My Stories

* Dirty Girl *

Warning: This story has strong S/M and Bondage content. If you do not wish to read this type of material, please hit your back button now.

I'm at the office working late, catching up on some paperwork I've been neglecting when the phone rings. Answering on the second ring, I smile as I hear his voice, a shiver running through my body at the low husky tone.

Leaning back in my chair, I sigh softly as I run my fingers through my hair. "Hello Jonell, how was your day?"

I laugh softly as he tells me how bored he was at the studio today and another shiver runs through my body as he whispered huskily, "I've been thinking about playing with you all day today."

Running my fingers lightly over my chest, I moan softly as I remember the last time that we "played". Johnny chuckles softly as I hear the moan, "You're wet already aren't you? You dirty girl."

Grinning to myself, I run my fingers over my thighs and wait a moment before answering, my voice dropping to a low purr, "Mmmmm yes I am, I've been very naughty today."

I hear him sigh loudly, his voice becoming a little harsher as he replied. "What naughty things have you done?" I hesitate a few moments, knowing that he will take my reluctance to answer in the worst possible way. "Mmmmm I'm at work right now and I'm not wearing any underwear under my short skirt."

"Is that the only thing?" he demands, his voice roughening. "Tell your Master everything."

Hesitating again, I smile as Johnny barks at me, "Tell me NOW !" the emphasis on the word now impossible to miss.

"Well, I've been a very naughty girl, I've been touching my pussy, bringing myself pleasure and flirting shamelessly with my workers all day."

Several long moments pass before he answers, "Is that everything?"

Moaning softly, I fun my fingers under my skirt and he chuckles, "No it isn't is it? You're playing with your wet pussy right now aren't you?"

"Mmm yes I am. I'm being very naughty. Are you going to punish me?" I whisper, the ache between my thighs growing as I recall my last "punishment".

"You most certainly will be punished, you've been extremely naughty today." I groan loudly, "And will it be hard?"

Johnny sighed softly, "Yes it will be very hard. You'll learn not to misbehave. I'm coming to get you right now, be ready in 15 minutes."

Replacing the receiver I lock up for the night and am standing outside the door when he drives up. I know what happens when I keep him waiting.

Coming around to my side of the car, he slide his hand up under my skirt and probe my soaking wet pussy with his fingers. "Jonell." "You dirty girl. You're going to be punished severely."

Grabbing my wrists, Johnny twist them behind me and ignoring my protests, he tied them securely then put me in the backseat of the car, forcing me to lay down, tying my ankles together tightly.

I feel the car start to move. I moan softly, excited by the thought of being carried off against my will. It seems to take forever to get where we're going and I shift on the seat, my clit throbbing as I grow more and more aroused.

When the car finally stopped, Johnny comes around and pulls me from the car, throwing me over his shoulder easily and carrying me into the house.

Taking me into the bedroom, he tosses me down onto the bed and leaves the room, leaving me to wonder what type of "playing" you have in mind for me tonight.

Shifting on the bed, I pull at the rope around my wrists, even though I know that I won't be able to pull free. He's always careful to make sure that I can't possibly escape.

I grow more and more aroused as the time passes slowly and just when I thought he'd forgotten about me, he comes back into the room and untied me, ordering me to go and get cleaned up before my punishment.

I hurry to do as he asked, knowing that I am in for a long night and this may be my last chance for a break.

Coming back into the bedroom naked, I stop a few feet from where he is sitting and with a look and snap of his fingers he points to the floor. Falling to my knees, I kneel quietly with my eyes on the floor, awaiting his command. Johnny makes me wait what seems like an agonizingly long time before he speaks. His voice is low and soft. "Come here."

Crawling forward, I stop in front of him and kneel, my head down, my body trembling in anticipation.

Lifting my chin with one finger, he looks into my eyes and shakes his head slightly, a wicked grin on his face. "You just never learn do you?"

Answering him quietly, in a voice almost too soft to hear, I tremble visibly from his touch, "No, Sir. I've been very naughty and deserve to be punished."

"And so you shall be. Turn around."

Swallowing hard, I did as he asked, kneeling facing away from him. His hands lift my long, dark hair and I feel the smooth leather of the collar slide across my throat and hear the soft click of the padlock as he snapped it shut.

