"In My Ummah (Islamic Nation), there shall be born Thirty Grand Liars (Dajjals), each of whom will claim to be a prophet, But I am the Last Prophet; there is No Prophet after Me. (Abu Dawood Vol 2 p. 228; Tirmidhi Vol 2 p.45)" [1]
Answering the false Islamic Cults:
Note: All of the following cults believe in false Prophets that came after our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. They are called "Islamic Cults" only for the lack of better terms, because they not only believe in false Prophets, but they also believe in false books as well. The truth is, they represent nothing in Islam today, and they don't use the Noble Quran nor consider it as the Final Holy Revelation from GOD Almighty.
* Calling them "Muslims" is as good as calling Buddhists "Muslims" as well.
The Rashad Khalifa Cult Exposed.
The African-American Nation of Islam Cult Exposed.
A web site on exposing the false Islamic Cults.
Please email me at Osama Abdallah
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