Chapter Six

The last vestiges of sleep wash from my mind and body, as i stretch contentedly in the warmth of Alex’s arms. I smile as i open my eyes, thinking of how, at about 5am Alex called out to me and i snuggled into his arms. He really is a comfortable person to be around, i think as i climb out of his arms quietly trying not to awaken him.

I dress in a hunter green glittery tube top and some black hip hugging flares, accompanied (sp?) by some black platform sandles.

As i finish dressing i hear movement in the next room, from my position in the bathroom and smile as i hear Alex groan and stretch. He sleepily walks into the bathroom and grins at me, while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“Hello, Lady Cass, what are you doing up so early?” he asks me yawning and leaning against the bathroom door.

“Alex, the real question is, is what are YOU doing up so early?" I laugh. "i know you are not one to get up before the noon time meal is served. But to answer your question, this is how early i get up every day. No matter how late i stay up i am always awake at this time.” i say, placing the 8th earing in my ear. Yes, back in the 70’s when everyone was getting pierced i got carried away, i have 4 in each ear. I also got a number of tattoos, but i shall tell about those later on.

He looks at me strangely, and shrugs, then gives me a slight hug and then crawls back into bed, where he shall stay until noon. I cannot see how anyone can sleep so long, besides Kevin that is, when the days are so incredibly beautiful. It is 7am and Alex is wasting this beautiful day by sleeping it away. I sigh, as i remember how Serephine used to do the same thing. It is strange how alike those two are. I shrug and grab my purse after leaving Alex a note telling him that i will be back around the time he wakes up, maybe a little later.

I am feeling a little adventurous so i take the elevator instead of transporting myself downstairs.

As the elevator doors start to close, i hear a yell to keep the doors open, so i comply. I see Kevin jogging toward me, calling out. He has yet to know who is holding the doors for him.

As he nears the doors, he sees who i am, and stops a moment, but slowly walks inside the elevator. The doors close with a ping behind him. I push the bottom floor button but Kevin makes no move to push a button, so i must assume that that is the same floor he is stopping on.

Silence evelopes the small elevator, uncomfortable, for Kevin to say the least. I on the other hand am reading his bemuddled thoughts. I laugh inwardly. He is thinking how on earth can she be up so early after partying all night with AJ? How can she look so refreshed and beautiful at this unGodly hour? But what about what i saw last night? She was carrying AJ like he was a baby, like he weighed nothing at all, and then she just disappeared into thin air. A puzzled expression fits itself onto Kevin’s face as he ponders all of this tiredly.

I keep my expression blank, as i take in that he saw me teleport myself and Alex to our room last night. How could i have missed someone watching me? I try to shake this feeling off, and then i remember who and what i am. So, i carefully place a small suggestion in the back of his mind and he starts forgetting what he saw last night. I smile when i see his pondering look vanish for an exhausted one.

“Kevin, why are you up so early? It looks like you, the one that likes to sleep the most out of everyone, would be asleep at this early hour.” i say finally breaking the silence. He finally looks over at me, taking in my sexy outfit, clearing his throat he says,”Cass, i dunno, i can’t seem to sleep. I tried all night to sleep, but apparently something is on my mind. I’ll sleep later, though, when we’re all on the buses, i sleep better there anyway.” he says, looking deep into my violet eyes.

I arch a brow at him and laugh at his expression. His face is so easily read, even if i could not read his thoughts i could tell what he was thinking just by this look. The doors ping open as we reach the ground floor.

“Well, Kevin, i hope you get your deserved rest, i for one am going shopping.” i say, walking purposely toward the front doors. i smile at the bell hop and the desk consierge, they taken by my beauty and other worldly glow, just grin back.

Kevin follows me out, and says,”Cass, do you mind if i go with you? I haven’t been shopping for a long time, and i...i....just wanna go today...” he stammers out, looking at the ground.

I smile at him and say,”Of course, Kevin, you can come with me. After all, i do have to have someone to carry all of the bags i plan to come back with.” i laugh at his surprised but amused expression and walk to my car.

He gasps at the silver viper standing in the parking lot. He wonders silently where it came from, but shruggs it all off when i climb inside. He climbs inside with me, and off we go to the most expensive store in all of Toronto.

A few minutes into the drive Kevin breaks the silence, well not complete silence an incredibly rare cd of theirs is playing in the cd player. “Cass, yesterday, when we were checking in, you never told me why you looked so sad.” he asks looking over at me. I sigh. I knew that this was coming. I wanted him to forget about it, but alas he did not. “Well...Kevin....I lost a friend a very long time best friend in the entire world in fact, and there are so many things that i have seen recently that remind me so much of her....” i sigh and continue on my way, weaving in and out of the traffic that threatens to consume the streets.

Kevin does not press me, i am glad he does not. I am still wrapped in my memories as i glide into the parking lot of an expensive mall called “the Icing” (*AN i have no clue what the malls or stores are called in toronto, i have never been there, so bare with me...this is my story so i will just make up names :) ).

2 hours later, Kevin heavy laden with shopping bags and boxes groans and sits tiredly on a wooden bench. “Cass, you don’t have to buy out the entire store...i mean come on there are gonna be so many other stores that you can find even better stuff there...” he whines and complains, while setting the bags and boxes down at his aching feet.

