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My response to the "Child Molester" lie against our beloved Prophet, Muhammad peace be upon him:

The sections of this article are:

1-   My response to the "Child Molester" lie against Prophet Muhammad.
2-   Was Aisha engaged to someone else before she got engaged to Muhammad?
3-   The Middle Eastern and other Cultures.
4-   What about Aisha's parents (mon and dad), are they too "Child Molesters"?
5-   More on Aisha's Marriage and its acceptance by the Arab culture back then.
6-   But still, she is considered a child in our standards today!
7-   Was Muhammad a pedophile?
8-   The life span 1400 years ago was short. 
9-   What about Mary, Jesus' Mother peace be upon both of them?  How old
       was she when she got pregnant?
10- What about the Bible's Prophets' marriages?
11- What about the X-Rated Pornography in the Bible?
12- Jesus never got married before!  Therefore, Muhammad is not truthful! 
       could've been genitally mutilated from his circumcision when he was a child.

13- Conclusion.

Important Note: Please pay attention toward the end of this article to the Virgin Mary's (peace be upon her) age.  According to Christian resources, Mary was 12-14 when she got pregnant.  You will also see proofs from the Jews' Holiest Book, the Talmud, that girls were married off before at the age of 3, meaning that the Bible's Old Testament has no age limit on when girls can marry, and certainly the Jews had awfully abused it in the past.  You will also see a section on the Prophets of the Bible who married hundreds of wives and some had even slept with their neighbor's wives and some had exposed their wives in the most disgusting PORNOGRAPHIC way to the entire world in the Bible.  You will also see my response to the missionaries' argument: "Jesus never got married, so therefore Muhammad is not truthful".

Every time the Muslims talk about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to the anti-Islamic, the anti-Islamic use Muhammad's marriage with a girl named Aisha as a point against Islam.   They claim that since Muhammad was in his 50's and Aisha was only 9 years old, then its ok to call him a "Child Molester":

Narrated Aisha:  "The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Alright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Merits of the Helpers in Madinah (Ansaar), Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234)"

Notice here that Aisha's mother and the Muslim women back then were ok with her marriage.  It was part of the Arab custom and still is in many of the Muslim and non-Muslim countries today for girls to marry at a very young age.  When a girl's body starts showing up (her breasts and her height and physical size), then she would be ready for marriage.  This is further elaborated on in the "The Middle Eastern and other Cultures" and "What about Aisha's parents (mon and dad), are they too "Child Molesters"?" and "The life span 1400 years ago was very short" sections below in this article.

The "child molester" charge is a terrible unfair attack on Islam because it doesn't apply to our beloved prophet in anyway!

A picture and news paper article about a 9-year old girl from Thailand gave birth


Was Aisha engaged to someone else before she got engaged to Muhammad?

Aisha was already engaged to a non Muslim man named Jober Ibn Al-Moteam Ibn Oday.  Back then, the people of Mecca did not object to Aisha's engagement to Jober because she was physically big enough and tall enough to be considered for marriage.  Her parents saw that and they engaged her to Jober.

The only reason why Aisha's father, Abu Baker Al Siddeek, broke her engagement with Jober is because he was a non Muslim.  Later, a woman named Kholeah Bint Hakeem suggested for Muhammad to marry Aisha, because Muhammad and Abu Baker became best friends.   Muhammad engaged Aisha for 2 years before he married her. 

All Muslim scholars agree 100% that Muhammad and Aisha were engaged for 2 years before marriage.  However, some say that she was 7 when she got engaged, and 9 when she got married.  Others say that she was 9 when she got engaged and 11 when she got married.

I personally think that it makes more logical sense to say that she was 9 when she got engaged to Muhammad and 11 when she got married, because if she were 7 when she got engaged to Muhammad, then how old was she when she first got engaged to Jober?  I don't think she was big enough and mature enough to get engaged with Jober before the age of 7.  I don't think her parents would have allowed it.


The Middle Eastern and other Cultures:

If you take the time to study a little bit about the history of the tribes in South America, Middle East, Africa, India and the far eastern Oriental countries 1400 years ago, you would find that many tribes even until today (as shown above in the Thai girl's link) allow the marriage of females at a very young age.

