Chapter Five

My eyes open and i am surprised at the fact that i just had a dream. I have not dreamt in centuries

. It was not quite clear what was happening but, i saw Kevin and Alex and Nick, Brian and Howie, and some unknown foe whom i could not see the face of. I was fighting the invisible force with all of my might, but somehow it defeated me and killed all of the guys. I woke up just as i saw the foe’s sword inbed itself in Kevin’s chest.

I sit up dazed, and confused, dred peppering my body. I hope that that was just a dream and not a premonition of what is to come.

A few minutes later i am refreshed from a cold splash of water on my face and am headed down to the bar beneath the hotel. Upon arriving i see all of the guys, minus nick who is upstairs in his room trying to beat the latest nintendo game he has bought, sitting in various locations throughout the bar. Brian is chatting with a lovely red head named Josephine, Howie is dancing the marange (sp?) with a latina girl, Alex is waiting at a table for me of course, and Kevin is watching every move that i make as i walk into the bar.

I walk purposely over to Alex and sit down across from him. “Hallo, Alex.” I say, warmly smiling at him.

“Hello, baybeeee!” he says excitedly grinning from ear to ear and grabbing my hand with his own. “Did my lady have a nice nap?” he asks, still smiling.

“Yes, you could say that.” I say thinking about the dream that i had, but still smiling at him. His smiles are contagious, it seems.

“So, Cass, do you wanna dance?” he asks me mischeviously, winking. I do not even have to think. I love to dance. So in answer to is question, i grab his hand and pull him out into the dance floor.

2 exhausting hours later, for Alex not me, Alex and I walk up to our room. I have to basically carry him, he is so exhausted and drunk. This amuses me for i have never been drunk, can never be drunk no matter how much alcohol i consume. That is just the perks of being what i am.

As soon as i feel the area is clear, I pick Alex up in my arms as if he weighed nothing and transport us both up to our room with one quick thought.

Inside our room, Alex moans and mumbles in his drunken caused stupor, asking for his mommy not to make him go to school and for the jackass in the corner of the room to be quiet that his baby monkey is trying to sleep. Amusement leaks out of my eyes as I put Alex’s pajamas on him, if you can call them that. They consist of just boxers and some silky pant bottoms.

I put him in bed and softly tuck him in. Kissing his forehead, I softly creep to the bathroom where one thought causes my clothes to disappear into my bag and my pajamas to be on my body.

Ten seconds later i am ready for bed. I walk back over to a sleeping Alex and crawl into bed with him. I look at him lovingly. He has become so dear to me in such a short time. I hope to be friends with him for a very long time. I kiss him again on his forehead and shut out the lamp. Laying back on the soft satin sheets, i ponder what might happen tomorrow as i slowly drift into a light sleep.

Chapter Six
Chapter Four
Story Index