Part Five

"I wish we had some light," Chris said. Then J. C. stopped, and the rest bumped into each, as Kero got off Joey's shoulder and hovered above them. "What is it?"

"We found Lance," J. C. said a little stunned. "Plus a light."

"Really? Where?" Chris asked, but then he saw what J. C. saw. There was Lance, kneeing on the floor, his eyes were closed, and his hands covered his heart. From his heart came a light. The other walked slowly to Lance.

"Lance?" J. C. asked, a little worried, when they got to him.

"Yes?" Lance asked, opening his sparkling green eyes at them.

"What's that?" Justin asked, pointing to the light coming from Lance's heart. "I found this inside my heart," Lance said, and slowly removed his hands from his chest. The light grew brighter, as he removed his hands. Out of his heart, came a card.

"A Clow Card!" Kero said, as Lance stood up to join his friends. The Clow Card floated up and then hovered in the air as the guys stared at the brightly glowing card. Suddenly a wave of light broke the card and began to spin around. The darkness was drawn into the vortex of the spinning light and the darkness disappeared as it was being sucked in the light. Soon everything was back to the way it was before the incident, except the guys of 'N Sync was staring at a swirling mass of light and dark, that looked like a spinning Yin-Yang symbol.

"Congratulations boys!" Kero said. "You just found two of the most powerful Clow Cards!"

"Wonderful," J. C. moaned.

"Lucky us," Justin groaned.

"Yea us," Joey said, unenthusiastically.

"So, how are we going to capture them?" Chris asked.

"You must identify their true names," Kero said.

"How? It's just a bundle of light and dark spinning around," Joey said, indicating the spinning light and dark. As he said that, the light and the dark pattern quivered a little bit. Kero turned to Joey and smiled. "What?"

"You just identified the cards!" Kero said, smiling. "This is your lucky day boys!"

"Speak for yourself," J. C. mumbled.

"Okay, so now what?" Lance asked.

"Take out your wands," Kero said, and the guys took out the keys, and tossed them into the air. In a flash of light, they changed back into wands, and the guys caught their own wand. "Now say: "Light Card, Dark Card, return to your true forms!"

"Light Card, Dark Card, return to your true forms!" 'N Sync sang together, aiming their wands at the spinning light and dark. Electricity sparked from their wands and hit the light and dark cards. The light and dark separated and began to change shape.

The Light took form of a young beautiful maiden. She had long curly white hair, long eyelashes, and pale skin. Above the bust line, clinging to her skin, was a yellow sun. She wore a pale gray dress, with a very, very, low V-neck; low enough to see her belly button. The dress had a white trim around the V-neck, and the bust line too. It had a white collar, and puffy sleeves, with a sun embroidered into the top of the sleeves. A white line went through the center of the sun, and went through the sleeve and stopped at the cuff, where two curvy white lines circled around the cuff. She wore a large white crown, with very high points. Her eyes were closed, and her arms hung loosely from her shoulders and were crossed at her waist. In her right hand, she held a cloud, and in her left hand, she held a sun.

The Dark also took form of a beautiful young maiden, with black straight hair. Her dress looked like the one that The Light wore, except for a few details. The dress was black and the seems were white, but the collar was still white. She also wore a gray headband with many high points, instead of a crown. The middle of the headband was fashion to point down over her forehead. Five multifaceted emeralds sparkled above her bust line, Seemingly clinging to her skin. Her arms were crossed at her waist. She carried a six pointed star in her right hand, and a crescent moon in her other hand.

The guys stared in awe and wonder at The Light and The Dark true forms. Just then The Light and The Dark opened their eyes. The Light's eyes were as yellow as the sun, and The Dark's eyes were as green as the emeralds.

"The two sister cards," Kero said.

"Hello," The Light said, smiling and winking at 'N Sync.

"Hi," the guys said, a little nervously to the women.

"You have done well," The Dark said. "You have passed the test."

"Test? What test?" Joey asked.

"The test to see if you are fit to be the new owners of the Clow Cards," The Light said.

"And we passed?" Justin asked, and the two sisters nodded.

"But you are not ready for us yet," The Light said.

"We're not?" J. C. asked.

"You have many challenges ahead of you," The Dark said. "You must tame the powers of the other cards to prove yourself responsible enough for us."

"So that means we didn't capture you?" Chris said, the two sister nodded.

"What's going to happen to you?" Lance asked.

"We will leave," The Light said. "We will wait, until you are ready for us."

"We promise to do no harm," The Dark said. "We will meet again."

"Before we leave, we wish you good luck," The Light said.

