Backstreet Boy Stories

This is the collection of Backstreet Boy stories. I don't own the rights to any of these stories except where it says "by Amy." Most of these are links from other pages and stories that people have sent in. Please enjoy and send the authors feedback.

Fantasy Stories

AJ THE SQUIRREL SLAYER by Anonymous -- Meet AJ, the squirrel slayer, as he battles his power nemesis Brian, king of the squirrel people. Rated: G

ANGELS by Molly -- "A story about the Backstreet Boys' guardian angels - and not all of them are female! *grin* " (summary by author) Rated: PG

BETWEEN DUSK AND DAWN by Sharina, Symone, and Terri -- "Six people on the run from an enemy who lives in the darkness. They want them dead since they're different. Can the six hold out together, or will they succumb to the darkness to save themselves? " (summary by authors) Rated: R

THE BLUE STAR CHILDREN by Holly -- "Five babies are unexplainably left with five famous men. In order to protect the children and give them a normal life style, the men must blend into the crowd. This means a change in names, location, looks and occupations. They can't hide forever, especially not from what's hunting them. Can five young teenagers escape what's been coming to them their entire lives? " (summary by author) Rated: PG-13

BOYS OF THE NIGHT by B -- A Boys as vampires fan fic. Rated: R

CAN YOU FEEL ME? by Danielle -- "Two souls are bound in a way neither of them understands. Fate has brought them together for a purpose and they need to find out what the reason is and learn to save themselves along the way." (summary by author) Rated: R

CLOCK OF THE HEART by Lara -- "Five girls agree to a scientific experiment. They are sent back in time and meet five handsome young men who bear a striking resemblance to a "boy band" of the present." (summary by story hostess) Rated: R

CONCEALED by Jamie -- "Brian's the definition of normal. He's got a good sense of humor, a strong faith in God, a bunch of best buddies, the ability to move things without touching them..." (summary by author) Rated: G

CONNECTIONS by Hope -- Beth has the unique ability to "connect" to anyone she touches. She can see, feel, and hear what another person does. Now after years of seeing destruction and despair, she has connected to a man that she feels she must help. The only problem is she doesn't know how. Rated: PG

A DANGEROUS PAST by Bria -- "This is not your normal fan fiction! Brian learns that his life had all been a lie. His mother was involved with something dangrous that sealed Brian's fate before birth. Will Brian be able to live up to everyone's expectations, or will he be killed along the way?" (summary by the author) Rated: G

DARK AND LIGHT by K -- When AJ and Kevin meet a lady vampire, their lives completely change. Rated: NC-17

THE DARK TRILOGY by Kaz Falcon -- "When Nick loses his eyesight in a traffic accident, all seems lost. That is, until a mysterious stranger steps in and changes everything. Nick becomes determined to find out the truth when he chances upon her a year later........... but what secret does she hold?" (summary by author) Rated: R

EVERYBODY (BACKSTREET'S BACK) by Eboni -- While on tour in Europe, the Boys' bus breaks down, and they wind up in a creepy, run-down mansion. Can they found their way out alive? You may think the story sounds familiar, but you've never heard the whole story. Rated: G

THE FIFTH ELEMENT Authors Unknown -- This story is brought to you by the same people who wrote The Quest. "Recipe for the merging of two worlds: 5 earthly elements and their bearers. a kidnapped princess must be sacrificed. five warlords with hidden power. a full solar eclipse. and an ethereal fifth element, yet unknown to man. This is the story of Five men, and a destiny that none of them are quite ready for..." (summary by authors) Rated: PG

FORSAKEN VISIONS by Joyce -- "Cameron is no ordinary girl. She can have no ordinary love. As baby bad things happened to her that no one but her knows about. Some say she is psychic. Others say she is like a prophet. But they all fear her. And in this world today, what they do not understand, they want to destroy. And they try and she lives in hiding, for she has many things to accomplish before she can die. They don't see what she sees. And they don't fear what she fears. She fears…for love. Why? Nobody but her and her "master" knows. And yet…one man wants to dig up the key to her heart…and try to love her. " (summary by story hostess) Rated: PG

FULL MOON RISING by Sherl -- When Sherl meets a mysterious, handsome stranger one night, she gets more than she bargained for. Rated: R