Moaning softly, I lift my hands behind my head without being told and hear him chuckle approvingly. He buckles the tight leather cuffs around my wrists then attaches them to the collar, locking them securely.

Trailing his fingers down my back, he chuckles as I tremble slightly. Pushing on the back of my neck, his voice roughening, he orders, "Head down to the floor. You know how I like to see you."

Kneeling forward, I rest my forehead on the floor and spread my thighs slightly, raising my buttocks as high in the air as possible.

I hear him moan softly at the sight of my pussy fully exposed. I cry out as I feel his finger slide up and down the folds, brushing my clit and probing at my anus.

Slapping my ass sharply, he barks, "Be quiet or I'll gag you." My hips sway as he smacks me a few more times, but I remain silent. Johnny runs his hand lightly over the curve of my buttocks. "Good girl."

I hear him moving about the room and I shiver as I wait, kneeling in the same position. Johnny takes his time, gathering what he need, drawing out the suspense. Stopping to slap my ass as he passes by, chuckling as I jump in surprise but remain silent. "Up on your knees and come over here."

I slowly kneel up and move toward him, a thrilling sensation running through my body. Stopping in front of him, I look at the floor, awaiting his orders. He's quiet for long moments and I know he is admiring the sight of my firm breasts, uplifted by the way my arms are secured. I am well aware this is his preferred method of restraining me, the position of my arms lifting my breasts higher, the nipples tilting slightly upward.

"On your feet, dirty girl." He snaps his fingers, giving a little tug on my collar. I rise to my feet and nearly moan as I see the toys he has laid out on the bed. Following the direction of my gaze, he grins wickedly, "I told you that I'd been looking forward to playing with you all day. Now I have the added bonus of punishing you as well."

Johnny's hand grasps my neck and pushes me into a bent over position, his foot kicking my legs apart.

Sliding his hand between my thighs, he probes my pussy roughly, rubbing the moisture from it over my buttocks and anus. Moaning softly, my hips sway and he slaps my ass hard, chuckling at the little yelp that escapes me. "You will be still and not make a sound. Do you understand me?"

I hesitate slightly and his hand connects with my ass again. "Do you understand?"

Trembling visibly, I answer quietly, "Yes, Master."

He pats my buttocks lightly, his finger probing my pussy. "Good girl."

Picking up the large dildo from the bed, he pushes it into my pussy, ordering me to hold it there. I feel his fingers probing my ass and I stiffen, my hips shifting slightly, a soft protest escaping me.

Smacking my ass hard again, he demands, "What did I tell you about moving? You are to stand perfectly still and not a sound out of you or I'll gag you."

Picking up the smaller dildo he slides it into my ass and push me face down on the bed. Pushing my legs together, he wraps a leather strap around my knees, buckling it tightly and locking it, then doing the same with my ankles. I tremble in anticipation, knowing I'm in for a long session of "playing".

Leaving me lying on the bed securely restrained now, he leaves the room and I shift slightly on the bed. My excitement continues to build, my hips writhing unconsciously against the bed and I feel the dildos move inside of me with each thrust.

I hear him returning and gasp softly as he runs his hands over my body lightly. Pulling me into a kneeling position, he slips the blindfold in place, buckling it tightly behind my head. Running his fingers down the side of my face he whisper, "Open up."

Shaking my head slightly, I pull away, but Johnny tightens his grip on my chin. "Open now or you'll regret it."

Trembling, I do as he orders, a low moan escaping me as he pushes the gag between my teeth, tying it tightly behind my head. Forcing my head back down, he attaches a strap from my collar to my knees and I am forced to remain kneeling, completely immobilized.

I shake visibly at my complete helplessness, but he sees the wetness trickling down my thighs and knows that I am ready for whatever he chooses to do to me.

Standing behind me, he starts to count off my confessions, his voice growing harsher as he continues. "You're a very naughty girl and I'm going to punish you until you learn to behave."

A patch of fire flares in my buttocks as the first blow connects, the sound not registering until afterwards. Stiffening, I moan softly, as he starts to spank me hard with the wide, leather strap, barely pausing between blows, my ass growing redder as he moves up and down the length of it.

