Part Four

"Are you okay, Christina?" Justin asked seeing her.

"Yeah, that pain in my heart is more constant," Christina said.

"I'll still think you should see a doctor," Chris said.

"Don't worry, I just need a walk and to get some fresh air," Christina said. "I'm just sorry that your part of the show will start a little earlier than planned."

"It's fine, but we're really worried about you," J. C. said.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Joey asked, and she nodded.

"I'll be fine, just good luck with your show," she said.

"Okay, I hope you feel better," Justin said, as they went their separate ways. Christina went outside as the guys went on stage. They looked back to check on Christina one more time, before they started.

* * * * *

"I just want to take a walk all by myself," Christina thought as she started to walk. "Where to go? That tree with no leaves, on top hill, behind the audience seems a nice place to go."

So she walk to the tree on top of the hill. The pain in her heart came and went as she walked. She soon reached the top and looked down at the concert, watching 'N Sync performing.

"They're very good," Christina thought, as she watched them. Then the pain in her heart struck again. Christina flinched in pain, and grabbed her heart. "Why is this happening to me?"

The pain increased as she covered her heart with her hands, trying to think of why this was happening to her.

"It's like there's something inside my heart, and it's wants to come out!" Christina thought. "I wish I could reach inside of me and pull whatever is in there out!"

Then Christina was shocked when she felt something under her hands, that wasn't there before. She slowly pulled her hands away from her heart and moved them forward to see better. While she was doing that, a light appeared from her chest and in her cupped hands. The more her hands moved away from her heart, the light grew. Soon she saw an object coming out of her heart, it was a card! When the card was out of her heart, she looked at the glowing card, glowing in her hands. Suddenly, the card floated up from her hands and hovered a few feet away from her, but stayed the same height. After moments of Christina and the card staring at each other, the card broke open, and out came a wave of darkness. The darkness seem to examined the surroundings before flying straight at the concert, leaving behind a young lady with long silver hair, and purple-silver eyes, near a bare tree.

Her hair was about a foot longer than her height, the end was tied in a purple ponytail holder, leaving the rest of her hair loose. She wore a long sleeved white dress with weird designs. The top, for example had an elaborate yellow and white pattern, a thick purple trim separated the white and yellow design. The trim was shaped like tongues of a flame, and was finished off with purple-frog closures. Above the yellow design was a smooth purple oval stone, surrounded by gold, and below that was a lavender stone. The long sleeves ended in a point, in the center of the hand, trimmed in the same purple as the top, with a red stone in the center. The skirt of the dress hung in a handkerchief hemline. There was an over skirt with a slit in the center, with a long gold trim, which ended in a heavy purple tassel, topped by a purple bead. Beside the gold trim was, was the same purple trim which decorated the bodice and the sleeves. The over skirt was cut away from the center slit to form a "wing" on each side of the slit. The purple trim followed out on this "wing-shape," while the gold trim fell to the ground. She wore white tights, and a purple silk belt. Her shoes were purple and had a red-orange stone on top. The shoes were cut in the same pattern as the cuffs. She also had a pair of huge white birds' wings on her back.

"So," Kyr thought, looking around, seeing the Clow Cards have been released improperly. "The Clow Cards have been released. I must be getting careless to have a Clow Card to get inside of me. At least it was attracted to my magic. Let's get a better view."

Kyr flapped her wings and flew to the top of the tree.

"So they are the ones," Kyr thought, sitting down on the branches, seeing 'N Sync. "Time to get back to work. Let's see if they are worthy enough to keep the cards."

* * * * *

'N Sync was doing a terrific job on stage. The only thing that was odd, was that most of the time, Lance was rubbing his chest, especially close to his heart, but nobody seemed to notice. Soon they were finished and they said their good-byes and thanks to the fans, as they bowed and left for backstage. There they caught their breath, and cooled down as they heard the audience scream. Suddenly, everything went dark, there was no light, not even a star shining in the sky. The only thing a person could see was total darkness. Panic soon rose, as people were running and yelling in confusion. The guys were pushed apart by the crowd.

"Can anyone hear me?" J. C. asked, through the noise. He was answered by the other guys from 'N Sync. "Kero! Can you hear me?"

"Yeah-OW!" Kero said, as he flew into a wall.

"Kero! Could a Clow Card do this?" Chris asked.

"Definitely! This is the work of a Clow Card!" Kero said.

"So let's get rid of it," Joey said.

"Joey! For one, we can't see a thing, and two we're sperated!" Justin said.

"Then follow my voice!" J. C. said, reaching out for his friends. He felt people push by him, but none of them were his friends.

"Is that you, J. C? No, sorry man. . .what about now?" Chris said, as he worked his way through the throng.

"I'm here," J. C. responded, and Chris grabbed J. C.'s hand.

"Good. Justin, Joey, Lance! This way!" Chris said, helping J. C. to find the others.

"I'm coming! Ouch!" Justin said, as he tripped over some wiring. Then he stood up, and grabbed onto someone's hand. "J. C., is that you?"

"Yeah, hurry up!" J. C. called out.

"On my way!" Joey said, rushing to them. Soon he found the others, and something brushed against his face. "Hey guys! I think I found one of those ceiling lights that you turn on by a pull-string. Let me try."

"Um, Joey," Kero said, feeling his tail being yanked on. "Stop pulling on my tail!"

"Oops! Sorry Kero," Joey said, letting go of Kero's tail.

"Forgiven," Kero said, landing on Joey's shoulder.

"Okay, that's everyone except Lance," J. C. said.

"Where is Lance?" Chris asked.

"Lance! Where are you?" Justin called out.

"Over here," Lance said, softly.

"Stay where you are," J. C. said. "We'll try to find you."

J. C. led everyone to where Lance was, trying not to trip or bump into anything, or anyone.

"You know I think we're on stage again," Joey said, trying to figure out where they were.

"Lance, where are you?" J. C. called out.

"Here," Lance said, peacefully.

Part Five
Part Three
Story Index