mouth. Oh, yeah, that feels good. Use your tongue, keep it stiff, wiggle around it, baby. Yeah, keep sucking it. I don't want you to stop. I want to cream in your mouth."

"Mmmm," I sobbed, taking larger portions of him as I traveled up and down his length. The sounds of my hunger made him incredibly horny. I saw his Adam's apple ripple as I gulped down more dick.

My lips alone could furnish him complete satisfaction. I used my hands to great effect. My fingers wove into his pubic nest; them trailed down to his balls. At my caress, he shuddered. My fingertips passed under them with delicacy. When he thought I was through manually stimulating him, I pulled out yet another stop. I reached behind him and filled my hands with his butt cheeks. After getting a good grip on him, I plunged my mouth repeatedly over his dick, sending it down a saliva-coated path. I squeezed his ass as I gave him deep-throat. I wanted every second to be pleasurable while he was in my mouth. His orgasm was going to be the result of my warm, clinging lips rubbing him to the point of no return.

"Swallow me," he grunted, surging with desire. "Suck on that dick…yeah…blow me…work it down that gorgeous throat…cover me with those sweet lips, baby…aaahhhhh. Feels so good in there…so warm and wet and tingly. Yeah…I'm going to explode in your mouth, baby…I'm so fucking close."

I knew I had him right where I wanted. I knew that in the next few seconds, he'd shoot. I snared his throbbing bulk in an eager grasp and willed him to cum. My tongue flicked and darted, rolled and lashed.

"Baby, I'm going to cum," he warned one final time before his voice turned gruff.

"All at once, I tasted him, lots of him. Heavy, creamy goo splashed on my tongue, squirt after squirt. I fought to down it all, but the stuff just gushed from Alex.

Alex came up for air after I gulped down the last of him. I could see that he didn't want to leave my mouth, not after the job it had done on him. He went soft.

I picked up my glass of champagne and took a deep sip. I let it swirl in my mouth, blending with Alex's creamy flavor. It was a cum-chaser.

"Whew," he gasped. "You almost wiped me out, baby, but there's still plenty left."

"I hope so," I murmured, getting to my feet. "I want you to fuck me."

He grinned. "Feels good in there, huh?" He cupped my mound, rubbing his thumb over my clit in small circles. "All big and throbbing, crammed in that tight hole?"

"Yes." His massage felt wonderful. "Oh, yes."

He stuck a finger in me. It went along the inside of my thigh, behind my panties and, ohhhhhh, I was juicy, ready for more. My emotions were pumped up. That digit slid in and out of my sluiced flesh, exciting me with its alternating range.

I want to be covered by this man's body and feel the dick split me open. I wanted to thrust against those muscles, that masculine flesh, let it pound me into submission. Alex loved it, too. Loved that wild, female heat fighting against him.

He swept me into a passionate embrace. I hugged my body to him, exciting him with my breasts while tickling his ear lobe with my tongue. He grabbed my ass and squeezed. Lust flooded me. I writhed against him, enjoying his fixation. Let him maul my butt, it felt terrific.

"Christ, you're soft," he told me.

"Mmmmmmmmm," I purred, my lips curving from his winded compliment. "Go ahead, touch me, feel my breasts."

Those magical hands delved into my blouse to enclose them. His thumbs went over the nubs, bringing them to pulsing life. Pleasure engulfed me. I wanted to suspend the moment and enjoy it. I watched as those fingers of his plied their magic. He was an expert at exhilarating me.

He scooped me up by the ass and carried me to the chair. I was perched in his hungry grasp, my pulse racing. He peered into my eyes with a look of urgency. He couldn't wait to sink himself into heat.

Alex sat, the pulled me onto his lap. I straddled him, panting. His pants were still open, his dick jutting. He was hard as a rock, standing thick and ready. I shivered in anticipation, then unsnapped my panties to make them crotchless. Alex loved when I wore them. They excited him to no end.
Dark curls emerged, then my pussy. I lifted myself over the pulsating bulb. I balanced myself by gripping his shoulders while Alex steered himself into me. I let out a tiny cry as I felt the blunt head split me apart. I was sopping wet.

