Story Submission and Rules

So, you've read the stories that I have here so far, and you want to contribute your own story, right? Well, first, I'll explain some of the rules to you, then I'll tell you how to submit you story. You ready? There's only a few.


1) Your story MUST have some sort of supernatural or sci-fi element and a member or all of the Backstreet Boys or *N SYNC. The fantasy or sci-fi element means that it can feature aliens, vampires, angels, demons, magic, witches, ghosts, the entire casts of The X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Roswell, or Star Trek, super powers, etc...etc. Remember, this is a library of fantasy and sci-fi boy band fan fiction, please use your imagination.

2) Please, please, please include a rating for your story. I would love to avoid having little kids clicking into NC-17 fan fics.

3) Believe it or not, I won't be all that strict on grammar. But, I want you to remember that if I link your story or host it, I will put it up as is. Make sure this is the way you want the world to see your writing.

Submitting the Story

I think that's about all of the rules. Now that you know that, how do you get it to me?

If your story is already on a page:

Just send me the link, a plot summary, and a rating to

If your story is not on a page and you want it here:

Send your story chapter by chapter with a rating and a plot summary to

I'm looking forward to reading your stories!

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