My Stories

*Keep it on the Downlow*

Part Four~~~If You Knew What I Knew

Part B
The next morning, Tone` sat at her desk with anticipation as she waited for AJ to show up. She decided she was going to act rather cool toward him as her first step toward establishing her newfound independence. She wasn't going to allow him to continue dominating her every thought.

She chuckled as she thought of Shawn's suggestion to go camping. He was merely a pawn in her game. She had no interest in him beyond fucking his brains out. Sure, he'd get his share of pussy on the trip, but their relationship was a closed book. There wasn't a chance in hell she'd consider making him her exclusive lover again.

Eventually, AJ passed by. She looked with a mixture of fascination and lust at his hands, the same ones that made her feel good in bed. She vividly recalled his strong fingers groping her ass as he drove his dick into her, and the luscious tinkle his thumb gave to her clit. She shivered in remembrance, and in spite of her indifference toward him, she felt her panties dampen. The erotic effect he had upon her wasn't easily shaken.

"Tone`, do you have a moment to look over this?" he asked in a professional tone. There was no suggestion of intimacy between them. For the entire office, he maintained that guise. It was only after hours that they were sexually involved.

"Sure. Have a seat."

He dragged a chair up to her. The powerful muscles of his thigh played against hers. Upon impulse, she reached for his leg and squeezed. His body was rigidly conditioned, meeting her touch with a sense of authority. Last night she had sat over him, leaning against his muscled thighs while his dick was embedded in her pussy. She had twisted against his thick trunk, moaning as she consumed as much of him as her pussy would permit.

She enclosed this thigh tightly, swooning from her stretch of imitation. Smashing their groins together, she had escalated to heights of pleasure previously unseen with Shawn. Orgasm after orgasm proved the sex they had quenched her otherwise insatiable thirst.

As her fingers dipped further along the inside of his thigh, she felt the hard ridge of him. AJ responded to her touch as readily as she did to his. She squirmed as she rubbed him, the heat climbing in his healthy bulge.

Totally aroused, she wanted him to fucking her hard this very minute!

Forgotten was her vow to eject him from her life. The moisture collecting between her legs left no doubt that that was simply an illusion of grandeur. She couldn't fool herself. She needed him and his huge dick.

"Perhaps we ought to continue this in my office..."AJ mentioned.

"Certainly. Let me grab a legal pad and I'll be right there..."

Tone` moved fast. She was horny, she thought she'd die. The second she entered his office, he grasped her roughly by the wrists and dragged her up against the wall. They barely had enough time to close the door.

"I can't wait until later," he muttered. "I've got to have some of you now..."

This was violating the rule they had set. Tone` was beyond caring. "What if somebody walks in..."

"You worry too much," he said, and to ensure her silence, he plunged his tongue into her mouth.

Tone` received it in a muffled groan, feeling it comb through the hot waves of need that swept through her body. The moisture between her legs increased as such, causing her to writhe against him. Her nipples strained against her blouse, blaring heatedly at him. She quickly entered a high state of arousal.

AJ read her erotic vibrations, releasing one of her wrists to hoist her skirt. In seconds, she felt the warm insertion of his huge thumb, then the exploration of soaked tissue.

She moaned into his mouth, fraught with delicious stimulation. She moved her groin against his hand, wanting more fingers to submerge themselves into her warm, constricted hole.

"Horny little bitch," AJ croaked, reaching to slip her panties down her shivering thighs.

Tone` gasped as she fumbled with his belt buckle, then undid his fly. He was huge inside his pants, throbbing with a desire that paralleled hers. She looked down between their shifting bodies and saw it extend thickly from the zippered opening, the engorged bulb gravitating toward her sluiced lips.

He sliced into her with one thrust, sending her ass sharply against the wall. She let out a muffled cry into his shoulder as she received all ten and a half-inches of stiffness, taking it high into her pussy. The calves of her legs smarted as she strained to meet his disciplinary strokes, leaning as a precarious angle in high heels. He fed his dick upward, hammering it into her hot, tightened opening.