"Yes, good luck for Kyr's Judgment," The Dark said.

"Fare thee well," the sisters said together. Then they changed into two shooting stars, and flew off. The guys watched them leave in wonder. Then they looked at each other.

"Kyr's Judgment?" they thought.

* * * * *

"So they have found two of the Clow Cards already. I'll give them credit for that," Kyr thought, watching 'N Sync and the Clow Cards. "But they couldn't capture the cards, I don't like that. Still. . .this is their first time, so I'll give them a break, for now. Hopefully, they will improve for their sake."

Kyr watched the two shooting stars as they flew over her. Then she unfurled her wings and glided to the ground.

"What. . .What happened?" Christina thought, as she looked around. "That pain in my heart is gone, that's good, but what happen? I remember watching the concert, then. . .nothing until now. That's odd, the concert is over, did I fall asleep? No, I didn't lie down. This is strange. Oh well."

Christina shrugged, and walked back down the hill, toward the stage, and her tour bus.

* * * * *

"La to ba, do de da, la pul de do da de wo wa, bo diggy," Kero sang, as he flew on top of the table, placing his cupcake down. Before Kero began eating, he looked at 'N Sync sad faces. They were on their tour bus, going to the next location. No one, except for 'N Sync and Kero remembered the incident with the Light and Dark Cards, everyone else thought it was just a power failure. Also, after the concert, Christina came back from her walk, telling them that she felt better and that getting a walk and some fresh air was all she really needed.

"What's the matter with you guys?" Kero asked, looking at their sad expressions.

"Kero, two of the most powerful Clow Cards escaped," Chris said.

"Look, I know it's disappointing to have the Clow Cards escape on you, but there will be other opportunities. You have to look at the bright side," Kero said.

"What bright side?" Justin asked.

"That two of the most powerful Clow Cards already respect you," Kero said. "If they didn't, they would have fought with you."

"Is that true?" Joey asked, and Kero nodded.

"All they want from you is to have a little more practice before you meet again," Kero said, and the guys felt a little better hearing that.

"Kero?" Lance asked.

"Yes?" Kero responded, turning to face Lance.

"What did The Light and The Dark mean when they wish us good luck with Kyr's Judgment?" Lance asked.

"Kyr was created by Clowina Reed," Kero said. "It is Kyr's duty to judge anybody who inherits the Clow Cards."

"Judged?" Joey asked.

"Clowina didn't want the Clow Cards to fall in the wrong hands, so she made Kyr to judge a person to see he is worthy of keeping the cards," Kero said. "Usually Kyr appears when most of the Clow Cards are used or caught. When she does, it's time for her judgment. She would challenge that person to battle with the Clow Cards."

"What happens after they battle?" Chris asked.

"Well, if you lose, Kyr will take away the Clow Cards, then erases that person's memory of the Clow Cards and those they loved," Kero said. "If you win, Kyr will admit you own her."

"What does that mean?" Joey asked.

"She'll probably do what you command her to do," Kero said.

"Oh wow," Lance said. "Guys, this has become a lot more serious."

"Why is that?" Justin asked.

"Not only do we have to capture the Clow Cards to prevent them from causing disasters, but when we capture most of them, we will have to face Kyr," Lance said.

"And what if Kyr beats us?" J. C. asked. "We would lose our memories of everyone we love. Our moms, dad, brothers, sisters, and each other."

"Look, Kyr will be patient," Kero said. "You're going to have a lot of practice capturing the Clow Cards. When Kyr comes, you'll be ready for her."

"Thanks Kero," Lance said, and patted Kero on his small head.

"No problem," Kero said, smiling. "And here's a little hint, when you capture the Clow Cards, write your name on your card. That way, the card will not cause any danger without your permission."

"Thanks Kero," Chris said, smiling.

"Anytime," Kero said. "Now if you excuse me, I would like to eat." Kero picked up his cupcake and flew off.

"What's up with him?" Joey asked, watching Kero leave.

"I don't know," Chris said, and got up. "But I'm getting something to eat, anyone want anything?"

The other guys shook their heads or said "No." So Chris left them to get some food. Soon the other members of 'N Sync heard a scream, then Chris came running back.

"Kero!" Chris yelled. "Get back here!"

"Whoops! I'm out of here!" Kero said, flying faster.

"What's wrong?" J. C. asked Chris, as the rest got up.

"He has the last cupcake!" Chris said.

"Oh man," Justin groaned.

"KERO!" 'N Sync screamed, chasing Kero around the bus.

Part Four
Story Index