Daria and her family have just moved to Lawndale. Daria and Quinn have their first day of school at Lawndale High School. Quinn immediately becomes part of the popular crowd, while Daria has a little difficulty passing the psychological exam. So she has to take a self-esteem class, where she meets a fellow reject, Jane Lane. Together, they decide to pass the test to get out of the class so they can go hang out at UFO conventions. But the teacher was so thrilled that they passed the class, they had to stand up in front of the whole school and make a speech about regaining their self-esteem. So Jane causes a little scene and Daria embarasses her sister by telling the whole school that she couldn't have done it without her.
Daria helps Brittany in art class and ends up getting invited to her party, which Quinn was also invited to. Quinn gets upset that Daria was thinking of going, so of course Daria decides to go to embarass her. Daria brings Jane with her, getting a ride from Janes brother Trent. Quinn is mortified that Daria has shown up and so she spends most of her time hiding in the bathroom or behind the ceramic tiger. In the end, the police shows up, and they leave, getting a ride from a dork named Chuck Rotheimer (Sp?) that got invited by helping Brittany disect her frog.
Daria and Quinn have to take college prep classes, and their assignment is to go visit a college. They end up going to Middletown College, where their parents went. Daria's dad trys unsuccessfully to act cool and "hang" with the college guys, while her mom reminises about her youth. They get separated while on the tour, and Quinn ends up at a frat party while Daria does the college students' term papers for cash. Quinn becomes the "keg queen" at a frat and the whole family gets kicked out of the college. Jane is impressed that Daria managed to get kicked out of college before even enrolling.
Episode #4 - Cafe Disaffecto Fist shown : US - 24/03/97, UK - 02/04/97
Lawndale's cybercafe, alt.lawndale.com, get vandalized, so the english teacher decides to start the Lawndale Coffeehouse. Daria joins in to help fundraising because her mother threatened to send her to music school for the summer if she didn't join an extracurriculer actvity. So Daria and Jane end up trying to sell chocolate bars to a big fat hypoglycemic lady who passes out in front of them. Daria refuses to sell her any chocolate bars because they would have killed her. The lady calls the school and complains, so the principle tells Daria that she won't be getting any credit for fundraising. So Daria has to perform at the coffeehouse. She reads a story she wrote that starts an anti-communism rally, which ends up closing the coffeehouse down.
Daria's economy class takes a trip to the new mall. Daria and Jane aren't too happy about this (Daria even vomits on the way there). The students discover that the mall executives are just using them to do some market research, and they are given twenty dollar gift certificates to keep quiet. Jane gets one for the hair salon and Daria gets one for the ever-so-useful "doo-dad" shop. When they go to this "doo-dad" shop, Daria turns out to be the 10,000 customer and gets a bunch of free doo-dads. At the mall, they run into Quinn, who had skipped school with her fellow fashion club members. Quinn agrees to doing all the chores around the house for a whole month when Daria threatens to tell their parents.
Lawndale High is visited by a pair of modelling scouts from the Amazon Modelling Agency. The principle is excited about this visit as the school will get the money they need for a bullet proof sun roof for their swimming pool from the modelling agency. The next day the modelling scouts Cloud & Romanica arrive at Daria's economy class looking for potential models. Brittany does a walk for them but the scouts say she is too 'Busty' for the job. Cloud & Romanica express an interest in Daria and jane, but they express their disinterest flat out. Quinn gets selected as one of the potential models, but Helen & Jake will not let her go to the modeling classes.
Daria's class study behaviour modification, the students in the class are paired off, Daria gets paired with Kevin and Brittany gets paired with 'upchuck'. When Daria has Kevin over to study on their science experiment all he want to do is watch the 'pig skin channel' and Quinn decides she wants to try and steal Kevin away from Brittany. Brittany wants absolutely nothing to do with Chuck, chuck blackmails her with a photo of Brittany in the back seat of a car with the quaterback of a rival team to the Lawndale Lions and becomes chuck's personal slave. Kevin starts spending more and more time over Daria's house and Brittany becomes convinced that Daria & Quinn are trying to steal Kevin from her.
