My Stories

* Someone To Call My Lover *

Chapter 4
By Kevin

I could tell that wasn't the end of the story by the way they looked at each other, but then, who was I to judge? Hadn't I been tempted to date people in my business? In fact hadn't I come awfully close that night at the park when we had that party for one of my best label mates and we all got a little (a lot) drunk? Had it not been for all of the other artist around, the EXTREMELY passionate kiss that Alisha and I shared when she left would have certainly turned into a major love making session right there under the stars on that warm summer night. Mmmm...the memory still lingers...but I digress...

Plunging ahead, I just said, "Not at all, Arnold. I'm starved, how 'bout y'all?" slipping into my Kentucky accent. "You won't find a better steak in all New York. They're the best I've had since I visited home."

Finishing our drinks, we made our way out to the street and hailed a cab. Arnold sat in front with the driver (maybe this guy wasn't so bad after all, I didn't even have to push him into the front seat) as I held the door for Donna. As she entered the back seat, I was treated to a long glimpse of thigh above her stockings. The twinkle in her eye as she looked at me, slowly readjusting her skirt, made my heart literally skip a beat. Damn, I wanted this woman!

During the entire ride to the restaurant, I could barely concentrate on the conversation. Small talk really, but Donna's hand was next to mine on the seat and the small touches that took place between our little fingers felt like 1000 volts of electricity between us. My heart was racing as it had never before. The sexual energy was palpable in that back seat.

We arrived at the restaurant and as the cab pulled to the curb, Donna gave my leg a slight, barely perceptible squeeze and my hand barely grazed the tight curve of her bottom as she climbed out of the cab, treating me again to a much quicker, albeit much higher glimpse of her flesh. Tonight was going to be a very long evening...I hoped...

Upon entering the restaurant, we were greeted by Bubba, the maitre'd (you were expecting maybe Andre? At a place that serves the best steaks this side of Kentucky? Come on now...). "This is what we call Neuvo Kentucan," I said with as straight a face as I could muster. That put the sparkle in Donna's eyes once again (God a man could get lost in those bedroom eyes) and they could have melted me right then and there.

God, I had to start controlling myself, or they were never going to let me into this restaurant again.

We got a table next to the window, with an incredible view of the city. I held Donna's chair for her as she sat, the scent of her White Diamonds making my head spin. "Thank you," she said graciously.

We placed our orders, had a bottle of the best champagne brought to our table and toasted each other until the second bottle was empty and the glow around the table was visible. The steaks were done to perfection and everyone was totally satisfied (culinary, at least) when the last of the dishes were cleared.

Arnold excused himself once again and we were left gazing seductively into each other's eyes. The little jazz combo had begun playing in the corner and the sexiest sax I'd ever heard began to wail. Without asking, because I knew the answer, I took Donna's delicate hand, leading her to the dance floor. We wrapped ourselves in each other and glided around the floor, melting into each other, both physically and emotionally. I was swept away by her touch, her feel, her scent. Looking down into her eyes, I lowered my head to hers and our lips met, tenderly but with the promise of kisses yet to come.

We danced three of four dances then remembered that we had come here with Arnold. Returning to our table, he was still not back yet. Upon sitting, our waiter returned with a note addressed to us both.


Looks like you have a big evening in store for you. The check has been taken care of and another bottle of champagne ordered. Enjoy yourselves. I'm going back to the hotel and call my wife to tell her how much I miss her and describe exactly what I plan to do with her when I get home. Hope you don't have to wait that long to do the same... Arnold