My Stories

*Keep it on the Downlow*

Part Four~~If You Knew What I Knew

Part A
Kelly tossed miserably in bed.

Why was Shawn ignoring her? It was nearly a week since she'd visited him at work and given him a taste of heaven available to him. He'd partaken of it for an hour and a half, to be precise and left her tender. Her pussy achy from all that stretching and pushing, but she accepted his punishing strokes to prove her devotion to him.

*~* Flashback*~*

Kelly removed the kettle of hot water from the stove just as the doorbell rang. Her return from the walk to settle her disturbed frame of mind hadn't been as effective as planned. Her displeasure over Tone` insensitivity still remained. Shrugging, she went to answer the door.

A fist pounded from the outside startled her.

"Open up, goddamn it," growled a familiar voice.

Kelly's pulse began to race as she unbolted the lock. Shawn's darkened features confronted her within seconds. Despite his hostile mood, she couldn't help feeling a bit excited to see him.

Chris pushed his way into the apartment in two strides, his muscular body a tightly coiled spring. The black spheres of his eyes blazed with fury, his mouth trembling with outrage. "Where the fuck is she?"

Before she could answer him, he burst into Tone's room looking as though he were going to tear her limb from limb. An empty bed beckoned to him.

"She was gone before I got back," Kelly supplied from the background.

Shawn whirled around, appearing somewhat deflated. Obviously, he'd come to argue with her, probably after he'd had a few beers while mulling over the substance of their earlier phone call. His Adam's apple rippled when he glossed over at Kelly a second time, his expression raw.

Kelly felt herself blush. She'd slipped into a teddy very similar to one Tone` had worn. Her ripe flesh was in full evidence. "I was just getting ready for bed," she explained sheepishly.

"Sorry I stormed in like a manic," Shawn apologized, attempting to avert his gaze. In spite of her state of undress caused him bodily disturbance. The lump of flesh contained behind his fly seemed unchanged. Of course, it was exactly like Shawn to remain true to Tone` even in unusual circumstances. "I hope I didn't upset you."

"Not at all. I was just making myself some tea. Would you care for some?"

He shook his head, "I'll take a beer, if you got one."

"It so happens I do," she announced with forced cheer, "Why don't you have asset and I'll get it for you. "Shawn moved reluctantly to the front room, probably bewildered that he was alone with his girlfriend's sister, who just happened to be almost naked.

Kelly made a stop at her room and got a robe, unwilling to torment him. He'd been sufficiently bothered by her sister's bitchiness without having to add extreme mental cruelty. A thirty-year-old guy didn't take kindly to prickteasing. Just as she slipped herself into her it, however, she couldn't help noticing that Shawn was stealing a glance from where he was sitting. Unconsciously, she had left the door to her room open and he was getting a glimpse. Not exactly a crime, to her way of thinking. What hot-blooded man wouldn't want to check out those firm tits with the pointed nipples, or the lush curve of naked thigh? At eighteen, she was classified as "young ass."

Knowing he desired her made her feel warm and squishy inside. It was dangerous knowledge for her to have, especially considering the disgust she felt for Tone` treatment of him.

Don't do anything you're going to regret Kelly sternly reminded herself. You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

When she rejoined him, she took care in arranging her robe so that none of her delectable flesh was revealed to him. He accepted the beer she handed him, pretending no to be affected by her attire. He sat with his blue jean-clad muscular legs spread far apart and long arms stretched the length of the sofa as though he required ample space. By his very presence, Shawn implied size and strength. Kelly absorbed this in horny detail, but didn't want to be obvious about it. The last thing she wanted was to give Shawn the impression she was panting after him.

"Didn't you just turn eighteen?" he asked suspiciously after a serious gulp from the can.

She nodded. "Three weeks ago." She felt his eyes trace the delectable contours of her body that even the robe couldn't hide. His submerged feelings for her were finally evident. With Tone` around, he had been hesitant to admit an attraction existed, verbally or visually. Kelly suspected she did nothing to arouse him; his starved gaze now fed her ego.

He took another swallow, then nervously examined his watch. "I ought to be going. I'm being a pest, and you were about to turn in."

"Please...don't," she said, raising her hand in protest. "I'm too wound up to sleep, anyway. I prefer the company."

His stare was broad as he took in her nubile body. "Maybe it's not a good idea."

Kelly was aware that if she failed to make the next move, this situation might never repeat itself. Shawn, the soul of righteousness, would ensure that.

She placed her cup of tea on the table and rested her hand on his thigh. He stayed rooted, his dark pupils following her. He also made no attempt to close the distance between his legs, keeping them spread wide open. His jaw was clenched, his breathing quickening.

