My Stories

* Someone To Call My Lover *
Chapter 6
By Kevin

"God you are the most incredibly sexy woman I have ever met," I whispered as my tongue lightly circled Donna's ear the moment we shut the door to her suite. Her response was to cup the back of my head with her hands and pull my lips to her open mouth. Our tongues mingled and explored with abandon, unable to get enough of each other. The taste of champagne was still on her lips and if that was not enough to intoxicate me, the passion behind her kiss was. Breaking away momentarily, I looked into her incredible eyes. "I want this to last," I said. "I don't want this to be a rush into passion, I want to slowly, tenderly make love with you. I want the last six months of desiring you to culminate in the most romantic yet intense pleasure WE have ever experienced," I concluded as I gently took her face in my hands, kissing her tenderly this time, the tip of my tongue lightly flicking against her upper lip, an indication of things to come.

We started a fire in the fireplace, opened the new bottle of champagne, pouring a glass for each of us. Donna took a sip from her glass, then kissing me, transferred the delicate liquid into my mouth. God this woman knew how to excite a man.

Slowly...oh, so slowly...we began to undress one another. Turning her back to me, I began to unzip her incredibly sexy dress. I moved her hair to the side, exposing the nape of her neck to my lips. Inch by sensitive inch, my lips and tongue followed as the zipper on her dress descended lower and lower. Down her neck...along her shoulders...nibbling as I went...up along the outside of her neck to her sensitive earlobe...gently circling her ear...back down to follow the zipper down her spine, circling each vertebrae as I came to it...

Her dress dropped to the floor and she was standing there in her stockings, heels, garters and camisole. I was standing there with the hardest erection I had ever had, begging to be freed. Donna was, much to my joy, aware of my predicament and eager to assist.