FULFILLED DESTINY by Bria -- Sequel to A Dangerous Past. "What will happen to Brian's life after he joined the group? Will the Junta still manage to get to him even though the whole world is watching the Backstreet Boys?" (summary by author) Rated: G

GUARDIAN ANGEL by Jack Daniels -- "Nothing that should offend -- seriously. Just a very simple little fic written in tribute to a wonderful young woman who died too young." (summary by author) Rated: PG-13

HER -- Something strange is happening to Brian. At every concert, in the middle of the front row, there is a strange apparition of a girl that only he can see. Everyone else thinks he's crazy, but how far will he go to prove that he's not? Rated: PG-13

IN MY HANDS by Kristy -- Lords, ladies, knights, and magic...a Boys in the middle ages story. Rated: R

IN THE ARMS OF AN ANGEL by Rebecca, Jennifer, and Lannie -- "Sometimes we fall in love with those who will never know what we feel..." (Summary by authors) Rated: PG

JOURNEY INTO DREAMS by Bobbi -- "Sometimes forces effect our lives that we never see. This is what happens when two men choose to seek those forces out. " (summary by the author) Rated: NC-17

LARGER THAN LIFE by Eboni -- "This is the sequel to Everybody Backstreet's Back, new tour, new territory, old monster... In this story the Boys are pulled deeper into the demon world they thought they had left behind and forgotten three years ago. Somehow Chiros has returned and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what he wants." (summary by author) Rated: G

THE LEGEND by Whitney -- "Two tattered worlds. A legend long forgotten. A galaxy on the verge of annihilation. A group of unlikely heroes who never asked for the task that fate has bestowed upon them… These ten alone are the only ones who can save their worlds, but to do so they must embark on a journey of peril and hardship that will take them across the stars and test their faith in themselves and everything they have ever believed in. All they know is that they must survive to fight the ultimate battle of good against evil, for if they do not triumph all will be lost." (summary by author) Rated: PG-13

LIBERA by Lauren -- "There are many beings in this world and all of them are connected under one person. The one that eight are chosen to protect from Memnoch the Devil and to complete the prophecy made long ago. The vampires, there werewolves, the shape shifters, the Lores, the Riders, the elves, the faires and the dwarfs must all come together. One to rule them all. One to find them. One to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. *Inspired by The Lord of the Rings*" (summary by author) Rated: PG-13

LUNAR MADNESS by Brea -- "What do you think would happen if you were caught in a storm and were stuck in the middle of nowhere? A strange creature crosses your path and could possibly change your life forever. And this all occurs under the full moon. " (summary by author) Rated: PG

THE MEANING OF BEING LONELY by Eboni -- "Do you believe in reincarnation, life after death, ghosts, past lives? Well neither did Brian, that is until he met a girl named Elaina. Through Elaina Brian is allowed access to a tragic past life in the 1920's involving not only him but his Backstreet brothers as well. What happened in the 1920's that led to the deaths of the five people whose souls would eventually come together to form the five individual's known as the Backstreet Boys?" (summary by author) Rated: PG

NO GREATER LOVE THAN MINE by Danielle -- A vampire fic from the author of "Can You Feel Me?" Rated: R

NO MORE LIES by Fiona -- "Nick Carter has been hiding something all his life. When a terrible accident forces him to reveal his secret, will the group be able to accept him for who he truly is? " (summary by author) Rated: G

NOTHING LASTS by Katy -- "A rash action by one of the Boys sets off a chain reaction and it's up to him to set things right." (summary by the author) Rated: PG

THE POWER by Amanda -- "Human's given Supernatural Powers... but only one power can defeat Lord Mero." (summary by author) Rated: PG

THE SLAYER by Lisa Marie -- A new twist to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer storyline. Lis is the chosen one, the slayer. Kevin is her watcher. Her life has been school, homework, and vampires until a mysterious man named Nick enters her life. Is he good or is he evil? Rated: PG

SOME THINGS NEED TO BE SAID by Fiona -- Sequel to No More Lies. "The accident a few months ago brought the Backstreet Boys closer together, but all's still not right with Nick's world. Will he ever find a way to say the things that need to be said? " (summary by author) Rated: R

SOULMATES by Ann -- "Brian is looking for someone to share his life with. Could a trip through time and past lives help him find her? *Warning: deals with themes of reincarnation, if you don't believe in this it is okay, but I don't want to offend anyone*" (summary by author) Rated: G

