My Stories

* Someone To Call My Lover *
Chapter 9
By Donna

As we walked past the front desk, I smiled as I watched the desk clerk's nose twitch in unmistakable recognition. When he looked at us and took a long deep breath I had to giggle.

We crossed the lobby, heading for the pool. When we got there, two maintenance men were cleaning it. Mightily disappointed, I asked how long they would be. One suggested that we try the hot tub up on the roof. They had just finished up there, and wouldn't be returning. He turned to Kevin, winked, and handed him the 'Pool Closed' sign.

We quickly walked back across the lobby to the elevators. The desk clerk was nowhere to be seen, though I thought I heard a muffled groan from the office.

Back in the elevator, the door closed and Kevin moved toward me. I held up my hand to tell him to wait, then banged it against the control panel, lighting up a half a dozen buttons. "We can't expect another lucky break," I smiled as I slowly slid to my knees in front of him, "You like Russian roulette?"

I ran my hand up his thighs, and across his re-thickening crotch. Quickly, I pulled his shorts down to his knees, and took him between my lips. There is nothing in the world more sexy than feeling a dick get hard in my mouth. Quite soon, he reached his full length and thickness (and a perfect length and thickness I might add). I slid my mouth backwards, until only the head remained in my warm, wet mouth. I looked up at him and smiled.

Just then, the elevator stopped. Had we reached the first of the floors I hit? Or had someone called for an elevator? As the doors started to slide open, I slid him back into my mouth, all the way down into my throat. I resisted the urge to peek, but I saw his eyes widen. I didn't hear a sound and the doors closed once again. As he let out his held breath, his dick jumped, banging against the roof of my mouth.

I moved back again, this time sliding my tongue in slow, slippery swipes on the underside of his dick from base to tip pausing to flick back and forth against the triangle where the vein comes into the head. His knees jerked and he leaned back against the handrail with a moan. Once again the elevator slid to a stop. Again, the doors opened to an empty hallway.

By the fourth stop, he didn't even bother looking any more. My lips and tongue were working their magic, along with my fingertips on and underneath his balls that a crowd could have been standing there and he wouldn't have noticed. I reached around for his ass as his hips started rocking back and forth, and he began slowly fucking my mouth. The feel of his hot dick between my lips, and the muscles of his ass clenching and releasing drove me to distraction. I slipped one hand into my bottoms, and reached for my sopping pussy. My moans and sighs joined his.

Finally, just as we both were panting, we reached the top floor. He pulled me to my feet, reached for my hand, and sensuously licked my juices from my fingers, sucking them slowly into his mouth. We found the stairs to the roof and headed up. At the top, he paused to hang the sign, while I walked to the hot tub. Reaching it, I turned and smiled, slowly reaching behind me to unfasten my top, letting it fall to the ground. My bottoms followed, then I slowly turned, and climbed into the tub.