My Stories

* Captive *

Howard was slumped back against the pillows. I lifted my head from his chest. I couldn't imagine what thought processes occupied his brain. He stared at me. I felt this abounding tenderness radiating from his face.

"What's the matter?" I asked, smiling.

"You can go."

I didn't trust my hearing. "What?"

"I decided I don't want the money. It doesn't make a difference."

I blinked rapidly, trying to understand his path of reasoning. For two days, I'd been his prisoner while we awaited Alex's decision to part with his personal funds. Now Howard threw his surprise on the table. "But,"

"Look, I'm giving you your freedom," he portray a composed man, but I could detect other emotions fighting to surface. "You don't have to stay here. I won't prevent your leaving. I'll lay right here and watch you walk out the door"

I shook my head confused. "But I don't want to go."

"The door's not locked. It never was. You could have raced out of here any time you wanted." His voice drifted. "There were plenty of opportunities, too."

I put my head back on his chest and clutched that network of muscle. "I told you, I'm not going anywhere. I'd rather be with you."

"You've got to be kidding. Alex has everything, more than I could ever give you. I haven't a cent to my name."

"Money isn't everything." I said. "You say I can leave, but can you bid farewell to the best sex you've ever had? Can't you understand how much I want you? How much I need you?"

" I want you," I sighed, stroking his he thick growth that covered it curled through my fingers.

He enclosed my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. "You really want me more than Alex?"

"Yes. Ohhhh," I gasped, shaking from the delicious sting. He helped himself to my breasts, sheltering them with his hands. His touch was cooling, gratifying.

I fixed upon his nipples, affording them a stirring twist. I examined each terrain, enjoying every inch of his masculinity.

Howard appeared pleased with my exploration. His virile profile reflected sexual intensity.

"You want me, Howie," I whispered, my breath coming up short. "You want me to stay here. You want to make love to me all day long." My nails raked through his dense matting. "Admit you want me to stay…"

"Yes," he muttered, scanning my nude form. "Yes."

I took his member into my fist and pumped it. I felt its erratic beat. "It doesn't take much, does it? You're a rock. Boy, are you ready." I trembled with excitement. He was delightfully stiff.

Howard looked anxious, starved. He appeared tense as I worked him with my hand. I could tell from the tremors within his flesh he wanted to slide it inside me. Even though he'd done it many times before, this was different. I admitted my need for him. I confessed my affection.

Instinctively, I spread my legs. They curled perfectly around his waist. My heels touched his ass, and then dug in. He traced his fingers over my erect nipples. His hand spanned my breast, and then availed himself of an impassioned squeeze. I cried out, flattening my back to the sheets. I was hot and ready for him.

I steered him to my entrance. His contact with my bare flesh nearly caused him to lurch. He still fought for control. At this delicate juncture, there could be no shortage of it. In his mind, I'm sure he wanted to drive me wild with his abandoned thrusts.

At last, we were fully connected. I wanted to keep him encased inside of me, but realized after several wonderful seconds that I could not merely lay on my back and not respond. I began to writhe, relishing its long, agonizing slide into me. Howie reared back, taking all but the head, then slammed forward so that I felt the impact of every inch.

I couldn't keep quiet, nor still, beneath the hammering force of his body. My enjoyment of his powerful thrusts was total. I arched my back as much as I could, then pushed myself to him.

"Ohhh, oh, fuck me, fuck me, Howie. Fuck me hard."

"I am, baby. Can't you feel how hard I'm giving it to you?"

I couldn't stand much more. The situation became too intense. We both began to jerk wildly. Howard held me tightly, covering me with his sweat-soaked chest.

I was glad for his show of affection when the last spasm faded. Howard covered my lips with his mouth and gave me a passionate kiss. His tongue probed me, returning the fulfillment I provided him. It was a stimulating aftermath.

"Whew…" Howard exhaled, plopping on his back.

I cuddled myself to him. "I'm going to make you this happy all the time."

We lay in that wonderful afterglow, having realized what we actually wanted in life. The prospect thrilled us.

"I'll call Alex," Howard said. "I'll tell him not to transfer the money."

Before he could reach the receiver, the sound of a deafening thud erupted. The door flew off its hinges, hurtling several feet away. Two men, armed with guns, came charging into the room.

Howard shot up. "What…"

Alex was right behind them. "I can't believe what a stupid fuck you are, Dorough. Did you think we couldn't trace the call?"

One of the men dragged Howard from the bed. Howard put up a struggle, but was quickly overpowered by the second man. Two thugs flanked him, scowling at him.

"Look at the dick on him," one exclaimed. "No wonder she wasn't begging to be released."

"Yeah," the other one added. "They've been fucking their brains out."

Alex nodded to the man in front of Howard. I watched in horror as he balled his fist and slammed it into Howard's gut. Howard doubled over, but refused to cry out.

"You little bastard," Alex snarled. "You were fucking my girl." He stood in front of him while the thug reined blows at him. "What else did you make her do?"

Howard could do little else but sputter. He took on slam after the other. His attempt to fight back was thwarted by the iron like grip the thug had on him.

"What else did you make her do, Dorough?" Alex growled.

"He didn't make me do anything!" I cried. "Alex, please, stop it. Don't hurt him!"

"Why?" He transferred his vehemence to me. "Does this motherfucker mean anything to you? Don't tell me you sucked his…"

"I'm not answering that, or any other ridiculous questions. None of it was his fault. I'm to blame, if anyone."

Alex, with a wounded expression, shook his head. "No. I don't believe it."

This storm of outrage took possession of me. My confession poured at him like battery acid. Each word drove the stake deeper. "I didn't want to be brought here in the beginning, but after spending time with him, I realize what a decent man he is. I offered him sex. I was responsible."

Alex was furious.

"You can't stand to be told the truth. It hurts you to know…"

Alex turned back to his men. Howard dropped in their clutches, his head sagging. He looked as though he'd lost consciousness. At Alex's nod, he dropped to the floor. I cried out in agony. What had they done to him?

"We're bringing them to the house," Alex ordered. "I'll figure out what to do with them later."