My Stories

* The Seduction *

Chapter 5

Arriving at the hotel at a few minutes before six, Madison saw Howie's car in the parking lot. She had carefully dressed in one of his favorite dresses, a very simple chocolate brown shift with large tropical yellow flowers splashed on it. It had tiny little spaghetti straps, so that meant no bra. The material rubbing against her full breasts made her nipples come to attention, which she knew he would love. She was also wearing the tiny little panties, and the gold necklace that he had given her in today's packet. On her wrist was a matching bracelet that he had given her for Valentines Day. Very simple, but that was the way they both preferred it. Howie always said there was no reason to 'gild the lily'. He even called her Lily sometimes when he thought she had overdressed.

She walked up to the door and just as she got to it, Howie opened the door. He had been watching for her. The room was gorgeous! It must have taken him either a long time to do this, or very specific instructions to someone else! There were bouquets of flowers and candles of various sizes and shapes all over the room. Really, this was more like a suite. It looked like the main room was a salon and there were double doors that obviously led to another room, most likely the bedroom.

There was a small table in the corner by the window that was set with candles and a beautiful bouquet of carnations, spicy and sweet. Almost directly behind her came a waiter pushing a cart with their dinner on it. Oh, lobster, oysters, filet minon, strawberries, chocolate deserts, champagne! All the foods they both loved. Madison sighed with pleasure, this man knew her so well.

"Will that be all sir?" the waiter held his hand out for his tip and quietly slid out the door. "Howie, you remembered, and you managed to surprise me!" He chuckled softly, "Of course I remembered, how could I forget such an important date. After all, we have been together 7, no 11, no....let me think...." Madison laughed and kissed him fully, tongues entwined, breathing deepening. Her lips were warm as velvet and honey sweet to Howie. Even her breath reminded him of violets. There was nothing about this woman he did not love. And she felt the same about him.

He pulled her closer to him, enveloping him in her arms. For what seemed like a lifetime, they kissed each other. Finally pulling away and just looking at each other, they both smiled and moved to the table. Howie draped a white towel over his arm and picked up the bottle of champagne to present it to her, "Will this vintage be to your liking Madam?" "Oui, it will do just fine, thank you so much."

He popped the cork and poured the first glass for her and the second for himself. He handed her glass to her and before she could take a sip, he motioned her to stop. He chose a red ripe strawberry from the bowl and slipped it between her lips. She savored the sweet/tart taste, and then took a sip of the champagne. "Mmmmm, delicious. Here, now you." She picked up another strawberry and teased his mouth with it for a second before allowing him to eat it. A sip of champagne, another strawberry, another sip. Then she pushed an oyster onto a cracker and offered it to him. She did not care for them, but they were his favorite food, and she would do anything for him. For the next hour, they fed each other the most delectable bits of meats, fruits, desserts, and drink.

It was getting dark outside now, and the candlelight was more reflective through the room. After they finished the meal, Howie lead Madison through the double doors to a beautiful bedroom. A huge bed seemed even larger than a king-sized bed, with a luscious deep wine comforter and dark gold accessories. It was so rich, so decadent, and so sexy!

He brought her over to the bed and sat her on the edge of it. She reached for his belt, but he stopped her and said, "Darling, as much as I would love that, I am not through pampering you. Wait here for a moment please?" With that he went into what was obviously the bathroom and she could hear the sound of the water being turned on. Soon he came back out and she could smell the wonderful aroma of her favorite vanilla musk bubble bath coming into the room.

Howie leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips and whispered, "Stand up, I want to undress you." First he took off her jewelry, placing it carefully on the dresser. Then he knelt down to take off her shoes, and caressed her feet as he did so. His head came up under her dress, kissing her all the way up her legs, back and forth. When he reached her undies, he started licking them, nibbling on them.... eating them! Once the bottom of them was gone, he has easy access to her most tender flesh. They were made of a flimsy edible paper, and he seemed to be having such a good time. As was Madison.

Once that mission was accomplished, he spread her legs and lightly licked around her pussy. "Oh, oh, oh..." That made her feel weak in the knees, and he knew that. But that bubble bath was almost ready. He pulled her dress up from the bottom and rising up with it, he drew it over her head.