SOUL WARRIOR by Kaz Falcon -- "Kevin is one day given a choice, and chose a path that would send his soul to the far reaches of the universe so he could one day rejoin his family and friends. But that journey back to his true home holds new friends, and strange dangers. Yet, he faces another problem. When, and if, he reaches home, how will his family react when they finally get to see the loved one they thought they'd lost forever?" (summary by author) Rated: PG-13

SPIRITS by Shai -- "The year- 2029. Nothing has really changed since 1999 except one thing. A member of the Backstreet Boys. Can he still find love even though he's missing one important thing? " (summary by author) Rated: PG

A STEP OUT OF TIME by James -- "Is our history written in stone? What would happen if one thing in a person's life could be changed?" (summary by author) Rated: PG

SWITCHED by Amy -- Heather is tired of being a regular college student; AJ is tired of being a Backstreet Boy. Then one day, they wake up in each other's bodies. Can they handle each other's lives? Rated: PG-13

THE TA'OTH TRILOGY by Bobbi -- "Singularis abs quattuor - one alone with four. Centuries ago, those three words started a world war. They say history repeats itself...will the one be strong enough to survive?" (summary by author) Rated: NC-17

THIS HOUSE IS CURSED by Nik -- "Nick agrees to visit a haunted and cursed house..." (summary by author) Rated: R (SLASH)

THOUGHTS by Ann -- "Brian and Nick can hear some interesting things..." (summary by author) Rated: G

WITHOUT A TRACE by Kristy -- "One December evening, the Backstreet Boys disappeared - vanished, without a trace, and left the world shocked and mourning. And now, it's a year later and the authorities have given up all hope. But five girls will stop at nothing to get the boys back. They never could have seen it coming. They never could have imagined that their search would throw them into a world of evil, anger and deceit." (summary by author) Rated: PG-13

WRITTEN IN BLOOD by Jamie -- On the outside, Kevin is the picture of normalcy, but on the inside, he's one of the undead. Nick has always wondered about him, and now, he's about to find out. Rated: PG

Science Fiction

BRIAN'S SECRET by Bria -- "One night changed Brian's life completly. Only three know what happened. One was the cause, the second is dead and the third is Brian. Will Brian be able to come to terms with who he really is? Will he be able to put his past behind him and move on with his life? **Author's note: There are some adult situations in the latter part of the story, but there is the option of skipping them.**" (summary by author) Rated: R

COMPLETING THE CYCLE by Bria -- "Remember that BSP / Titan AE fic I've been promising? Well here it is. Earth is destroyed and it's up to seven people to restore the planet's heritage. Will they be able to accomplish this task before they themselves are drestroyed? And if they make it to Earth's new location, will they complete the mission properly?" (summary by author) Rated: R

COST OF A LIE by Erin -- "Earth. Destructed. In a desperate attempt to keep the planet alive, one fifth of the world's population must be enslaved to mine coal. One fifth. There are five Backstreet Boys. You do the math." (summary by site owner) Rated: PG

DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH by Bria -- "This perticular fan fic isn't your normal fan fic. I wrote it for Lilac because she told me that she wouldn't help with the site unless I did. The story has a sci-fi theme, and I'd like to say it has nothing to do with the "Larger The Life" video. In this story. The guys get their hands on something that could change the galaxy forever. However, evil follows them where ever they go. Could they manage to save the galaxy before it's too late?" (summary by author) Rated: PG

THE PAST REVEALED by Bria -- "This is a companion to Defenders of the Faith. Although you could read this one first, you might be slightly confused, so you may want to read Defenders first. Have you ever wondered how Brian and Nick became friends? What happened to Brian after he was taken by the Royals? How did Nick's parents die? Here are the answers to your unasked questions." (summary by author) Rated: PG

REINCARNATE by Meghan -- The Boys discover five medallions that will help them defeat aliens who are trying to take over the planet while a lonely sould searches for the soulmate that she lost centuries ago. Rated: R

STARWARS: BOUNTY OF THE HEART by Nsyncgrrl -- (SLASH) "NSync/BSB/Eminem crossover in the Star Wars universe. (Yes *that* Star Wars.) Three bounty-hunters on the trail of a valuable target get more than they bargained for." (summary by author) Rated: R

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