My Stories

* Someone To Call My Lover *
Chapter 13
By Donna

"Oh my God," I whispered as I slowly came back to my senses. Quickly, because I sensed how close he was, I spun around on his lap, facing away from him now, pressing my ass tight against his stomach. I moved a bit forward, giving him room, as he reached down, grasping the edge of the seat with his fingers. It gave him enough leverage that he could stroke hard into me, the force rocking me back and forth in the water.

His moans turned to gasps and pants, and I knew it was almost time. He grabbed my waist, circling it tightly with both hands, and crushed me onto him. I reached down, between my legs, between his legs, my shoulder dipping low in the water, until I found his ass. Quickly, I slipped my finger inside, searching for that spot. When he practically screamed, I knew I had reached it.

Within seconds, he was over the edge, calling to God as he exploded into me. His thrusting slowed, then stopped, as we both sat there breathing like we had just finished a marathon, which I suppose in a way, we had. Slowly and gently, I removed my finger, and turned to peek at him over my shoulder. His head was back against the edge of the hot tub, eyes closed, and contented smile on his lips. I smiled as I disengaged myself, crawled next to him, and rested my head on his shoulder.