“Oh come now, Kevin, you know how we women love to shop..." i laugh softly. "....but i shall comply, you look exhausted and i agree i can find many better things elsewhere...” i grab half the packages and he grabs the latter half and follows me back to my viper.

It took an hour to drive back to the it did to drive to the mall from the it is now about 11:30am...just about time for Alex to be awake.

I park my car back in its place and walk into the hotel with some of my packages. Kevin follows with the other half and we go up to mine and Alex’s room. I unlock the door, and throw the bags down on the carpetted floor, as does Kevin.

I see, to my amusement, Alex still lying in bed, just covered in a sheet, and nothing else, as i can tell by a certain portion of his anatomy that is not as asleep as he is. I laugh out loud softly and Kevin wonders what i am laughing about...then he sees IT....he bursts out laughing as well, bring Alex back to the land of the living.

He sits up and looks curiously at us, “What are you 2 laughing at?” he asks. “Oh just something that appears to be more awake than you dear Alex.” i laugh harder, when he realizes now at what we’re laughing at. He blushes profusely and quickly grabs the blankets to cover himself more fully.

“What have you been dreaming of, Alex dear? “ i ask bemused at his embarassed expression. “ummm...oh...uh...nothing...lady Cass, nothing at all.” Kevin watches our exchange with jealousy glittering in his green eyes, but says nothing.

I laugh quietly, and say, “It cannot be nothing at all Alex, otherwise your little friend would not be so at attention.” i love teasing him, he turns an unbelievable darker shade of red and then yells for Kevin to leave.

Kevin grumbles but complies and shuts the door behind himself. I listen to his footsteps, following with my ears their path back to his room and then their stop. I sigh and then bring my attention back to Alex’s position.

“Oh, Alex what do i do with you? wait do not answer that, i can see what you are ready to do, but we just met.” i laugh hysterically at his face and then dodge the pillow that is thrown at my head.

“Smart ass, eh, now aren’t you Cass?” he asks then jumps up and grabs his boxers from their position in the chair next to the bathroom door. He shows no shame in being naked, in fact, he has nothing to be ashamed of. I look at his reason for being aman, and unconsciously lick my now parted lips.

Now that is some prime meat that i see here. I think to myself, licking my lips again. I watch him pull on his black silk boxers and then straighten up.

I quickly compose myself, examining my nails as he looks up at me. He grins at me, and i know that he knew i was checking out his package. Oh well, i am not one to be shy. I look up at him and smile evily, wriggling my eyebrows at him. i then blow him a kiss and then turn around to examine the contents of my boxes and bags.

I hear him put on a pair of baggy khaki cargo pants and walk over to me. He leans down and hugs me from behind, snuggling his face into my back. He feels so good. I relax against him, then turn around.

I look deep into his chocolate eyes and see passion sparked there, along with an emotion that i dare not name. He looks at me, his eyes filling with that emotion, then he leans toward me and kisses me softly.

This surprises me at first, causing me to stiffen, but then i feel a spark that flows from his lips to mine. I relax and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back. The kiss developes into something more, when my lips part and he takes advantage of the fact and slowly sticks his tongue in my mouth.

I moan softly, feeling his soft tongue swirling inside of my heated mouth. He groans when i run my long nails down his back, stopping at his hard muscled ass.

The kiss deepens more, if that is even possible. My tongue duels with his, and his with mine. This kiss means something to both of us, i am sure of it. It goes on for another 5 minutes, when the door bursts open and Kevin walks in.

Our passionate sweet kiss breaks when we hear the door and i watch as Kevin drops whatever he was holding and walk swiftly and angrily out the door. I hear his door open and then slam. I wince when i hear this, looking at one of my packages that he had brought me. He must have taken one by mistake when he carried his own to his room.

I look up from the package and at Alex. He is standing there, holding me in his tattooed arms, just looking at me. He does not know what to say and neither do i for that matter.

I disengage myself from his arms, and clear my throat, then sit down on the bed. Alex closes the door and locks it this time, and sits down next to me.

He looks at me, and i at him. I ponder why Kevin can be so jealous of a simply wonderful man as Alex. And Alex sits looking deep into my eyes, his eyes are filled with feelings too embroiled for me to even figure out.

“Well...ummm....that was....umm...WOW.....” he stammers out, looking deep into my now grey eyes. He seems surprised at the change of color but says nothing.

Laughing lightly, i say, “ you could say that again dear Alex.” i raise my pale arm and caress the side of his face. He leans into it and closes his eyes, enjoying the moment.

“Did you see the way Kev acted? it’s like he doesn’t want anyone to be happy around here.” Alex says opening his eyes, and grabbing my wrist with one of his hands. I look at him and nod slowly, i know what is the matter with Kevin , but i dare not speak it to Alex.

“I do not know Alex, i have pondered Kevin’s reactions and words many times and i have yet to come up with a logical answer.” I inwardly say thoughts too, for i have been reading his thoughts steadily as well.

I sigh, and lay back on the rumpled bed, my thoughts burrying my mind in turmoil. Alex lays down next to me and stares at the ceiling pondering what has just happened, as do i.

I will figure out what is going on here. I just need a little time to understand it all. I slowly get up after 5 minutes of silence and call room service to order drinks. Even I, a blood thirsty vampire, drink human beverages. Even though blood is my life. Human liquors are a nice change, but no substitution for that red, sweet nectar...blood.

Chapter Seven
Chapter Five
Story Index