"Ohhhh...yes," she panted, closing her eyes and enjoying each and every thrust. She wanted no tenderness, but predatory fucking. Her clit quivered against the rush of his dick, sending sweet agony to every part of her tingling body. She felt as though her pussy was melting around his driving dick, merging with his flesh into a mass of buttery warmth.

Tone` managed to keep an eye on the door while he buried his dick into her. thus far, nobody seemed to be on the verge of discovery.

She doubted that even at that would she consider stopping. Not when she was so close.

"'re going to make me cum," she moaned, rocking with him. His dick pushed several more times into her pussy before she began to shudder with orgasm. "Ohhhhh! Oh God...ughhh!"

Before she reached the last spasm, he hastened his strokes, gripping her with intensity. "Ughh..."

"Oh yes," she whimpered. "Cum in me...fill me with your cream..."

Their groins smacked together in heated abandon as the very wind was plucked from his lungs. Her wrists were again bound by his fists as he plummeted her ass to the wall. "Oh fuck...mmmmmmm..."

Tone` felt his heart hammering against her as he poured his cream into her responsive pocket. The snug ring of her pussy held him fast as she experienced the twitch of his volcanic discharge. Ohhhh! How could he still cum so much? He was going to flood her.

When the last of his hot seed was injected, he detached himself and leaned sweatily beside her against the wall. Both of them breathed raggedly, anxiously refilling their lungs with air.

"I don't know how we can work after this," Tone` mentioned aloud, her groin aching from his hard dick. She massaged the furred opening, moistened by hid spill of hot cum.

"Let's go back to my place," AJ suggested. "We'll take the rest of the day off..."

The thought of fucking him for hours on end held enormous appeal. She could hardly wait.

And even as she summoned the strength to pull up her panties, the camping trip with Shawn -- away from AJ -- seemed more impossible than ever.

Kelly stood on the street corner as she awaited Tone`. She wasn't keen on her sister picking her up from work, but she needed a lift and the mysterious call she received from her had caught her curiosity. Why had Tone` suddenly reverted into the "concerned" sister after last night's display of decadence?

Tone` edged out of the rush hour traffic snarl and pulled over to the curb. She sat brightly behind the wheel, inviting her in. "You look exhausted," she declared conversationally. Someone must have left early..."

"As a matter of fact, someone did." The absenteeism occurred not at her place of employ, but when she attempted to reach Tone` at work and learned of her early departure. Plainly she was having fun playing both sides of the fence.

"You look as though you need a little vacation," Tone` continued in her affected tone. "A few days away from the city might do you a world of good."

Kelly could scarcely believe her ears. This voice of concern could not possibly be coming from her sister. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"Well...I realize I haven't been the guiding force in your life that I probably should. After all, if one can't depend on her older sister, then who--" Tone` clenched the steering wheel, twisting her lips in an ugly grimace. An abundance of sex juice oozed out of her pussy, drenching her panties, making her uncomfortable. "Shit!" she muttered.

Kelly was shocked at the transformation that had taken place in her sister. Tone` wasn't generally crude. What kind of man was she spending so much time with?

Tine` continued. "As I was saying, apart from what you may think, I worry about you, honey. Now that Mom and Dad entrusted you in my care, I have to make sure you're looked after. I think you need some time away."

In the back of her distrustful brain, she determined that Tone` might not want her in the apartment any longer to witness her orgies of pleasure. Before she could ask her when she was to move out, Tone` said, "I want you to come camping with Shawn and me."


"You'd really enjoy yourself. The scenery, the quiet, the adventure." She paused. "You're not adverse to sleeping in a tent, are you?"

"No, but --"

"Good, then it's settled. You're coming with us."

Kelly raised a suspect brow. "Does Shawn know you've invited me?"

Tone` smiled in the faction that implied the lights were on but nobody was home. "No."

"Don't you think you should mention something? He might want this to be a romantic weekend."

"He won't mind."

"I wouldn't be too sure before making that comment."

"You're my sister. Why should he mind?"

Kelly was tempted to elaborate, but sighed and leaned back in her seat. Why spoil the surprise?

Tone` was having secret thoughts of her own. After having fucked the day away in her lover's bed, she constructed a foolproof plot to get Shawn off her, and onto Kelly.

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