Kelly was reluctant to break the spell. Wasting precious seconds, or hurrying could very well spoil the mood. Slowly, she sank to her knees before him without removing her hand. She felt his muscles tense in the process.

In a strained voice, Shawn muttered, "Kelly...this is no good..."

She shushed him with a seductive smile, then proceeded to stroke both his thighs with palms. A shiver of fear and anticipation seemed to meet her touch. She fondled him, signaling for him to relax and allow her free reign. From his somber cast, she gathered that he was disinclined to surrender that right to her. Still, she was not faced with resistance.

Tenderly, she smoothed over his crotch, challenging the hardened swell that greeted her arrival. She watched the bulging column stretch, yawning to full size beneath her caress. With a single finger, she trailed its outline and detected its throb. She buried her face against it. Its stiffness was sheer splendor to her cheek, her lips, and her forehead. Aloud, she groaned with pleasure.

At last Shawn was pushing her away. "Kelly, we've got to stop this...before it's too late."

She peered to him. " It is too late. I want you, Shawn."

He shook his head. "Come on, don't know what you're saying."

"I know exactly what I'm saying...and what I want to do."

"You're too young."

"I'm eighteen, an adult."

"What would Tone` think?"

Kelly's face grew dark. "She doesn't have to know."

Before he could protest any further, she was unzipping his fly. Once her hands were on his dick, neither of them were of the mind to argue. Excitement filled Kelly with such power she could barely stand on her knees. Shawn watched with half-opened eyes as Kelly released it from its confines, then put it in her mouth.

"Oh Jesus..." he grunted, bested by the first delectable slurp of her tongue. Liquid heat poured over his dick as she devoured it whole. Her lips engulfed him in their hot clench, compressing the pulsating thickness. He could no sooner prevent her from carrying out her wish to please him than he deny himself the demands of his flesh. He observed with lasting joy as her lips pulled at his shaft, coating it with warm saliva. She ate him so delicately, so lovingly that he couldn't possibly push her away. Her angelic expression made him even more stiff, as though he were recipient of something she rarely performed. He clenched and unclenched his fists, then deliberately spanned the back of her head with one hand and guided her. He coaxed her downward as the spiraling sensations lifted him, causing her to linger as her limber tongue produced shivering wonders to his dick.

He wasn't proud of getting blown by Tone's younger sister. To some extent he felt like a shit, but he couldn't think clearly with his dick in her mouth. As his conscience reminded him that what they were doing was wrong, Kelly's descending head robbed him of the strength to stop her.

Having never previously given a blow job, Kelly found sucking him was an art she learned by instinct. Taking him down her throat and feeling his pulse through her lips afforded her ecstasy. Shawn's length posed some problem, but she filled herself with as much of him as possible. She loved the taste of his dick.

A few more saliva-drenching seconds and Shawn sprang to his feet, dragging Kelly up with him. He tore off her robe and was struggling to free her of her teddy. His mouth descended over her nipples, mouthing them frantically as he cupped her sweet curve of ass.

Kelly thrusted herself against him, swooning from his mighty physique. Shawn represented hard, trim muscle. He was everything she wanted in a man, and more. He groped her with strong hands, availing himself to her firm boobs. She responded passionately to him, grinding her pussy to him in feverish effort. His mouth smothered her whimpers, then tongue, probing into the heat.

Their kiss was lasting, and when he finally pulled back he studied her face in awe. "You're so fucking hot," he muttered. "I never realized..."

She put a finger to his lips, then nibbled at them with her own. Words were unnecessary at this point. Instead, she urged him to shed the rest of his clothes.

Shawn became infected with the same delirium that gripped Kelly. He no longer searched for reasons, but simply acted on impulse. He reached behind her and scooped up one of her butt cheeks, then squeezed. Kelly arched her back, brushing him with her groin until he stilled her with a powerful grasp.

Kelly moaned as she felt his rigid thing smacking against her stomach, shivering from the expectancy of what it would be doing to her hands down his body until she grazed his buttocks with her nails. Her circular motions adequately established her frenzy.

Forceful need consumed them both as Shawn turned her in his arms until her back was to him. His hands were alive, pinching her nipples while cupping her breasts, smoothing over her stomach, grabbing her pussy. He mouthed the base of her throat, pricking her flesh with his darting tongue.

Kelly was utterly lost in the torrent of pleasure. She closed her eyes as he coiled his arms about her, pushing back with her ass until she felt his stiff cock from behind. When he gestured for them to move down to their knees, she complied. She fanned out her fingers in the plush carpeting, trembling as Shawn stroked her stimulated flesh. Her butt was propped high in the air, ripe for the plucking. She anticipated penetration by a man for the first time.

