My Stories

* Someone To Call My Lover *

Chapter 1
By Donna

Once again I was forced to get up in the middle of the night to catch a train. This time though, I didn't mind at all. The project was finally finished, and we were going to present it to the client. For the past year, my partner in our computer consulting business, Arnold, and I had been designing and developing a new cue system for a recording studio. Today was the day to hand over the keys, and more importantly, to get the final payment. I showered and dressed hurriedly, grabbed my overnight bag, briefcase and laptop, and headed to the garage.

Traffic was light as I drove to the train station. It was still dark and my Jeep was the only car on the road. I turned on some music, and my thoughts drifted to Kevin, the go between at the client. His tall dark good looks, and most especially his shamrock green eyes, caused amazing things to happen to my body every time I was near him. Determined to keep this a proper business relationship, I let Arnold handle most of the onsite visits, hiding myself away in the office, out of danger. I think his interest may have been a bit more than professional courtesy too, as more than once I had caught his eyes roaming up my stockinged legs. We talked on the phone at least once a week, and he always seemed glad to hear from me.

Arriving at the train station, I spotted Arnold sitting down near the door. Always a gentleman, he stood as I approached, and flashed that cute little smile. I swear, sometimes it's so hard to remember that he has a wife and children at home. Once in a while, he'll give me that smile, and my heart just melts. I smiled back and gave him a hug. "Can you believe it? It's over! It seems we've been working on this thing forever! God, what are we going to do now? I vote for taking a month off. What are your thoughts on the subject?"

"I totally agree," he answered, holding me just a bit tighter and longer than was necessary. "If nothing else, it calls for the biggest celebration this evening that New York can provide. "

As usual, I fell asleep on the train while Arnold finished last minute paperwork. He woke me to go over the wording in the acceptance contract. We discussed it, changing a word here and there, and printed it. I held it carefully, staring at the part about the payment due amount of $500,000. "God, a half a million dollars! Who'da thunk it?" I giggled.

"I know. We've had some pretty lean times the last two years. But, with our success on this contract, we're well on our way. I've got initial meetings set up with two more studios next week."

"Oh really?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, "and just when were you going to share this wonderful news?"

"Well, I only firmed up the details last night. I didn't want to wake you or disturb you if you were working on those last minute changes."

"Ok, I forgive you. It's so nice being able to concentrate on the technical side while you take care of the business side. I'm such a geek sometimes. Shut me up for weeks with my laptop and I'm happy as a clam."

"Yeah," Arnold replied with an attempted leer, that came off looking more like a silly grin, "but for some reason, we seem to get more interest when you do the presentation. Perhaps I should start wearing short skirts too."

"Oh no way!" I joked, "I couldn't stand the competition. What if your legs are better looking than mine?"

"I don't think so," he said softly, with just a hint of a sigh.

Deciding we were on dangerous ground, I took the opportunity to head to the ladies room. When I returned, all was back to normal. We chatted and made plans on what we would do with all the money. My suggestion of cashing the check and rolling around in the money like in Indecent Proposal was met with a wry grin.

The train pulled in to station and we grabbed a taxi outside. After an uneventful trip, until we arrived at the studio. Arnold had Kevin paged, and I smiled my prettiest smile as I watched him approach. I think his eyes lit up a bit when he saw me, but perhaps it was just wishful thinking.

We presented the software to the committee, and all went flawlessly. We ran into a few minor problems doing the actual installation, and it was after 7 before we finally finished up. I went looking for Arnold, to tell him we were all wrapped up. I found him in Kevin's office, both of them looking relaxed with their feet propped up, chatting like old buddies. There was a bottle on Kevin's desk and empty glasses in front of them.

"And just what the hell is this?" I asked, utterly failing to put the fierceness in my voice I intended. "Here I am out there working my buns off while the good old boys are in here with their feet propped up. Sheesh!"

"Oh, don't get your panties all in a bunch woman," Arnold laughed, "We've been planning our celebration for this evening."

"It's ok, Donna," Kevin smiled, "Arnold was asking if I had any ideas. We made reservations at one of the best restaurants in town, and he's asked me to join the two of you. Of course, that is, if it's ok with you."

The smile he gave me as he said that stopped my heart for a second or two. "Oh yes! That would be wonderful Kevin! Arnold, you're a genius. Not only can we have a native guide, but now we can even write it off as a business expense."

"Damn girl," Arnold laughed, "I'm supposed to be the business expert while you're the technical wiz, but I didn't even think of that. Your devious mind never ceases to amaze me."

"What time are our reservations?" I asked, "Do I have time to stop at the hotel and change?"

"Not until 9:00," Arnold answered, "We thought you might need time to make yourself presentable. I just hope two hours is enough."

"Shithead," I muttered under my breath, using my favorite endearment, "Just you wait!"

We took another death-defying taxi ride to the hotel, and as I checked in and went to my room, the gentlemen retired to the bar.

Alone in the room, I once again blessed Arnold. He had gotten me a suite on one of the uppermost floors. The room was gorgeous and the view breathtaking. Just like him, I thought to myself. And he probably will take a single next to the elevator for himself just to save a few dollars.

I unpacked my bags, took another quick shower, and decided to live dangerously. I smiled wickedly as I pulled on the black stockings, attaching them to the lace garter. I passed on the bra, instead choosing a silky black chemise as a small concession to the cool November evening. The dress was next, a killer dress if I had ever owned one. It was midnight blue, and was so tight in the bodice I could barely breathe. The full skirt was short, ending a good 8 inches above my knees. It swirled around my legs when I moved. My hair went up, and I used my two prized pearl combs to hold it in place. I added a small pearl necklace at my throat. My heels were black, high enough to accentuate my calves, but not so dangerously high I worried about tripping if we had to walk a few blocks. A final look in the mirror, another wicked little smile, and I hurried back down to the bar.

Arnold stopped in mid-sentence as I approached the table, his mouth still open just a bit. Both stood as I sat down, and a glass of wine appeared magically in front of me. Finally, a bit unnerved by the unaccustomed attention, I laughed, "Ok, you can tell me, do I have toilet paper stuck on my heel or something?"