Do you think it is fair for you to come today and attack our beloved Prophet and call him a child molester when nobody 1400 years ago from his tribe had objected to his marriage? Not even the Pagans of Mecca, nor the Jews and Christians of Medina ever objected to it or used it as a point against Islam as anti-Islamic do today.

We all need to understand the culture that we are talking about. Life in the Middle East is a very simple one. It is a lot simpler than what our brain can imagine, because the simplest to us here in America may be a very difficult or complicated thing to them in the Middle East especially for those folks who live in tribes in the rural areas where they don't have TV, electricity, or any electrical equipment. They live on natural water and survive on what they have available from fruits, vegetables and animals as food.

Parents look at the girl's physical appearance when they prepare her for marriage. They don't care about her age. She could be 9 or 13, it doesn't matter.


What about Aisha's parents (mom and dad), are they too "Child Molesters"?

Since Aisha's parents both approved of her engagement with Jober and later approved to her marriage to Muhammad, is it fair for anyone to call her mom and dad and former fiancée and whole tribe all child molesters? I think whoever does that would be out of his mind and needs to study a little history about the Middle East.

Let us look at the following narration:

Narrated Aisha:  "The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Alright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Merits of the Helpers in Madinah (Ansaar), Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234)"

Notice here that Aisha's mother and the Muslim women back then were ok with her marriage.  It was part of the Arab custom and still is in many of the Muslim and non-Muslim countries today for girls to marry at a very young age.  When a girl's body starts showing up (her breasts and her height and physical size), then she would be ready for marriage.


More on Aisha's Marriage and its acceptance by the Arab culture back then:

The following article was sent to me by brother Faris Osman Abdat; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.

Asalamu Alaikum brother Osama

Below are the points that perhaps could be of some use in the defense of the marriage of Lady Aisha to our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him). You would know if they are good enough to be utilize, insyallah :

"Firstly - if indeed the marriage of Lady Aisha was something which was despicable even at that time and in that culture, this fact would never have been recorded for posterity and all efforts to conceal or cloud it would have been undertaken.

But the fact that this hadith had reached us after it was recorded centuries ago and to all the Muslim generations in between proved that the marriage was culturally and morally acceptable and the fact is also that the Muslim community at that time remained unshakened in its faith in his Prophethood and the message which he had brought bear testimony to this assertion.

Secondly - we have to look at the life of Lady Aisha afterwards.  She was without doubt one of the foremost scholars of Islam. It is even said that she had attained in her lifetime the position of Mufti - someone capable of giving religious rulings - a position very few Muslims will ever occupy.

She was seeked by many, both men and women, who hungered for knowledge and they came to her from all directions, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria. History does not know of any woman who was approached by so many for such a noble purpose.

If indeed she had became a victim of sexual abuse she would in most probability be devastated emotionally, psychologically, mentally and perhaps even physically but the achievements she had made in her life after the death of the Prophet proved that she was a woman who was in complete control of her faculties, becoming one of the intellectual giants of Islam.

And the fact that she had spoken so dearly of the Prophet was indicative of the innocence of the marriage and of the impeccable character of her husband because given the trust enjoyed by her by the virtue of her relationship with him, she could have unleashed a vengeful attack against him by attributing to him words or deeds of horrendous nature if indeed she was a victim of his supposed lust, destroying both the Prophet and Islam.

No sexual abuse victim would ever spoke positively of her attacker, much less becoming a channel that promote love and understanding of him and the message which he had brought."


But still, she is considered a child in our standards today!

Well, a lot of the things we do today are not right in the eyes of many.  Our "standards" today mean nothing to what took place 1400 years ago.  Today, anyone under 18 years old is considered a "child", a baby still under his mommy's and daddy's care.  Back then on the other hand, people who reached the age of 18 were considered wise and very mature.

Let me share this Islamic story with you:

There is a famous Islamic figure called "Osama bin Zayd".  This man once led an army of 50,000 Muslim men to meet the Roman Christians.  He defeated them.  You won't believe if I tell you that Osama was 16 years old when he led the 50,000 Muslim men!

This is what I personally was taught about Osama bin Zayd.

So the point is, Aisha peace be upon her might look as child to you, but back then, she certainly was considered as a woman who was qualified for marriage.


Was Muhammad a pedophile?

The following is an email sent to me by brother Amir Abdul Rahim; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.