"Christ, you're making me hot," Shawn's voice was horse. "Come here, babe, and let me fuck you..."

His husky voice fueled her desire. He slipped one hand under her stomach, nudging her pussy closer to his dick. The other gripped her boob, squeezing the nipple. In abandon, Kelly lurched backward, allowing him to slip her the crown of his hard shaft. Involuntarily, she cried out as it separated her pussy lips and pushed into her. His dick sliced through moist tissue, but met resistance.

"God, you're tight. Just got to push...harder!"

Kelly responded with a muffled scream, pain shooting through her pussy.

Immediately, Shawn ceased movement. "What's the matter? Am I hurting you?"

She was uncertain whether the truth would alarm him. Instead, she explained, It's's're pretty big."

"I'll go slower, then." He took care in easing his dick, cognizant of Kelly's distress. The blockage he engaged seemed to increase her pain. "It's like fighting a knot. Are you sure you..." He paused as realization illuminated. "Kelly, you're not a virgin, are you?"

She winced, and in a small voice confirmed his suspicions.

"Man," he muttered. "My dick's halfway in your pus an I find this out! It's one thing if you've done it, but if Tone` ever discovers I busted her younger sister's cherry..."

"She's not going to find out," Kelly maintained emphatically. "This is my decision, not hers." She tilted her head to look at him. He struggled behind her butt, reserved in venturing forth. "Shawn, can't you understand how badly I want you? I've wanted you from the beginning. I don't care if its hurts. Please...fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me..."

The plea in her tone finally persuaded him. He already had some dick in her, and from the manner in which she started gyrating her hips, he wasn't convinced he could quit. His dick was ramrod-stiff and getting increasingly wet from her moist hole. Gradually, he found himself introducing more of himself into that tense slot. Kelly groaned as he pushed, bobbing that sweet ass of hers. It had been years since he'd deflowered anyone, and apart from the awkwardness involved, it was extremely exciting, particularly when the woman took an active role in the session. Shawn simply wished the participant was someone other than Tone's sister.

"I want to feel all of it inside me, Kelly prodded. "I want it where it belongs..."

From her breathless manner, she was begging for trouble. Despite what his biddies would have called being in an enviable situation, he was far from exuberant. "We shouldn't be doing this, Kelly..." he muttered, even as he fed her more dick. "We're both going to be sorry..."

"Shawn..." she moaned, receiving that extra inch. "Oh Man...put the rest of it in!"

That hot juicy clutch subdued him. He could no longer neglect what he needed. Shit, he couldn't stop himself even if he wanted! He was a normal, hot-blooded male, for crissake, and this sexy little thing was throwing herself at him! If she wanted his meat, then goddam it, she was going to get it! Turned on by what she sought to achieve, he abandoned his reservations and plunged into her with all his might, sending home the entire length!

Kelly groaned as he moved inside her, easing some of the pain and restoring the pleasure. His initial entrance was the only obstacle, and now that they were past it, she began to enjoy the fucking.

Their bodies moved as one, slick from sweat and pus juice. Shawn hammered away, feeding dick into her narrow passage and groaning as he tight pussy receiving each inch. They were beyond guilt and caring, reduced to two passionate people humping each other for the mere satisfaction.

The wet sounds of groin pelting against groin were like music to her ears, as were Shawn's contented grunts. Happily she embraced him from within, seizing his dick with her pussy until he gasped with delight.

Son of a bitch! Shawn thought. There was no fucking way! He couldn't hold back his load another minute. He was on the brink of emptying himself into her tight young ass, with no way of preventing it. Her pussy was going to be flooded with his hot cum! He slowed his pace, attempting to stall the inevitable, but the heat climbing in his body hastened his stroked.

Kelly would have preferred prolonging the session indefinitely, but Shawn's frantic pumping informed her that such was not to be the case. Before she could detach herself from the impending event in order to enhance his orgasm, he succeeded in making her a part of it.

"Can't make it last much longer. It feels too fucking good! I want you to cum with me," he gasped, riding her for all he was worth. "Come on..."

Having previously climaxed via masturbation enabled Kelly to quickly get caught up in the fever. She'd dreamed of having his dick, and now that was shoved inside her, she yearned to spasm around it. She nearly shuddered as the contractions took command of her senses!

"Shawn...," she whimpered. "Oh God..."

He plastered himself to her ass, embedding his hard-on to the hilt. The cum poured from him like molten steam, filling her pussy as he howled in agony!

