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Please fill out the following form to apply for the GIRL POWER AWARD!

Please review the rules before applying for this award:

1) You must be female (duh!)
2) You must have made your site by yourself. You cannot have had someone make it for you. It must have been made by YOU!
3) The page does not necessarily have to be about the Spice Girls, as long as your site is made with GIRL POWER!!
4) Please be aware that I do not do this on a monthly or weekly basis, I will give out awards whenever I feel like giving them out. I will mail you as soon as I can after receiving your application telling you whether or not you have won the award!
5) You must have signed my guestbook which is linked through my main page.

If you think these rules are bad, these are nothing compared to other peoples rules!

Here is the form:

Thank you for showing an interest in applying for the Girl power Award!

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

What is the URL that you want me to give the award to?
Why do you think your site deserves the Girl Power Award?
Has your site won any other awards before?   Yes, it has.   No, it hasn't. Stunning, fast, FREE!    
FREE feedback form powered by

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|Spice Girls|Apply for my Girl Power Award|