From: amir_abdul_rahim@yahoo.co.uk
To: truthspeaks@answering-christianity.com
Subject: Was Muhammad a child molester?
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 16:37:17 +0000 (GMT)

Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb

The discussion of Muhammad's marriage to Aisha has recently come up on a muslim message board, with the usual cries of 'Muhammad was a pedophile' coming from the usual anti-Islam lobby.

In order to answer this filthy slander, I went to a police website detailing the traits of a pedophile, and this is what I came up with. It seems that, even by today's standards, Muhammad could not be considered a pedophile. 

Please feel free to use or edit this text in any way you like.


Okay, lets have a look at the psyche of a typical pedophile, and see how much of it fits Muhammad shall we? Quoted text is taken from Understanding the Pedophile Psyche, courtesy of the Police Federation of England & Wales:


"Low self esteem. Many pedophiles, although by no means all, do not have a great sense of capacity for adopting a sexual demeanor towards adults or those of their own age or older. They feel unhappy and fearful at the prospect of sexual behaviour with adults and hence turn to children due to the fact that they are unable to have the strength of personality to seek adults for sexual demeanor. When considering treatment therefore it is important to establish and develop a higher sense of self-esteem in such individuals."

As well as being married to Aisha, he was also married to many other women during his life. He wasn't certainly suffering from low self-esteem. Therefore, this does not apply to Muhammad.

"Lack of impulse control. Many pedophiles find it extremely difficult to deal with the impulsive nature which inclines them towards sexual behaviour to children. They simply cannot control their need for engaging children in sexual practices. They might be said to suffer from an obsessive-compulsive condition. Here again treatment would involve developing better impulse control and of course redirecting the sexual inclinations."

As has been mentioned before, Muhammad waited for at least two years before consummating the marriage. Therefore, this point of 'lack of self control' does not apply to Muhammad. Also, fasting during Ramadan requires abstention from sexual relations. Why would Muhammad practise this if he had no self-control? 

"Denial. Many pedophiles deny there is anything wrong with having sexual relations with children and many will in due course paradoxically deny having carried out such practices should they be confronted. It is vital to change the attitudes of such individuals much as in the lack of empathy with their victim."

Muhammad never once denied having sex with his wife. Also note the use of the term 'victim'. Aisha could not be described as a victim. Therefore, this does not apply to Muhammad.

"History of previous pedophile activity. Many pedophiles have carried out minor or major acts of pedophile behaviour in the past and this has led to habit as well as the obsessive-compulsive nature of the act towards children. It is vital here to promote alternative habits i.e. in attitudes and demeanor of sexual behaviour with adults."

Muhammad has no history of pedophile activity whatsoever. Also, as I pointed out, all of Muhammad's other wives were adult, and there is no evidence of him being obsessed with children. Therefore, this doesn't apply to Muhammad.

"Poor family relationships - many pedophiles have come from families that are in chaos or are lacking in stability. This has led them to view sexual behaviour with children rather than adults as acceptable especially if this has been practised upon them by a member of the family in the past. Although it is difficult to reverse what has happened in the past through discussion or attitude changes it is vital that insight must be gained by the individual into how his/her pedophile activity originated and was developed through the family dynamics."

Although he was orphaned at a young age, Muhammad was always very close to all his family members, and advocated that whosoever cuts the bond of kith and kin, he/she would be denied paradise. Therefore, this does not apply to Muhammad.

"Low IQ - there are pedophiles who have low intelligence but by no means all are in this category. Where this is the case appropriate therapeutic efforts must be made to develop understanding of what they are doing wrong and what they must do to change."

Despite being illiterate, Muhammad had a reputation for being a very bright young boy, an excellent trader, and an extremely wise man. Therefore, this point does not apply to Muhammad.

"Loneliness, depression and relationship needs - this particular trait is associated with low self-esteem and lack of empathy with the victim. Many pedophiles are lonely individuals who live on their own and have found it difficult to establish relationships with adults, especially for sexual purposes. Some suffer from psychological problems and even psychotic illnesses. Here intensive treatment and monitoring is in order."

Muhammad wasn't suffering from depression when he married Aisha. Also, low self-esteem, loneliness, and difficulty to establish relations could not be attributed to Muhammad.