"You want it, baby?" he teased. "You want my dick?"

"You know I do," I said frustrated.

He pulled me down on it. That dick just sank into me, prying me open. I cried out in relief as he impaled me. Ohhhhh. It felt so good to be filled be a real man. I took him deep in my womanhood, welcoming that solid fit. He was so fucking thick.

"Oh, baby, you've got such a tight pussy, yeah, it's grabbing my dick. He tilted his head back, consumed by my grasp.

I dug my nails into his shoulders as I filled myself with every inch of him. I had all of it in me. I moaned, enjoying every second he was buried in my aroused body. It felt so good.

"Do it, fuck me, doll."

I lifted myself, and then bore down. Ohhhh. Up and down I went, keeping it warm and wet. Yeah. He shoved it into me, our groins meeting. He took pleasure in fucking me back, making me feel all ten inches. I thought I was going to pass out from the mounting pleasure between us.

Alex's eyes were glazed, blind to my contortions. He took enormous satisfaction from being buried in my hot center. I'm sure all he could think about was how incredible it felt. His mouth dropped open after muttering slurred syllables. I rode him faster in an effort to reach orgasm quick. Both of us would benefit from my haste.

"Yeah…fuck me…fuck me." I panted. My breasts bounced against him as I humped him. In the next instant, he caught one in his mouth and began sucking it. I got dizzy as his tongue whipped my nipple. His lips molded to me, sucking me deep and hard.

I came, unable to hold back. Having Alex's dick inside me and his mouth on my nipple were powerful stimulants. I contracted around his hard, throbbing bulk.

Alex wasn't far behind. I slithered over his shaft, covering him to the base. My down thrusts were feverish, demanding. I felt the urge to cum again, seconds after my first orgasm.

"Don't stop," he said, sweat dripping down his face. "Keep going, baby."

The chair creaked under our frantic weight. I packed all I could. Flesh slapped flesh in moist profusion. The pleasure was unstoppable.

Alex was throbbing, prepared to cum. His flushed expression turned me on. I knew he was losing control, about to explode. "Uggghhhh, uggghhh," he howled.

That's all I needed to see, his shuddering release. I t was enough to set me off. I came even harder around his dick, wringing the pleasure from its bonelike texture.


The loud knocking on the door interrupted out sweet afterglow. I was jarred by those annoying smacks. My eyes darted apprehensively at Alex.

"Don't answer it," he said. "Whoever it is will leave.'

I was unwilling to accept his flippant attitude.

The knocking did not stop, and, if anything, increased in volume.

I decided to take responsibility for our caller. Naturally, Alex couldn't be bothered. He was too drained to summon the energy.

I took a moment to make myself presentable. Depending on our guest, I didn't want to appear too sensational. I slipped my panties back on and straightened my dress. I took a look in the mirror. No matter how I primped, there was no mistaking I'd just gotten fucked.

Alex barely managed to pull up his pants and buckle them. He remained slumped in the chair.

I should have guessed who it was once I peeped through the hole. Howard Dorough was on the other side, visibly fuming. He was far from pleased as being snubbed by Alex during the course of our phone conversation; now he was here to pay us a face-to-face visit.

"It's Howard," I mentioned over my shoulder to Alex. "Do you want to go into the other room? You may not wish to see him."

Alex waved off my concern. "Let the bastard in. He won't be here long. I'll see to that."

I didn't share Alex's bluntness. He obviously didn't see the feral glint in Howard's eye, nor the tightness of his mouth, nor the slant of his brow. "Very well." I unlocked the door and swung it open.

Howard stood at our entry, looking blatantly hostile. I don't think I'd ever seen him that angry. He was normally a mild-tempered person, with infrequent flashes of emotion. To hear his verbal tirade and observe his nostrils flared, I couldn't help but feel compassion for his emotional state. I knew what hard brought him here, even if Alex chose to discount it.

