My Stories

* Captive *

We watched television most of the day. The assortment of comedies, dramas, and documentaries were background sounds. I couldn't lend concentration to any of it. I was more aware of Howard and his changing moods. After we'd had sex, he was so peaceful. His mercurial temper had subsided. That was for the first few hours. He no longer displayed any attention for the battery of programs I selected at random. He was keeping an eye on his watch.

"You're going to call him, aren't you?" I finally asked.

He nodded, averting his gaze. Howard didn't like being confronted with the turmoil that ran through his mind.

"Perhaps I can be of some help," I offered. "If I spoke to him, appealed to him, I might raise his conscience."

"I hope it'll do something," he muttered. "I want my money."

I hoped that wasn't all he wanted. My feelings for him were stronger than ever. I didn't think I could leave the apartment without him and my sanity intact. I doubted I could return to Alex and pretend none of the things I'd done with Howard happened.

"Why don't you pick up on the extension?" he suggested, gesturing to the other phone on the opposite side of the room. "We'll talk with him together."

I nodded.

Howard dialed the number. I heard several rings before Alex answered.

"Dorough?" he blurted without waiting for his caller to be announced. It was as though he expected this conversation to take place in advance.

"Yeah, I'm here." Howard was doing his best to effect a gruff attitude. He deliberately avoided looking at me as he summoned an emotionless voice. I recognized that bartering tone and didn't sound convincing, the outcome might not be favorable. "Didn't you make a decision to cooperate?"

"Is Sherl all right?"

"Sure. She's over here."

"Have you harmed her?" His voice scarcely concealed the panic he obviously felt.

"No, of course not."

"I hope you're not just saying that."

"It's true," I said into the phone. "He hasn't." I bit my tongue before admitting the many wonderful things we did in bed. My body still hummed with desire.

Alex let out an audible sigh of relief. "Sherl, honey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Really."

"God, I missed you. I never realized how much." Genuine emotion choked him off. "It's been hell for me, worrying about you."

I swallowed roughly. "Oh?"

"This hit me pretty hard. Shook me up, knowing you were taken hostage because of my actions. I haven't been able to sleep a wink."

I glanced at Howard. He looked miserable, then turned. His features were riddled with guilt. I'm sure the comment bothered him.

"Stop worrying, Alex," I soothed. "Nothing has happened. Howard has treated me well."

"I want my money," Howard interrupted in a bark. "I want every cent you stole."

Alex was breathing hard. "How much, Doruogh? How much is it going to cost me?"

"Ten million," he said, without hesitation.

I clamped my hand over the receiver and let out a gasp. I couldn't help it. The amount established was mind rending. My freedom was being arranged at a premium.

"Ten million," Howard repeated, deliberately avoiding my panic stricken gaze. "That's my asking price."

"You really drive a tough barging." Alex found his voice after several heart stopping moments.

"I want what I should have gotten in the first place," Howard said abrasively into the receiver. "It's been deposited in your bank account long enough, earning you interest, you bastard. I want what belongs to me."

Silence reigned. Howard's remark was given through consideration. I kept trying to catch Howard's eye, mentally pleading with him to lower his price. I didn't know if Alex had that kind of money, or where he could possibly get it. True, Alex had some connections with people he rarely spoke of, but I had no way of knowing whether they would be of any financial assistance.

"All right," Alex said at length.

Howard blinked. "You mean, you'll meet my demands?"

"You leave me no choice. I want Sherl back and as you've pointed out, it is your money."

A strange look overcame Howard. Instead of rejoicing, he looked crestfallen, visibly torn. It was as though he expected Alex to reject his conditions.

"Do you want me to transfer the money into your account?" Alex asked. "I'll need the number at your bank."

Howard furnished him wiring instructions. Not once did his eyes fall on me through the remainder of the conversation. He seemed drained of emotion. After several moments, I found it difficult to look at him. Although I shouldn't have experienced it, disappointment hit me like a ton of bricks. I had hoped for a different outcome.

"When do I get Sherl?" Alex inquired after jotting the last piece of information.

"After the money is credited to my account."

"No, Alex declared. "I'll give you half up front, the other portion upon her safe return."

Howard finally glanced at me. I saw a moment of fleeting remorse. I started to receive the impression he wasn't keen on any of this, but was being forced into accepting the requirement he dictated. "Okay," he murmured, a sad look surfacing on his face. "But you'd better not double-cross me."

"You have my word."