"Arrrrgghhhh!" he rasped. "Ugh! Ugghhh!"

Seconds after injecting her, Shawn pulled out and sank into a foul mood. He was not proud of what he had done, boring his girlfriend's younger sister. Hell, he didn't care if she was eighteen. That still didn't make it right.

"You're not going," Kelly fretted as he got into his pants. "I thought you'd stay in my room with me tonight."

"There's no chance of that happening," Shawn assured her. "This whole thing was a mistake. We shouldn't have done what we did."

" I wanted you to."

He sighed, then finished dressing. " I promise you one thing: it won't happen again."

"No!" The euphoria Kelly felt dimmed. He couldn't mean what he was saying. "I told you how I felt..."

He put his arms around her in what he told himself was the final time. He couldn't risk touching her again. " I'm sorry, Kelly. You know how much I care for Tone`. I'm flattered you wanted me to be the first, but it'll only cause trouble. You're too good a girl to settle for anything less. Let's forget it, okay?" His lips against hers were meant to seal their secret.

She watched him leave the apartment, then threw herself in misery across her bed.

No, she thought with a growing determination, she wouldn't forget this happened. Not by a long shot! He'd learn to want her, even if it meant turning her sister against her...

*~* End Flashback*~*

And how was such loyalty rewarded? He wouldn't accept her calls, refused to come to the apartment.

No, she thought morosely as she threw back the blankets, it was quite plain. Shawn had no interest in her. Perhaps the novelty of having a fresh piece of ass wore off, or her persistence was considered galling.

In either event, he made his point lucid.

He wanted no part of her.

She padded to the kitchen for an aspirin, hoping it would alleviate the throbbing sensation that developed in the back of her head. The apartment was empty tonight. Tone`...ha, where was she? With some guy...She was certainly mysterious about the situation. Did she think her evasiveness of him made her appear more glamorous?

If only she had the nerve to tell Shawn. That was probably the sole reason he dodged her. He couldn't reconcile his own physical drives with other woman, and when he acted upon them, he was absorbed with guilt.

If only Tone` weren't her sister.

As she hunted through the cabinet in search of aspirin, saw the flash of headlights come from the parking lot. She spotted Tone's car immediately. Must have been some date, she thought harshly. It was only three o' clock in the morning. She watched with disgust as her sister trudged toward the entrance, then was about to return to her bedroom so as not to confront her, when she saw a familiar form approach Tone`.

Oh God, it was Shawn!

She felt the blood rush to her face as she saw him seize her wrist, exchange what appeared to be abrupt words, then dragged her into his truck. A minute later, the muffled voices slackened and the closed windows began to fog.

That bitch! Kelly scowled. As if she hadn't had enough dick to satisfy her at her previous appointment! She did not even want to think about the sexual acts she was performing on Shawn, for any variation spurred her jealousy.

Kelly fought to contain her fury, but before she could move one foot from the window, Tone` burst into the kitchen. She peered at her with a smirk.

"Hmmmm. Watching, little sister?" she teased.

"Where were you?" she attempted to swallow back her emotions. "It's late."

Tone` seemed to enjoying he struggle. "If you haven't already noticed, I blew Shawn in his truck."

"I...I thought you were through with him."

"Maybe not quite yet. He's fun once in a while." She tossed her coat on the chair. "Look, I'm really exhausted. If you don't mind, we can talk tomorrow? I've got to get some sleep."

"You were with someone else tonight, weren't you?"

Tone` halted before reaching the door to her bedroom, then slowly turned around. "You were watching me. I'm not so sure I like that. I'm not accountable to you."

"I didn't do it on purpose," Kelly went on, unwilling to answer the blaze in Shawn's eyes. "I couldn't sleep and went to get aspirin."

Her jaw seemed to relax. "Well...I don't feel like discussing my private affairs. And my relationship with Shawn is rather complex." A surreptitious smile crept upon her lips. "Can you believe he wants to take me camping?"

"C-camping?" she stammered.

"I suppose it only makes sense. After all, Shawn is such an outdoors person. We've gone before, actually." She fastened her eyes on Kelly before adding, "He really loves to fuck inside a sleeping bag."

Kelly swallowed hard. "Oh."

Tone` sighed. "I'm sure he feels that a weekend alone in the great outdoors will revitalize our tired relationship. You know, just the two of us and his big dick. He's quite imaginative when pitted against the backdrop of nature."

Kelly didn't want to hear anymore. "I think I'm going back to bed, too. I'm pretty exhausted myself."

Tone` winked at her. "We'll see what happens. Good night, dear sister."

Kelly nearly slammed her door.

Good night, bitch!

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