My Stories

* Full Moon *

Chapter Five

"I like the way you kiss," his voice rumbled and he pulled her closer. Abruptly, he turned and sat in the room's only chair facing her. With him seated, their eyes were on the same level. Sherl could feel him reaching out to take control of her will. Her traitorous body responded with the compulsion to succumb to the cravings for his touch.

"I want you," he said harshly and tugged her closer. "I need you," he growled. His voice vibrated with unleashed passion. He released her arm to capture the back of her head, gently but firmly gripping her by the hair to hold her still. Her mouth opened to protest but his lips closed suddenly on hers in a possessive kiss. His tongue swept inside and her objections faded into a long moan as waves of hot desire washed over her.

Sherl's mind cleared of all thoughts of resistance. Her tongue parried his as she returned his kiss. He moaned into her mouth as he recognized her surrender. She was lost in the firestorm of excitement sweeping through her blood, her flesh screaming in voracious desire.

She barely felt his arm close about her waist, a hand cupping her round ass as she was tipped forward. Feeling herself falling, Sherl put her hands on his shoulders and gripped the leather of his vest. His arm tightened without warning as he pulled her down and closer. Unexpectedly she lost her balance and found herself sitting astride his lap, straddling his muscular thighs, pressed against him full length. Her soft breasts were crushed against the wall of his chest.

His hand curled into her hair. Slowly and irresistibly he pulled her head back, breaking the kiss. With a moist tongue, he laved her vulnerable neck tasting her. She closed her eyes in moaning surrender and quivered as his panting breath caressed her. She could feel his sharp fangs grazing her as he nipped lightly on her exposed throat. Her eyes fluttered closed in bliss.

Clever fingers tugged on her buttons as she was held immobile by his grip on her hair. Sherl felt the front of her bra open, releasing both her vulnerable breasts to his mercy. Her nipples hardened powerfully in the cool air, her need strong to have them touched. Long nails lightly pricked her flesh as his hand closed about one full breast and then the other, measuring their voluptuous weight. She could hear his sighs of pleasure as he swept his hand over her plaint skin. Nails bit lightly into her softness and a callused thumb slid over one sensitive nipple and then the other.

The furnace of his wet mouth slid from her throat down her collarbone and onto the flesh of the breast, making damp circles. He circled downward on the delicate skin with his tongue taking possession of a nipple, sucking softly and then more strongly. His tongue flicked the nipple against his teeth, insistently shocking her with bolt after bolt of pleasure.

As heat gripped her body in spasms of greedy desire, her groaning cries were loud in her ears. She arched her back to lean into his mouth for more as she cried out in carnal lust. He suckled strongly on one nipple and then the other, pulling on them until both were painfully erect. Her hips thrust foreword by themselves and Sherl was conscious only of the powerful rippled sensations engulfing her body.

He slowly spread his muscular legs between her soft thighs, irresistibly opening her legs widely. Her skirt slid up to her waist and exposed her completely. A hand continued up in a slow heated caress. Suddenly his palm covered her heat completely and he squeezed in possession. She moaned in fear and anticipation.

A finger lightly caressed her panties tracing the damp shape of her cleft through the snowy satin. The finger pressed deeper becoming a long slow rub against her excited clit through the pliant fabric. the smell of her willingness reached her together with the musk of his male arousal. She felt the finger worm it's way under the satin, seeking out her softness. Then he touched her flesh and she jumped.

Continuing his explorations, he slid further under the white satin, parting her soft curls. He gently stroked the tender flesh of her outer lips then dipped into the mouth of her drenched cleft. She felt the finger dive slowly into her moist depths, deeper then deeper yet to caress her trembling walls. He swirled his invasive finger to gather her dew then slid out. His mouth left her wet, exposed breasts and the sounds of him licking and sucking made her realize that he was tasting her juices.