My Stories

* Full Moon *

Chapter Four

Want and need coursed urgently through Sherl as she pulled her hands from his lapels to dive under his vest wanting to touch him. She needed to touch him. As though in a dream, she swept her hands over the silk shirt he wore and found that he was a solid wall of whipcord muscle. She swept her hands down his back, scoring him lightly with her nails then digging in to pull him closer. She was rewarded with a growl of pleasure from him that vibrated through them both. She wanted to touch his shin, but his shirt was tucked in. She couldn't just tug his shirt out; that would be rude. Damn it!

His thumb rolled her tender nipple, straining against her blouse. Without realizing what she was doing, Sherl's hips rose to meet his, pushing strongly against the heat of his erection. He almost purred in pleasure and lifted his head to look at her with heated, hungry eyes blazing more gold than green. Licking his lips, his fingers unfastened the straining buttons to her blouse. Barely aware of what he was doing, she let him. A Warm hand slid inside her bra and his hand closed on her bare flesh. With a deep sigh, her spine arched eagerly, pushed into his hand. He smiled at her response.

The reality of a man's hand on her naked breast shocked Sherl suddenly awake. "Oh, God, I must be drunker than I thought!" Startled in confusion and alarm, she tried to pull away only to discover how firmly he had her pinned; his for the taking. She watched his smile grow feral as he held her there and continued with the caress. As he tugged sharply on her captured nipple, more lightning bolts of liquid pleasure pulsed down her flesh, matching time to his touch. She became aware of a slick wetness dampening her panties. Sherl heard her own breath as she panted with the need that gripped her. She felt herself flutter open with the hunger and anticipation of being entered by him.

"Oh, God, I can't be doing this!" Sherl thought in distress even as her body screamed "More! Don't stop!" Biting her lip in sexual frustration and humiliation at her submission, Sherl shoved him hard and rolled out from beneath him. She fastened her blouse buttons in a panic as she bolted for the ladies' room inside.

"Oh, no Princess, it's too late for running," the werewolf thought amusedly. He pushed away from the wall to give chase.

"I can't believe I let that guy kiss me like that, I can't believe I was kissing him back! I hope to God nobody saw me kissing a total stranger like that...." Fearing to look behind her, she treaded her way through the crowd. She dove into the hall and headed past the stairs only to find a line in front of the bathrooms halting her escape.

"Shit," she said out loud. Sherl felt a tug on her skirt and then was turned around sharply.

"Going somewhere?" said the man she'd been kissing. His eyes were narrowed and intent with the fever of open lust, his smile grim. He'd followed her and caught her by the waistband of her skirt. Between on breath and the next, he imprisoned her arm in a powerful grip and she found herself being bodily shoved through a doorway and up a short staircase.

"Hey, uh, I don't know you and I, uh, normally don't go kissing people...," she tried to protest as he forced her into a dimly lit narrow room upstairs. "There's been a mistake, I didn't mean...."

"You didn't mean to kiss me?" he asked, his hypnotic voice slid over her like potent whisky. His eyes were slits of gold fire as his glare locked and held her own in a punishing grip. Sherl could feel her self-control slipping away from her reach. He licked his lips, the sharp points of his teeth gleaming in his predatory smile.

"Not like ... not like that," she said, her voice dropping to barely a whisper. He slowly backed her into a dark corner of the empty room. The light from the solitary lamp etched his face with menacing shadows.

"Oh, God!" she thought to herself. 'Oh, God I think I'm in trouble...."