Chapter Seven

2 hours later, after a much needed lunch, the guys and I walk to the dance studio that we are to practice at. The guys seem nervous about me dancing with them that night, for they have never seen me dance, well Alex and Kevin have, but the others know nothing of my talent.

Fatima Robinson, a nice 30-something year old black woman, is their choreographer and has been for the past 6 1/2 years or more. She looks at me critically noting my tube top and flares and non-atheletic model-type physique. She tells the guys to get into their normal formation on the wooden floor and walks over to me.

“hello, i’m Fatima Robinson, and i am the guys’ choreographer.” she restates what i already know from her thoughts and the guys’. Then,” Cassandra, is it? well, Cassandra, i don’t know about how well you dance, and as it such short notice i don’t know if you can learn all these dance steps in....” glances at her watch....”8 hours. But we sure as hell can try. At AJ’s persistance, you will be paired with him through out all of the dances.” she glances at Alex and grins, knowing of his infatuation with me.

“Fatima, i can promise you that i have had lots of experience in the dance field. I have done ballet to tap, to ballroom to just about anything that you can think of. I will not let you or the guys down. That is a promise.” i smile at her and then head over to where the guys are standing watching our little talk.

Fatima shakes her head, obviously not believing me, and walks over to us.

3 hours later, Fatima is shocked, and quite frankly the guys are too. I have learned every dance step that she showed me, and i in fact learned them as soon as i saw them done, but i could not explain why i could do them in 20 minutes so i prolonged the training period by 2 hours and 40 minutes.

“Cassandra, you amaze me, you are the best dancer that i’ve ever seen. I mean, i couldn’t even learn these dances in that amount of time, and i’m the one that makes them up.” she hugs me, showing me how proud of me she is and walks out going to take a shower.

The guys stand around awkwardly watching my every move. I clear my throat and say,” What’s wrong, guys, never seen anyone of my calibre before?” teasingly grinning at them. “Uh...of course I have, Cass. You’re looking at THE best dancer in all the land!” Brian, yells in a sort of Jim Carrey-ish voice, making a funny face at me. I laugh and so do the other guys.

“Lady Cass, you absolutely blow me away. I have never seen anyone that learns that fast.” Alex says, coming close to me and hugging me tightly. I return his hug, watching Kevin’s cold green eyes flicker over us. I grin at him and he turns around not looking at us.

“Hmmm...Alex....i blow you away huh?" I laugh. "believe me darling, if i really blew you away you would know it.” i say teasing him. I feel his “not so little friend” respond to my words and then he lets go of me and clears his throat looking into my eyes. I see desire flare and rest in his chocolate orbs.

“ that an offer?” he asks half teasing, half seriously. “You never know with me, Alex, you just never know.” i say, giving him a coy glance and then licking mylips seductively. Walking out of the dance room, i smile at nick and howie, they have been quiet throughout the entire practice. They smile back and head towards the showers, talking softly amongst themselves.

I head toward the woman’s shower and proceed to remove my sweaty clothes. I turn the hot water on and soak my sweaty, yet cool body underneath the spray. I love the feel of the hot water on my body, my body is always cold or at least cool and so i enjoy the heat of a body, warm human blood running through my veins, or of hot water on my fair and soft skin.

I moan slightly under the spray and smile slowly when i feel someone there, amidst the lockers watching me, desiring me. I know who he is, he is just too afraid to admit that he is there watching me voyeuristically.

I tease my peeping Tom, but turning toward him, allowing him to see my perfect breasts, and flat stomach and the area down below that he would love to touch. My eyes are closed but i can see his every move, his every facial expression. His eyes widen slightly as i wash my breasts and stomach. He exhales sharply when my hand comes to rest at the mound that he wants so badly. I wash my entire body enticingly, invitingly, and i sense him becoming unbearable aroused.

I find it amusing and i smile to myself as i see him rubbing himself through his sweat pants. He finally just pulls them and his boxers down and starts stroking himself slowly trying to aleviate some of the pressure.

I finish showering and this startles him so he pulls up his pants and boxers and runs from the room, quietly hoping that he was not seen by me. I laugh, and dress in a hotel bath robe, gathering my sweaty clothes i walk slowly up to my room, thinking all the while about the scene that i just witnessed.

Sighing, i reach mine and alex’s door and go inside, wondering why my secret voyeur will not reveal himself to me.

30 minutes later...........

I break out of my meditation exercises, feeling a bout of painfully sharp hunger flowing through my body. Oh, no i think, as my stomach begins making strange noises. I thought that i would not need to feed again for at least a couple of days, for i do not need blood that often, only about 1 time a week to be precise, but apparently all the excitement has caused my body to need some nourishment.

Then so be it.

I get off the bed, and with a thought my hunting attire is shrouded on me. The ususual black wardrobe: black belly tank top, black skin tight vinyle pants and black leather platform boots, with an ankle length leather jacket for show, since it is mid winter in Canada, and i am never truly cold.

5 minutes later i am on the prowl, walking out the hotel doors and down the snow-filled sidewalks. I hear the heart beats of so many blood filled people, it starts to make my mouth water, and my pulse pick up. I fear that my eyes will be seen, they always turn yellow and red when i am hungry. My fears were for naught, for no one seems to notice me there, they all seem to be concerned with their freezing mortal bodies.

I look over at the side, beside a red brick building, seeing a young man slinging a young girl into an old beat up taxi. Smiling widely, i walk over and grab the man. The girl looks at me gratefully and runs off down the street and out of sight, as i hold the guy in my arms. He looks surprised at my strength and then shocked at my yellow eyes,then begins to fight me . This only serves to piss me off in my hunger-induced state, and i roughly pull him farther into the alley, and nearly break his neck as i thrust my blood thirsty fangs into his jugular vein.

I sigh in contentment when i feel the dark red juice flowing into my mouth. The man, Jeremy as i now know, starts to slowly relax and start to sink to the ground. I hold onto him and drink my fill, until he loses consciousness. I let him fall to the ground only after i bite my finger and drop a couple of my blood droplets onto his wounds to heal them. Cannot have any evidence of creatures such as i.

Leaving him there, i walk slowly out of the alley and back towards the hotel. I have to get ready for my debut as the new backstreet boys dancer.

Chapter Eight
Chapter Five
Story Index