My Stories

* Someone To Call My Lover *
Chapter 7
By Donna

I took a deep breath. I was feeling light-headed. I wasn't sure if the champagne or the sexiness that was so evident in the man before me caused it. But before I could figure it out, a wonderfully wicked idea popped into my head.

"Kevin? How adventurous are you feeling?"

His evil little smile told me all I needed to know.

"I'll be right back. Have another glass of champagne, and go down the hall and fill the ice bucket."

I practically skipped into the bedroom. A few minutes later, after I heard him return from the ice machine, I slowly opened the bedroom door. I watched his eyes widen as he say me standing there, posed sexily, and wearing my bikini.

"I really could use a soak in the Jacuzzi, it's such a cold night, and my neck and shoulders are all stiff from being bent over those systems all day."

Finding his voice, and finally swallowing the champagne I had caught him in mid- sip, he asked, "Um, well, you're prepared, extremely well prepared I might add, but," he looked down at his slacks, "I'm afraid I'm not."

"All taken care of," I giggled, tossing him a black pair of shorts. "Yes, they're mine, I wear them for aerobics. But with the miracle of lycra, I think they might fit the bill, or whatever else you've got in there to fit. Let's just see."

I stepped over to him, reaching my hands down to his belt, while my lips found his. As I undid it, I slowly traced the tip of my tongue over his upper lip. After the belt, I unbuttoned and unzipped his slacks, pulling his shirt out and unbuttoning it. Quickly, I pushed if off his shoulders, my lips moving down to trace their way over his warm chest. I smoothly slid both his pants and underwear to his knees, and pushed him back onto the sofa.

I kneeled at his feet, taking off his shoes and socks, before removing his pants. Not being able to resist this tasty looking treat in front of me, I began running my tongue in circles on his inner thigh. This was greeted with a long sigh, and his head leaned back against the sofa, eyes closed. Slowly, I worked my way upward, caressing the other thigh with the back of my hand. Finally, I worked my way to his balls, swirling them around gently with my tongue. His sighs deepened into little moans.

His eyes still closed, I backed off for just a second, just long enough to slip one of the ice cubes into my mouth, swirl it around my mouth a few moments, and drop it into my hand. Starting at the bottom of his balls, I slowly licked, using the flat of my cold tongue, all the way up to the tip of his manhood. He gasped, eyes flying open as I looked at him innocently.

I slid the shorts on to his legs, pulling him up until he was standing. His erection of course, took quite some fiddling with to get in there. It wanted to poke out from the waistband. Finally, I got it situated, and stepped back, licking the little drop of precum I managed to gather from all my fiddling. I stood there stunned and speechless. Oh my God, did he look hot. The shorts were bike shorts, and they fit him like a second skin. And never had I seen those shorts filled out so wonderfully. My heart pounded so loudly I imagine he heard it.

"Um, shall we go?" I asked, my voice not at all steady. He looked a bit nervous, but nonetheless, picked up the champagne and put it in the ice bucket, and followed me down the hall to the elevator.