"Having been themselves sexually abused - many pedophiles have themselves been sexually abused in the past by adults. They merely imitate what they experienced and continue their activity considering it as appropriate since it was done to them."

This certainly isn't true.

I have demonstrated that, despite the fact Muhammad married a nine-year old girl, he could NOT be considered a pedophile. 


The life span 1400 years ago was short:

The following is an email that was sent to me by sister Janet, who recently embraced Islam; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with her.

From: JnMil3@aol.com
To: truthspeaks@answering-christianity.com
Subject: Article on marriage of Aysha (saws) to prophet Muhammad (saws)
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 03:59:10 EST

Assalamu alaikum brother Osama,

Thank you for your informative article on the marriage of Aysha, peace be upon her, to prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. I don't think I'm yet finished with this article, as I clicked on a topic.

Did you also research the average life span 1400 years ago in the Middle East? The gypsy, or romany people, of Indian descent who now for the most part occupy eastern Europe, arrange their children in marriage. They arrange the children @ the age of 9 to be engaged for 3 or 4 years before they are married. The only ground for divorce in their culture is failure to conceive a child within a year of marriage (what an irony-- largely illiterate people recognize the American Medical Association's definition of infertility and divorce, while 'educated' people in the west pursue various infertility 'treatments' for years w/o end). Also, compared to Europeans, the average life span of the Romany is around 45, compared with those life spans in the 60's and 70's, so when their children are married, their lives are about 1/3 over.

Thanks again for this article, which I found looking up Aysha on a searchnet. I am a new Muslimah in the U.S., by the way.

Allah hafiz,
Sister Janet

An addition by me, Osama Abdallah: 

Life 1400 years ago was very rough in the too hot desert.  From my personal knowledge, the average life span back then was 50 years.  People used to die from all kinds of diseases.  Both parents of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him for instance, died natural deaths before he even knew them.  His father, Abdallah bin Hashem, died while Amina bint Wahb (Amy in English as Mary for Mariam), Muhammad's mother was still pregnant with Muhammad.  After she gave birth, she died when he was 2 years old (I believe).  Muhammad was the only child of his parents.

Muhammad was raised by his mother's female servant, Saadiyyah, and by his uncle (father's brother) Abu Talib, who later stood up for him and protected him when Muhammad declared to be Allah Almighty's Messenger at the age of 40.


What about Mary, Jesus' Mother peace be upon both of them?  How old was she when she got pregnant?

Not only was it a custom in the Arab society to Engage/Marry a young girl it was also common in the Jewish society. the case of Mary the mother of Jesus comes to mind, in non biblical sources she was between 11-14 years old when she conceived Jesus. Mary had already been "BETHROED" to Joseph before conceiving Jesus. Joseph was a much older man. therefore Mary was younger than 11-14 years of age when she was "BETHROED" to Joseph. we Muslims would never call Joseph a Child Molester, nor would we refer to the "Holy Ghost" of the Bible, that "Impregnated" Mary as a "Rapist" or "Adulterer".

This paragraph was sent to me by brother Mike, who embraced Islam recently; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him: According to the Priest of Saint Mary's Catholic Church: "Mary was approximately 14 years old when she got pregnant with Jesus.  Joseph, Mary's Husband is believed to be around 36.  Mary was only 13 when she married Joseph.  When she first was arranged with Joseph she was between 7 to 9 years old."

According to the "Oxford Dictionary Bible" commentary, Mary (peace be upon her) was was 12 years old when she became impregnated.

So if I want to be as silly and ridiculous as many of the Christians, I would respond to them by saying that Mary was psychologically and emotionally devastated for getting pregnant at a very young age.  And speaking of "child molesting", since most Christians believe that Jesus is the Creator of this universe, then why did GOD allow himself to enter life through a 12-year old young girl's vagina?  Please note that we Muslims love and respect Allah Almighty, Mary, Jesus and Allah's Message to the People of the Book (The Jews and Christians).  In other words, we Muslims would never make fun of Christianity through such childish topic like this one as many ridiculous Christians do make fun of Islam through our Prophet's (peace be upon him) marriage.


What about the Bible's Prophets' marriages?

When we read the Bible, we learn about some Prophets marrying many wives, even hundreds of wives in some cases.  Let us look at some of the verses from the Old Testament:

In Exodus 21:10, a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry.

