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Coping with Loss

I have made this page to help teach people how to help women through this difficult time in their lifes. I have experienced a lot of this insensitivity and I hope that if you are someone who knows someone who has had a miscarriage you will read these pages and take them to heart.
If you are a women who is experiencing the loss or has please know that you have my deepest sympathies and you can email me anytime.

My Story of Loss

Learning how to support someone who has experienced a loss

Coping with the loss, my section for women experiencing loss

What to say to a women who has lost a child

A poem to my sweet angel


Go to the Pregnancy Today's Loss Support Board
Go to Stork Net

I have found both of these sites informative and helpful. There are a lot of very nice people who made this a lot easier for me to understand.

I am currantly reading "Our Stories of Miscarriage, healing with words" Edited by Rachel Faldet and Karen Fitton
So far I like this book, it is women sharing their stories of loss. It makes me realize that this happens to a lot of women, it even has stories from men.

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