My Stories

* Winter Moon *
Chapter Two

The werewolf led Sherl out to the grocery store parking lot to where his jeep was sandwiched between a minivan and a battered station wagon. 'God, how the hell do I start this?' he thought as he helped Sherl climb into his parked jeep. He climbed into the driver's seat, his keys heavy in his pocket.

"Let me see that," he asked, holding his hand out for her grocery bag. Sherl passed it to him as they sat parked. In a smooth motion, he pulled out his boot-knife. He unwrapped the roast from the plastic then carved hunks off of the roast. He passed them to Sherl who devoured them, barely chewing in her haste to feed her hunger.

Through his windshield, the werewolf watched the heavy steel gray sky pressing down. Only a few hours had passed since he had trailed her scent from the club to the grocery store. The freezing wind rattled the flimsy doors. Full night had fallen and the snow would be coming at any time.

"Princess, where's your coat?" he asked casually as he continued to carve.

"I didn't wear one," she answered between bites. She was perfectly comfortable in her light flannel shirt and jeans.

"It's below freezing outside and you didn't wear your coat?"

Sherl looked up in shock. "It doesn't feel like it's below freezing. I don't feel cold at all." She took a small bite of her snack, "the wind's a little chilly though."

The werewolf sighed. 'She isn't noticing the cold and she's tearing out bites from the roast as though it's a cupcake.' He winced. 'She has no idea that the average human can't chew raw beef without a real problem.' Guilt was not something he was used to, but it was definitely guilt he felt. 'Damn, this is going to be hard.'

"Princess, I have something to tell you -- About me and -- about you." His sire had warned him that this kind of thing happened on occasion. He was not looking forward to this conversation.

It took about twenty minutes to explain. She listened in total silence, chewing the entire time. He thought it went rather well, she wasn't screaming.

"Do you have a name?" Sherl licked some of the beef blood from her fingertips.

"Huh?" He asked, confused by the change in the subject. Then he became lost in the way she delicately licked each finger with her clever tongue. His eyes locked as she popped her fingers into her luscious mouth to suck them clean. 'I can think of a much better use for that tongue and those lips.' When she licked her palm, he felt himself harden violently.

"A name? Do you have a name?" Sherl persisted. She turned her brunette eyes to his.

"Uh, yeah it's Kevin Richardson." He jolted back to reality. "Are you paying attention to anything I'm telling you?"

"So, Kevin," she said, tasting his name on her lips. "Basically, you are telling me that I'm turning into a werewolf? Like you?" Sherl was smiling as she downed the hunk of eye-roast she'd been holding. "That's silly, there's no such thing."

"The reason you are craving and eating raw red meat," he began as he handed her the last hunk of what used to be a ten-pound chunk of beef, "…is because your body is preparing for its first change. You need to eat because the change takes a lot out of you. If you don't eat enough ahead of time, you'll eat the first piece of meat you see. Even if it's walking around with a school book-bag over its shoulder or sitting in your living room changing channels."

"And you're saying that I'm a werewolf because you… because we fucked."

"When I ah, took you…" He was trying to avoid the word fuck; he could see a dangerous gleam of gold building in her eyes. "…our auras, souls, energies, whatever, overlapped and it triggered your nature. You were what we call dormant, kind'a like a recessive gene. I was so close to changing right then and there that my uh, power shoved you out of dormancy and now you're headed for your first change."

Sherl could feel an uncontrollable anger starting to boil up. What was weird was that she could also feel a warm pool of heat dampening her panties. She couldn't seem to make up her mind if she wanted to hit him or kiss him.

"I'm guessing that one of your parents or grand parents was a 'were." The scent of her growing excitement was rolling over him in waves. He shifted in his seat, but he just couldn't get comfortable. "Did one of your relatives take off one day and disappear?"

"Uh, yeah." Sherl's expression was frozen with sudden grief as though he had thrown a bucket of cold water in her face. "My Dad drove off on his bike, an Indian motorcycle like yours, when I was little."

'Shit, looks like I hit the nail on the head.' Kevin thought as he watched her flinch. "Then it was probably him."

"He used to have a leather bomber jacket with a big wolf painted on the back." Her voice cracked and she sniffed. "He used to take me for rides on his bike."

"Hey, hey Princess," he whispered softly then wiped a tear from her cheek. "I'm there too okay? Only it was my Mom who took off on me." He squeezed her hand in comfort and she smiled tremulously, squeezing him back.

"So I'm gon'na change into a werewolf at the next full moon?" Sherl's eyes were wide. She swallowed the last of the beef and watched as Kevin tossed the plastic out the window of the parked jeep.

"No, in the next day or so." Glancing at the sky, Kevin saw the first flakes of snow starting to whisper out of the glowing clouds. "The full moon is weeks away and something else entirely." 'Oh fuck, how the hell do I explain the effects of the full moon to her?' Sherl thought with a cringe. 'That little talk is not going to be pretty.'

"Once you've made your first change you'll be able to control it, pretty much. Oh," he continued, "and the stuff in the movies isn't true either, not about silver and not about the change." Kevin felt himself growing uncomfortably hard in reaction to her feminine perfume. Although the windows were wide open, her scent seemed to fill the jeep to overflowing.

"So what am I supposed to do now?" Sherl licked the last of the beef blood from her lips and leaned toward him as she stared at his lips. She had decided that she definitely wanted to kiss him. She wanted to touch all that dark hair, curl her fingers in it and hold him firmly to her mouth while she tasted him.

'What is that heavenly smell?' Breathing deeply, Sherl realized that she could smell the aroma of a salty sweet something that reminded her of…

That particular scent had been on her own skin for days after he had fucked her senseless. Her mind blanked briefly, shying away from the thought, then the memory of his hot cum pouring into her writhing body, suddenly slammed into her.

Sherl looked down and noticed the considerable bulge in Kevin's pants. That delicious perfume was coming from him. From his pants.

Kevin's brain turned to mush as she looked pointedly down at his painfully tight crotch. There was no hiding his interest or hers. Her tongue sweep across the tender fullness of her lips with a definite glitter of gold in her eyes, matching the heat rising in his.

Turning in his seat, he breathed in deeply. The smell of beef blood and aroused female was overpowering. He leaned toward her with a creak of old leather; his mouth barely inches away from hers. From the corner of his eye, he could see that snow had started to fall from the sky in earnest, dusting the parked cars with silver.

"What do you do now?" he mumbled, swallowing hard and focusing on her tender lips. "Now you kiss me." With a lunge, he seized the back of her head and pulled her closer closing the distance to her lips. Sherl met him halfway, her hands closing powerfully on his forearms.

He angled his mouth over hers and her soft lips parted, letting him in. Their tongues met and stroked each other. He could taste the beef she'd been eating. His tongue explored her warmth then brushed her teeth where sharp little incisors made themselves known. She was a hell of a lot closer to her change than he'd thought.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' Kevin broke the kiss, his eyes barely in focus from his lust. He wanted nothing more than to pull her onto his lap and pull her clothes off.