"Were you hiding from me, Alex?" he growled, looking beyond my poised figure.

"What's bothering you, Howard?" Alex asked, sighing. He spoke in a voice a parent would use in placating a child. "Come over here. Let's talk about it."

In three strides, Howard arrived in front of Alex. His handsome features were twisted. He could not curb his resentment. "Where's my half fo the money?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You negotiated a deal without my consent, then kept more than your portion. We were joint partners. I should have received an equal share."

"You received a fair amount. Come on, Howard; be reasonable. You knew there were outstanding expenses, unpaid debt. I had to take that all into consideration when settling with the buyers. What I gave you was net of those costs."

Howard wasn't buying into his version of the story, not for a moment. "You're swindling me, Alex and I won't stand for it."

Alex didn't seem the least riled. "That's a powerful accusation, Alex. I would take care in my choice of words."

"Are you afraid of my taking legal action?"

Alex chuckled. "Not in the least. You know you can't. You've been on the wrong side of the law for some time. Haven't I always been there to bail you out? Remember the time you spent in prison for tax evasion?"

A flicker went through Howard's stern barrier. It was the sole external wrinkle in his otherwise grim façade. "That situation was unavoidable. I was broke. I couldn't possibly come up with the money. You were aware of my financial straits.

Alex nodded. "You couldn't handle your share of the expenses. It was my cash that kept the casino operational. If it wasn't for me, the bankruptcy court would have liquidated all assets. And you barging in here is the thanks I get?"

Howard's rage was fully reinstated. I was of the understanding you were managing my money properly. I didn't have the slightest inclination you, my partner, was over-spending. I couldn't keep up." He clenched his fist, poised for attack. "You took advantage of my trusting nature. I hold you completely responsible. I paid the price. I served my time. And now I want my money."

"There isn't another cent to give you," Alex stated with finality. "I've already disbursed your portion of the proceeds."

"You bastard," Howard barked, advancing toward him.

"I wouldn't do anything foolish," Alex warned. "If you so much as lay a hand on me, I'll have you back in prison. Face it, Dorough, you don't have a legal leg to stand on. Either way, you lose."

I watched on in total shock. Alex was being absolutely ruthless in his treatment of Howard. My heart went out to him. He shouldn't have had to be humiliated in such a fashion. It was one of those single moments when I despised Alex and all he represented. I wished I wasn't part of his life.

Howard snatched back his fist before it could land a blow. It was incredible how he could hold his temper in check before explosion occurred. "You won't get away with this. I'll get my money from you if it's the last thing I do."

He tore past me, venting a scowl. I knew it wasn't intended for me alone. I could feel the vibrations of anger emanate from his body. I quickly moved out of his way, afraid of his concentrating that emotion on me.

The door slammed behind him. Howard's exit was every bit as dramatic as his entrance. Even after I heard the gunning of his engine and his car's retreat into the night, I was haunted by his visit. I glanced out the window, searching for the red dots of his rear lights.

"He'll cool off," Alex said in the background. "I know him. He's got a short fuse. Tomorrow morning, he'll come to his senses."

"It just doesn't seem fair," I said in with a sigh.

Alex was behind me, intolerant of sympathy. "Forget about him. He's lucky I gave him what I did. If I'd been any less charitable, he wouldn't have received a nickel."

I didn't like Alex's tone, but had to remind myself he wasn't always a nice person.

"Come on, baby," he said, nuzzling my ear. "Let's get into bed. You need some common sense between your legs." He punctuated his statement by caressing my breast.

Regardless of the resentment I felt, desire welled up in me. I could no sooner ignore that base response than turn my back on him. I was his woman, his fuck toy.

Alex's hand streamed across my boobs, then down to my mound. He squeezed it. 'Come on …let's fuck."

I nodded. I wanted it just as much. The moisture on his hand was proof.

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