Howard let out a sarcastic chuckle. "These days, that's lost substantial value."

He put the phone down. It took several moments of composure before his eyes leveled with mine. I fought back the tears. Which man was Howie now: the tender one or the barbarian?

"I guess you're going to be out of here soon," he said quietly. "Your boyfriend's buying your way out."

The lump in my throat made speech difficult. "Is that what it's amounted to: money? I know that was the primary reason in the beginning, but I began to think maybe…"

Howard shook his head. "Chuck it all to bad timing. We weren't meant to be together. Not for long. I enjoyed it while it lasted.'

"I can't go back to Alex," I murmured, covering my hand with my face. I didn't want him to see the formation of tears. My eyes were glistening. "Not now. Not after what we shared."

Howard came up to me. His arms felt good as he bound them about my trembling form. I pushed my breasts into that solid chest. The heavy matting tickled my nipples. "You're going to forget about this place. And me. Alex has a hell of a lot more to offer you than I do."

"No. You're wrong."

Howard framed my face with his gentle hands. The serious look he vented agitated my hormones. I opened my mouth in time to catch his tongue. We stood there, swaying, kissing, sucking the air from each other's body. It was heaven. I writhed against that firm, male flesh, moaning. I wanted nothing else but to be with him, pleasure him.

The tremors of my velvety flesh turned him on. He veered to my nipples, heavily tracing them. Howard's joy was visible. His features reflected mounting frustration.

"I get wet when you do that," I whispered.

"Oh, yeah?" I gasped as he transformed my nipple into a stiff peak. His fingertips located the source of my heat and dwelled there, providing me satisfaction.

"Yes. There."

He moistened his fingertips with his tongue, and then spread warm saliva over my nipples. My lazy shiver served as encouragement.

"You like that?" he muttered. "How about this?"

He covered my nipple with his mouth and hungrily sucked it. He flicked his tongue back and forth, urging it to grow hard. I undulated against him, arching my back to meet his hungry lips.

Howard guided me onto the sofa bed. I was much too dizzy to stand. I stretched my luscious flesh across the sheets. I ground my heels into the mattress, moaning, offering my nude body for his pleasure.

He made no attempt to seek my mouth. Instead, he lingered between my legs, working his way to my inviting mound. He wanted to sample the honey dripping from my center. His nose brushed the soft fur at my crotch. He caught my sweet, female scent. Crazed with lust, he lowered his head and dipped into me. He lapped the puffy lips, urging them to open with his curling tongue.

"Howie," I said. "Oh, yes, please. Oooooh, yes!"

He probed me more before I could speak further. I knew exactly what he wanted. The same longing raged through me. He delved into the nectar-rich pocket, gleaning its flavor in soft, weakening strokes.

My fingers were upon him at once, steering his head to my molten core. "Jiggle my clit," I mumbled. "Suck on it."

He did as I asked, giving me tremendous bliss. I vibrated fiercely as he fed upon my juices. His tongue sent me into oblivion. He suckled the wetness that flowed from me.

I climbed on top of Howie's face and bore down on his mouth. Within seconds, I was moaning. Howie found my clit and was nibbling on it. His tongue whipped me into a frenzy. He sank his tongue into me, fucking me with the limber tip.

He sucked my clit. It was taut yet very soft and slippery in his mouth. He ran his tongue over it again and again. I swiveled my hips excitedly, then trembled against his cheeks.

"You're so good at it," I whimpered. "You love to eat it. You eat me so good."

I almost screamed when his tongue speared into me. He went in deep. My hard nipples dug into my palms as I cupped my breasts. Ohhhhhhhhh. His head bobbed frantically between my legs. He fed upon my juices in a delirium, sucking me with a powerful willingness.

I came quickly, writhing for what seemed as eternity. I ached from all that wonderful lapping. I drifted into Howie's arms and kissed him on the lips. He smiled, welcoming my show of affection.

"Does that give you any indication how much I enjoy your company?" he asked.

My fingers fanned his hairy chest. I gave him small, stimulating kisses. "That was so good. So good."

"That's how you make me feel, Sherl. You release the anger, the frustration from my body. You make me sane when I think I'm losing my mind." He clutched me tightly. "I've never met a woman like you."

I smiled. I was giddy with joy. I felt closer to him than I ever had to any man. No matter what he'd done in the past to me, I forgave him. My attachment to him was genuine.

We curled up together on the sofa bed and enjoyed the luscious tranquility.