In 2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3, King David had six wives and numerous concubines.

In 1 Kings 11:3, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.

In 2 Chronicles 11:21, King Solomon's son Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines.

And knowing that the Bible's Old Testament allowed before for men to have sex with girls who were at the age of 3, then it wouldn't surprise me that those Prophets who had 700 wives for instance, had many very young "teenage" girls before as their wives.

It wouldn't surprise me if they too had wives that were younger than Mary when she got pregnant, and younger than Aisha when she got married.

Since there are so many wives that those Prophets married (hundreds of wives), then how would anyone know that they didn't marry young women as our beloved Prophet peace be upon him did with his marriage to Aisha peace be upon her?


What about the X-Rated Pornography in the Bible?

When we read the Bible, we learn about some weird pornographic teachings that are certainly not appropriate for anyone with morals to read.  Please visit X-Rated Pornography in the Bible to see the many pornographic verses in the Bible.  You will read for instance, about Solomon's wife's vagina tastes like wine for him!

You will also see examples of Prophets sleeping with their neighbor's wives, such as the following:

David watches a women bathe, likes what he sees, and "goes in unto her."   Let us look at 2 Samuel 11:2-4  "One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, 'Isn't this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite?'  Then David sent messengers to get her. She came to him, and he slept with her. (She had purified herself from her uncleanness.) Then she went back home."  This Holy Figure in the Bible is a pervert!. 

So what happened to "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.  (From the NIV Bible, Leviticus 20:10)"????

How come Leviticus 20:10 was compromised in the Bible and was never applied to King David?!   Didn't King David know about this law?  Yet, the Jews use his star as their holy symbol; the David Star, and the Christians call Jesus his son; "Son of David".

It seems to me quite clearly that the Bible is nothing but a compromised corrupted Book as Jeremiah 8:8, 2 Samuel 11:2-4 and Leviticus 20:10 suggest.

If the strong eats the weak in the Bible, then what moral and wisdom are we to learn from this book?


Jesus never got married before!  Therefore, Muhammad is not truthful!

Well, anyone who studies Islam would realize that we Muslims respect Prophet Jesus peace be upon him very dearly and we regard him as one of Allah Almighty's favorite Prophets.  We are not the Jews who believe that he was a liar and his mother Mary was a "whore".  Visit this link to see actual quotes from the Jewish Talmud.  But Jesus peace be upon him is not the measuring stick!  Meaning that whether he married or not, this wouldn't make a person good or bad or truthful or untruthful.  It is totally irrelevant to us Muslims that Jesus peace be upon him never got married before whether it was by his choice or not.  Certainly, Christians can't even follow his foot steps in this issue, and for those who do, they end up committing adultery in their churches. 

Important Note:  Also when one studies about the type of circumcision that was practiced 2000 years ago (which caused to weaken the sexual ability of the male and female), and knows that Jesus too got circumcised when he was a child, then one would immediately realize that Jesus not getting married could be a result of the "sexual weakening" that was caused by his circumcision.  So this should further proof that Jesus not getting married is completely irrelevant to any discussion.

Please visit Genital Mutilation for males and females in the Bible.

Please visit Answering Trinity to see full proofs from the Bible that Jesus peace be upon him was not the Creator of the Universe, and was only a Messenger of GOD Almighty to the People of Israel.



Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was not a child molester as the haters of Islam claim.  He was a Noble Messenger of God.  Muhammad peace be upon him lived in a society and culture that existed 1400 years ago, and we must not judge what he or others did based on our standards today.  It is wrong and foolish to do so !.


Further sites for research:

From the Jews' Holiest Book, the Talmud: Girls were married off before at the age of 3.

Some historical evidence shows that Aisha was 19-21 when the Prophet married her.

Some historical evidence shows that Aisha was 19 when the Prophet married her.  

Another site similar to the above.

A picture and news paper article about a 9-year old girl from Thailand gave birth.

http://www.muslim-answers.org/aishah.htm   This is a good site on our Mother in Islam Aisha.

Our Prophet's marriages and the discourage of Polygamy in Islam.

What was the age of Aisha at the time of her marriage to Prophet Muhammad?  By the understanding-islam.com web site.

Please email me at   Osama Abdallah

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