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Last updated on 02-01-2007
Remembering Pepsi, the AOL proggie by cpride and dc
Special Thanks To: aeiou, amaf, bacterio (Jay), blud, blulight-g, blump, bose, bw21, cea, cirik, dair, disc, drain, dust, epic, eq, exist, flava, fone, gangii, glue, gruid, gumby, henry, ice, iz (Andy), inxil, iz-smack, junta (Tim), kazzy, kid-sins (Hubert), kione, kn, kz, legacy, lol, loom, lumpy, medi, mlo, mokey, ness, niik, nike, nite, omen, recez, reeko, reel, retro, return, rl-ones (Russel), shaggy, sk8, skillz, sobe (Alex), sone, spun, tewn, trac, trik, triped, twiggy, twist, vayne, west, whsu, woo, x99, xkurdtx
e-mail: "pepsi.dc@gmail.com" -|- aim: "aim dc"