My whole body is shuddering, a light sheen of sweat all over it when he finally stops. My entire buttocks are fiery shade of red. Soft groans escape me as I shiver uncontrollably, the inside of my thighs glistening with the juices of my arousal.

Unclipping the strap on my collar, he stretches me out on the bed and removes the gag. I'm gasping for breath, my body still quivering violently, "Are you going to be a good girl from now on and obey your Master?"

My voice shaking, I nod my head slightly, "I'll behave, please no more."

Chuckling wickedly, he runs a finger down my cheek. "Very well spoken my pet, but I'm nowhere near done with you yet."

Replacing the gag, he leaves the room. I lay face down on the bed, my body still shaking, my ass feeling red and swollen from the beating. As I shift position I can feel the dildos sliding inside my body and the wetness between my thighs.

It seems like hours later before he returned. I jump slightly as I felt his hands on my legs.

Pulling me off the bed, he forces me to my knees beside the bed, and positions me between his thighs. Removing my gag, he grabs my hair, pulling roughly, and pushes his dick between my lips, forcing it deep in my throat.

Gripping my hair tightly, he thrust in and out of my mouth fast and hard, groaning loudly as his dick slides in and out of my warm wet mouth. I feel his dick throbbing in my mouth and try to pull back slightly, but he tightens his grip in my hair and thrust deeper into my throat. His hot cum splashing against the back of my throat and I swallow hard, moaning as I feel it running down my throat, my tongue catching every drop as he slowly withdraws from my mouth.

Smiling at me he runs his fingers lightly down my cheekbones. "Your Master is pleased. You did very well. But I think it's time for another spanking."

I tremble at the thought, my buttocks still throbbing, but I know better than to protest.

Pulling me to my feet, he lays me back on the bed and removes the straps from around my knees and ankles, slipping the dildos from inside me at the same time.

Taking me to the end of the bed, he bends me over the railing, attaching my collar to it so that I can't straighten up. A pillow is slide between the footboard and my hips, and then my legs are spread wide and securely tied to the sides of the footboard. He slowly walk back and forth behind me, telling me what a dirty girl I am for getting so wet and telling me how hard he is going to fuck me, slapping the strap against his thigh the whole time.

My whole body quivered violently. I remain quiet, knowing that any protest will just add to the severity of my punishment. I groan loudly as the first blow lands on my still red and swollen ass, the pain flowing through my body. Johnny continues to smack my ass hard with the strap, alternating sides back and forth, moving along the entire length of my buttocks. He doesn't stop until my knees start to sag, my cries getting louder and louder, rising to near screaming before he finally stops.

I cry out in protest as I feel his dick nudging against my pussy, but he grasps my hips firmly and drives deep into me, groaning loudly as his dick slides into my warm wetness. Thrusting hard against me, he drives his dick deeper and deeper into me, fucking me hard and fast, his hips slamming into my hot, swollen buttocks.

His dick begins to throb inside me, and he pull back, the tip of his dick pressing against my ass. Crying out, I try to move, but he holds me firmly, swatting my ass hard as he slides his dick into my tight ass.

I cry out as I feel it stretching me, indescribable sensations running through my body as he begins to thrust in and out of my ass, his hands slapping my buttocks with every stroke.

I feel Johnny's hand slide around my body, his fingers finding my clit. I scream out my release as his fingers tease and torment my throbbing clit, feeling his dick throb deep inside my ass at the same moment.

Pulling back, he pats my hips, sliding his fingers between them, "Good girl." Untying me from the bed, he unlocks my wrists from the collar and cuffs them together in front of me, stooping to buckle the cuffs around my ankles and lock them as well.

Removing my blindfold, he turns me around to admire the redness of my buttocks, and I gasp as his fingers trail over them, just barely caressing the heated flesh.

Turning me back around, he snaps your fingers and points to the floor. I fall to my knees before him, and he smiles approvingly. Reaching under the bed, he pulls out the short length of chain there, and attaches it to my collar with a small padlock. Patting my buttocks, he turn out the lights and climb into bed, leaving me curled up on the floor, naked and chained to the bed to await the morning and whatever whim you may have upon awakening.


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