Interview from
Top Of The Pops Nov '99
For breakfast
today I had...
Nothing! I had chicken for lunch though if that counts.
My favourite
song of 1999 so far is...
TLC's Unpretty. It's my favourite video too.
The last movie
I saw was...
Disney's Tarzan (of course) and I have to say, it was absolutely incredible.
For breakfast
today I had...
Nothing! I had chicken for lunch though if that counts.
The craziest
thing I've read about Boyzone is...
That when we first started out we were multimillionaires. We'd only released
our debut single, like, and we were suppose to be rich! Can you believe it?
If I could
do a duet with anyone I'd choose...
Mel C, definitely. She looks good and she's done some really great stuff. If
not mel C, it would be Emma or one of the other Spice Girls!
Last weekend
Was singing in the recording studie in new York. New York's a great city - the
weather was really nice and I loved walking arounf in the sunshine. I stopped
off at a chocolate shop where you can buy huge fresh stawberries that you dip
in chocolate! Mmm.
My favourite
season is...
Winter... or autumn... no, I think it's winter. (Are you sure?) I love
the rain. In fact I'm looking forward to the rain so I can take Joey (Stephen's
new pooch) for walks along the beach. Winter is cosy. I like to put loads
of clothes on, warm up and the go for long walks. Plus it's a very romantic
season (aaawww ~Annika) and there's a nice Chirstmassy
feeling in the air.
If I could
fly off for a holiday anywhere in the world I'd choose...
A small island with about eight huts and plenty of nice weather. I'd just sit
there all day, sipping nice drinks and doing nothing.
My yummiest
ice cream flavour is...
Praline and cream. Delicious.
To realx after
a hard day I...
Just sit down with a drink and watch a good movie. That usually does the trick.
When it comes
to cleaning...
Erm, my mum does it. it true, she cleans my house. I prefer to do it myself
though cos I know where evrything is and there's absolutely no way I'd hire
a maid.
One person
I'd love to meet is...
Oprah Winfrey, I really admire her. I've met Michael Jackson, so that was nice
cos he's a really friendly guy. I'd like to meet some actors too - Robert De
Niro would be good.
My favourite
fruit is...
Pineapple, I love pinapple!
My favourite
room in my house is...
My sitting room. It's got a huge TV with Dolby surround and a DVD player. I
love watching DVDs.
My trillions
of gold discs are...
Hanging up around the house. well, 20 of them are anyway and no, I don't hang
them in my toilet. I have given them away in the past to raise money for charity.
The last thing
I bought myself was...
A cool leather waistcoat in a lovely camel colour.
In the year
2000 I hope...
That more people are going to be in the environment and concerned with Aids
and drugs awareness. I'd like schools to be educating people about these things.
I'm really
looking forward to...
Releasing Bright Eyes (Stephen's long awaited solo single), seeing how
well it does and watching everyone's reactions (As you
probably know it wont be Bright Eyes, but A New Beginning that Stephen releases
for his first solo single! It's out on May 22nd so don't forget to go buy it!
We have to make Stephen no 1! ~Annika).
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