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A Message From

The Race Director/Founder

Updated: January 14, 1998


Thank you for logging-on to the Bixby Knolls 5k/10k Run's Web Page. As this race grows, we need to keep up with the technology of today. Hoepfully sometime in the future, maybe not for this year's race, you'll be able to register for the races on-line. Technology is amazing, and this race will try to keep up as much as possible.

I started thinking about this race at the tender age of 14. I was at the "Light Up The Season In Bixby Knolls" event, when I noticed the enthusiasm and spirit of the people in attendance. As a runner, I thought of the race as a wonderful community event. I first started communicating with my City Council, Jeffrey A. Kellogg, and Publisher of The Signal Newspapers, Tom Allen, on details about the race. They both thought it was a good idea, and started to assist me. Allen started writing articles in the paper to recruit people to join the committee, while Councilman Kellogg and his staff phone community leaders to join in. The first meeting was held at Cafe Bixby on February 28, 1995. Approximately fifty people were in attendance that evening listening to a 15-year-old lad talk to them about a possible $35,000 event. Some people took it as a joke, but I didn't. I knew this race was possible, and so do many others. We organized another meeting where we started to discuss the major details of a race: date, location, logo, etc. My mentor through this time was my Track Coach, and former Long Beach Marathon Race Director, Joe Carlson. Carlson help lead me through many of the difficulties, and decisions a Race Directo must face. Yes, I do have to admit, this race ran into many brick wall along the way, but I bounced off them, and tried again. This race was a dream of mine, and I would not disapoint myself. Well, I didn't! On March 24, 1996, the inaguaral Bixby Knolls 5k/10k Run hit the streets of Bixby Knolls on a cool, crisp morning. Over 750 participants took place in this event, now race directed by a teenager that still couldn't drive. Once the race was completed, I just couldn't believe I just organized a race for my community. I was diffently on Cloud 9!

Once I had one race under my belt, I knew the committee had to start right away to prepare for the 2nd Annual race. Things mad major changes, as the Assistant Race Directors changed, many knew people joined the committee, a new course, and a new location. This time it would be difficult to face the expectations of the runners. With City fees raising over $1500 from the first race, and a more complex course, we knew we had to get some major sponsors. And we did! We brought it over $6,000 of sponsorship money, which went to purchase bigger and better awards for our award winners, city fees, insurance, computerized finishline company, etc. On April 6, 1997, the Second Annual Bixby Knolls Run took place.

As I speak, the Race Committee is hard at work to produce an even more successful race for the community. Each race could not be as successful without the loyal support and hours that the committee puts in year-after-year. Just remember, not a single person on this committee, including myself, get paid for their time. This is all volunteer work! We do this not for ourselves, but for the Bixby Knolls community, and for the runners of Long Beach. Many members of the race committee work 40-hour weeks, or attend high school or college. This committee spends their "free time" to produce this race.

The purpose of this race is not to make a profit, rather to build community spirit, togetherness, and to show-off the Bixby Knolls community. Now, we are Long Beach's largest running event, and we are given proof to everyone that this race will be here for many more years to come.

Hope to see you on Saturday, April 25, 1998!


JB Jaso


P.S. - Please e-mail me if you have any questions, or concerns about the race.

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