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All About Me      

      Hello! Thanks for visiting my website! My name is Courtney Rene Collingridge, and I am 19 years old. I thought I would give you a brief tour of my life and give you some information into my background. So, here it goes...


        BORN: February 4th, 1984 at 4:15 a.m. in Tucson, Arizona.                        

         WHERE I LIVED::  Until I was four years old, we lived in Douglas  and Mesa, Arizona.  My Dad was offered a job to work in Hickory, North Carolina with Alcatel  and we made the move. We have been in Hickory for over 15 years, and we love it.   

            FAMILY: I come from a family of four children: Melissa (age 20), myself (age 19), Troy (age 15), and Matthew (age 7).  My parents names are Don and Sherri Driggs, and while my dad travels a good deal of the time through being a software consultant, my mom stays busy being a full-time mom and staying active in church and community activities.

            PETS: Over the years, we have had 3 dogs, 2 birds, 2 hamsters, a variety of bugs, and a handful of fish (lost count). Currently we have our dog, Dawson, and our hamster, Snowflake.



 SPORTS: I love playing volleyball, football, and skeeball (that counts, right?) and am willing to play whenever I get the chance. Running and bike riding are two of my favorite ways to get the blood pumping as well.

            HOBBIES: Creating artwork through painting, sculpture, and drawing is a major hobby of mine. It always feels so rewarding once you have physically created the image in your mind.  I am also passionate about studying life and collecting bugs and learning about infectious diseases (my future career choice).

               TRAVELING:  In the past few years, I have visited various parts of the United States from Arizona to Maine.  Two years ago I had the opportunity to go to South America with my father and sister to visit my grandparents who were serving a mission in Chile. We stopped in Peru for a few days and had many interesting and unforgettable experiences.  It is  a dream of mine to travel throughout the rest of my life, especially to Africa or other undeveloped countries to aid in implementing updated medical practices and clinics.


        A few of my Favorites....

           FAVORITE FOODS:  My all-time favorite type of food is Mexican, with seafood and Italian following in behind.  I also love all kinds of fruits and of course, the desserts.

                    FAVORITE MOVIES: Indiana Jones Trilogy, Miss Congeniality, Fried Green Tomatoes, and Ever After.

                    FAVORITE ACTORS: Harrison Ford and Matthew McConaughey

                     FAVORITE ACTRESSES:  Drew Barrymore and Sandra Bullock

                      TOP PLACE I WANT TO VISIT:  I would really love to go into the Amazon or the African rainforest in the Congo or central Africa.  For years I have watched the Discovery Channel and I would give anything to go see these sites for myself.

                    FUTURE GOALS:  I am now attending Brigham Young University in the the major of Community Health.  For many years now, I have been desiring to specialize in Infectious Disease Control and one day work as a Director of Communicable Diseases either in the hospital or community setting. I intend on getting my Masters of Public Health or Infectious Disease and then perhaps going on to receiving my Doctorate of Philosophy. 



Sharing the slide with my siblings, (from left) Matthew, myself,  Melissa, and Troy

            RECENT NEWS:  I just got MARRIED! I met Daniel Collingridge last year while we were both living in nearby apartments while we attended college. He is a wonderful man  with a great sense of humor and a warm heart. We got married on October 11th this year in Mesa, Arizona.  Here's a few pics of my Dad and Matthew, my Mom, my sister and I, and of course, the happy couple!                   






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