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The word "Allah" does exist in the original Bible:

In the first three links below, you will see proofs from Jewish and Christian resources that the original name for GOD Almighty was indeed "Allah".  Yahweh was not a name, but a Hebrew title given to Allah Almighty, which means "The LORD".

I have no problem with GOD's title being "Yahweh" or "Jehovah" in Hebrew, or "Al-Rab" in Arabic, or "Ahura Mazda" in Persian which means "Wise Lord" as this was GOD Almighty's title in Persia (i.e., Iran today),  or any other title in any other language.  But believing that his title (i.e., Yahweh in Hebrew) is his original name is not correct, because the Jewish and Christian resources refute this misunderstanding.

If for instance, John Smith is the President of XYZ Corporation, then it is not correct for us to say that this person's original name or birth-name is "President".

The original name in the Bible for GOD is not "Yahweh".   It is "Allah".  See proofs from Jewish and Christian sources.

"GOD" in Arabic and Aramaic sound the same, and it is "Allah".

The name of GOD Almighty: Allah or Yahweh?

The word "Allah" as the name of GOD in the Book of Ezra in the Aramaic Bible.

GOD:  What is His name?  Written by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat with great references from Arabic and Hebrew sources.

The word "Allah" in the Arabic Bible.

Jewish and Christian Arabs used the word "Allah" for GOD before Islam.  See historical evidence and most recent discoveries in the Middle East.

Arab Christian Theologians believe that "Allah" is GOD Almighty.

Is Allah really a "moon god"?


Rebuttals and Further Sites to Research:

Rebuttal to the "Allah originated from pagan gods" lie article.

http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/lordexarkun/Islam/a-word.html   The word Allah comes from the original Bible.

http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/lordexarkun/Islam/moongod.html   Refutes the "Allah is a Moon god" lie.

Rebuttal to the lie about the Arabic name "Eesa (Jesus)" originating from Hindu and Pagan gods.

Jesus preached in Aramaic during his ministry.

http://www.islamic-awareness.org/Quran/Sources/Allah/moongod.html (Allah Almighty is not a moon god).

The moon god lie against Islam.

Yahweh is a pagan god.  The title for the pagan god was originally "Yahweh" or "Jehovah".

The GOD of the corrupted Bible gets drunk?!

Please email me at   Osama Abdallah

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