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The Place Where You Are

Baby of mine, once growing deep within
What will your future hold.
Will your life be full of hope and joy?
I can only hope that this be true.

Now we part, our paths no longer the same.
You walk in the valley of hope and joy while
I am left in pain.
I lost you only weeks after I found you, the loss
I will never forget.

I dream in colors only you can see,
I know you are in a better place.
Your life here was not meant to be,
but forever you have touched my heart.
My heart now filled with sorrow, was filled with
hopes and dreams for you.
I think of you often, in the place that you are now.

The place that you are in now, I will someday see.
You and I together will walk along the sea.
We will pick a handful of wildflowers and sleep
under a heavy leafed tree.
The wind singing its heavenly song, only to you and me.

I will love you forever, sweet loving child,
your memory in my heart.
Wait for me patiently, my roads
I have not yet traveled.
Know this sweet angel,
I will hold you someday,
in the place you are now.

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