Then turning her around he kissed her shoulders and put his arms around her from behind, cupping her creamy breasts in his hands. They walked into the bathroom like that…almost as if they were one.

Helping her into the bathtub, he told her, "I will be right back…just relax, I am going to get comfortable." She leaned back onto the bath pillow and closed her eyes. Only moments later, he came back in with just a terry cloth bathrobe on. First he took a large sponge and started massaging her legs with it, soaping it up with the bubble bath to make it more soothing. Then he moved up to her belly, washing her lovingly. Up to her breasts, making each one completely slippery with the soap. Before rinsing it off, he brushed them with his hands, fingers, sliding and swirling them through the bubbles.

Madison looked at him, his hair falling in his face, and she brushed it away. He looked up into her eyes and could see the longing. Standing up, he undid the belt to his robe, shrugging it from his shoulders onto the floor.
She reached out with her soapy hand and started to stroke his semi aroused cock. He moved a little closer so she could get a good motion going with her hand and not put any strain on her arm, after all, this was her night. She moved her fingers around the head lightly, just barely touching the tip with the pads of her fingers. A low moan escaped his lips, her touch was almost enough to bring him to the brink of an explosion.

She leaned over bringing her lips to the head, and flicking her pink tongue out. The slightest touch made him jerk uncontrollably. He moved even closer and stroked her hair away from her face so he could see her beautiful mouth surrounding him. She moved her tongue around the head of his cock in small circles, flicking it all over the head, probing into the slit. Then while one hand stroked the shaft, her mouth closed in on the head and she sucked harder. Oh…her mouth was like being bathed in molten lava.

Her head started bobbing up and down, and the motion of her body was starting to create small waves in the bath. Her breasts were bouncing up and down in the deep water and it mesmerized Howie. He could have watched her lips on him and her ripe full breasts all night, but he did not want either of them to climax too soon, it was going to be a night of small pleasures culminating in an intense one for both of them.

He waited until she took her mouth off him for a moment and he moved away quickly so he wouldn't betray himself. He was so close, it was a good thing she stopped or he might have blown it all.

Madison turned back to her bath, relaxing against the back of the tub. "What are you going to do now?" she smiled at him. "Well, I think now that you are so relaxed it is time to get you stimulated a little more." Howie said. "Oh really? How do you propose to do that?" as she asked that, he was climbing into the large tub and facing her. He knelt down on his knees at the other end of the Jacuzzi and reached over the side to push a button. All of a sudden, the jets started bubbling the water all around the edge of the tub at various levels.

Madison giggled as two or three hit her back in the middle and lower regions. Howie smiled as he watched her obvious enjoyment at the pleasurable feelings. He backed himself up a little finding a jet that hit his low back as he knelt there. Luckily the faucets were off to one side, and did not interfere. As he raised up on his knees, he felt the jet of bubbles hit his lower back, his buttocks, and then as he spread his legs, his balls. As long as he did not get too close, it was very comfortable, in fact, it felt great. He reached out and stroked Madison's belly with his right hand as she spread her legs slightly. Her knees were spreading further apart as he stroked her. She opened her eyes to see him there, with one hand on her, and the other lightly playing with his own cock. She loved to watch him touch himself. She wondered if men really knew how exciting that was to a woman.

Howie then put his hand a little further up on her waist and gripped her, pulling her towards him. Her head floated in the water, as she moved closer to him, legs opened wide on either side of his legs. As he brought her closer, she could feel the edges of the jet that was hitting him, starting to play around her anus. Oh...That felt good.... He put one hand under her and raised her bottom up a little higher, so she could have the jet play around her bottom, then he lowered her and himself, so he got it on his balls. Madison positioned herself so the next time he brought her up, it hit right on her clit. God! That was heaven! She could see his rock hard cock above her belly, laying on her, as he played his hand up and down it.

She felt the familiar build up coming, she started to tense, breathing harder as the water hit and jetted over her clit and onto his balls and back to her clit.

Hunnnnhhh...ohhhhhhhh...ahhhhh...cumming... Her back arched towards him, almost raising him clear out of the water. They were both amazed at her strength when she came. She felt like she could lift him right off the bed sometimes.

It took all of Howie's concentration to watch her and not cum himself. He wanted to so much, but more than that, he wanted it to be spectacular for both of them. He pulled her up out of the water and held her close until her breathing became normal again.