My Stories

* Someone To Call My Lover *
Chapter 8
By Kevin

It was difficult to tell which was dick or the beating of my the time we got inside the elevator. My head was absolutely swimming with desire and anticipation. I knew Donna was a gorgeous woman, but even with the attractive business attire she wore, there is no way I was prepared for how she looked in a bikini. Her breasts are beyond description with a figure to match. Damn!

The elevator was deserted as we began our descent to the pool area. About half way down, God answered my prayers. The elevator came to an abrupt halt! We looked at each other...tentatively at first, then with an unbridled lust. The electricity between our eyes flashed four words..."I Want You...NOW."

Raising the champagne bottle to my lips, I filled my mouth with the foamy liquid. Bringing my mouth to hers, I shared it with her in the middle of a passion filled kiss. I poured champagne over her breasts, soaking her top; her nipples suddenly erect from the cold liquid, and proceeded to lick the wine from her.

To this day, I'm not sure how she accomplished the following. Removing her bikini bottom, and pressing herself into the corner of the elevator, Donna sat her sexy ass where the handrails met. Knees bent she raised first one foot upon the handrail on the sidewall, and one foot upon the handrail on the rear wall opening herself wide for me. Taking the champagne bottle she poured some of the sparkling wine over her stomach and down onto her pussy. Immediately, my mouth and tongue were upon her, tasting the combination of her juices and the sweet wine.

My tongue traveled through her folds, circling her clit. Taking her sensitive button between my teeth, I nibbled and licked her simultaneously. I inserted two fingers inside her moist slit, sliding them slowly in and out. When they were well lubricated, I removed one, sliding it southward, pressing it against her rosebud. Her moan along with her returned pressure indicated her willingness and I inserted my finger into her. Two fingers sliding in and out, separated only by a thin membrane of tissue, while my mouth continued to make love to her clit. A moan emanated from her throat, her hips rocked in a lustful rhythm, her excitement was building...

Just as suddenly as the elevator had come to a stop, it started up again!!

Not wanting to be as famous as Hugh Grant, we quickly righted ourselves. It was amazing how deftly Donna was able to slip back into her bikini bottom, without skipping a beat. I, on the other hand, had a hell of a time gathering up the ice bucket, champagne bottle and my composure before the doors opened onto the lobby floor. I found myself hoping nobody was looking too closely at my face as we went toward the pool, because one swipe of my tongue along my moustache confirmed that it was covered with Donna's erotic nectar.