My Stories

* Someone To Call My Lover *
Chapter 5
By Donna

I gasped as I read the note, reading it twice to be sure. I couldn't believe it -- he was letting me off the hook! Or was he? Did he realize that Kevin meant more to me than just a way to settle that ridiculous bet?

That was what I had left out of my story. One of the reasons that DAS is so successful is that Arnold and I are so competitive. We argue good-naturedly about everything, each of us certain we're right. Well, we had gotten into another one of our stupid debates, about some stupid little detail of the system, and when I finally got to the 'Bet ya' point, Arnold's eyes lit up. He immediately took me up on it, which should have been my clue to back down right there. He almost never takes me up on those bets. We decided the bet would be winner chooses. Well, I lost. And he's been teasing me ever since.

This morning on the train, he finally told me what I had to do. He wanted, as he called it, a Super-Duper Mind-Blowing Mind-Numbing Donna Special Blow Job. I told him no way. We argued about it for a while, and the agreement became that since he couldn't have one, he wanted to watch me give one. I somewhat reluctantly agreed, but only on the condition that he kept his hands to himself.

Well, it appeared that all my worrying was for naught. Relief flooded through me. I looked up at Kevin and smiled. "I don't know about you, but I can think of a much nicer place to drink this champagne." I leaned over, delicately running my tongue up his neck to his ear. I whispered, "Shall we get it to go?"

He took my hand, bringing it palm up to his lips, kissing it. "You wish is my command, my darling."

The doorman hailed us a taxi, and Kevin gave the driver our destination. Then, he took me in his arms and lowered his lips to mine. The passion, in just that kiss, was enough to make my head spin. I moaned as the tip of his tongue found mine. My hands stole under his coat, under his jacket, to his chest. His fingers wound underneath my hair, to my neck, gently stroking it, raising goose bumps all over my body. His other hand slid up my leg, to the tops of my stockings, tracing one finger around the edge. He drew circles on my inner thigh, and it was all I could do NOT to squirm onto his fingers.

Finally, both of us breathless, we returned to the hotel. As soon as the elevator doors closed, I was back in his arms. The older couple already in the elevator smiled indulgently and held each other's hands a bit tighter. I could have sworn I saw him squeeze her ass as they exited the elevator. And I distinctly heard her giggle. Her laughter floating down the hall as the doors closed once again.

We reached my floor and entered the room.