Quinn accidentally books three dates on one night and then meets another guy, Skyler. Skyler has a beach house that Quinn is interested in using, so she goes to an expensive French restaurant with him. Quinn booked the date with Skyler on the same night she had to babysit for the Gupties. So Quinn cuts a deal with Daria to babysit for her, although Daria hates kids she does agree to babysit. Daria goes over to the Gupties's house and is assaulted by a string of horrors. Tricia and Tad, the kids, never do any wrong. There is only raisins to eat for a snack. Also, the kids assault Daria by comparing her with Quinn, and saying that Quinn is their favorite babysitter. To top it off, Daria is under the deadline for a history paper that she doesn't have time to do. Jane comes over and she takes over with skills that she leanrned while watching her sister Summer's kids. Daria and Jane play games with the kids and then read fairy tales in a politically correct manner until the kids go to bed. Daria and Jane go downstairs and put the TV on and take the channel lock off to watch Sick Sad World. The kids come back down and start watching Sick Sad World.
Brooke, a femail student at lawndale High gets a nose job. All the other girls in the school start fawning all over her nose and saying it is cute. Quinn starts to think she has a flawed nose and goes to a plastic surgeon who specialises in teenagers to get it 'fixed'. Quinn fakes the cramps to bunk off school and takes Daria with her to the plastic surgeon's, where her image is inputted into a computer and out comes a new image for Quinn. When Daria's image is fed into the computer she comes out looking like Quinn. The plastic surgeon says that it will cost $6,000 to give quinn her new look and gives Daria some fake boobs to try out. Quinn tries to borrow money off Daria and take up a collection. Finaly she tries to get the rest on credit. Quinn finaly gets convinced that she does not need plastic surgery, and Brooke's nose job 'implodes'.
When Daria and Quinn break their curfew Helen & Jake come up with a new set of family rules. They decree that Daria & Quinn have to goto 'Family Court' where Jake is the Judge, Helen the Prosecuting Attorney, and Daria the Defense Lawyer. Daria & Quinn get grounded for a month, which would cause Daria to miss a Teachers Vs. DJ's hockey game. When Daria's parents are working late she sneaks out to the hockey match with Jane. When Daria returns she finds out that Quinn had told her parents about her sneaking out. After another session of 'Family Court' Quinn is shocked when Daria doesn't get the book thrown at her, instead daria has to call home at 7:00pm if she is going to be out late.
Daria & Jane hear Trent's band Mystic Spiral down in Janes cellar and go to check it out. When hearing Trent sing Daria goes all 'melty' as she slightly gives off her feelings for trent. When Trent & Jesse (the other band member) say they want to goto Alternapalooza, but are short on chash Jane volunteers herself and Daria to go with them. Quinn and the Fashion Club go to Alternapalooza as well. Daria wears a different outfit (Yes, she does have another outfit it seems!!!!) a Black T-Shirt, Jeans, and what apeers to be Lipstick - although Daria maintains that it was from a lolli-pop. Jane suggests that Daria sits in the front with Trent while she goes in the back with Jesse. During the van ride Daria hits her head, sits on an old sandwich, gets carsick and stung by a bee, and has her glasses broken and taped back together. When the van breaks down Jane suggests that she and Jesse go off for help while Daria and Trent remain behind. While they wait Daria 7 Trent sit and talk. Jane and Jesse return without help, but jane fixes the van with her glue gun. By this time they had missed Alternapalooza and head home.
Jake is under undue stress over everyday monetary events and bursts a blood vessel in his eye, so he and Helen decide to go camping to relieve stress, and they take Daria and Quinn with them. Daria and Quinn are less than happy, but Daria's spirits brighten a tiny bit when she finds out what Jane has to do that weekend- the Lane family reunion. Since her family is the black sheep of the Lane clan, Jane's parents send Jane and Trent to represent the family. The Morgendorffers head off camping, Helen and Jake making a huge deal about being completely cut off from civilization. Jane and Trent, on the other hand, get to a crappy little airport in Sloatsburg after pissing off their aunt Beatrice on the plane, and have to walk to the family reunion. They are brought inside, with disdain, and are assaulted by their relatives. Jane is forced to tell her aunt about her older siblings Penny, Mint(Vint?) and Summer. The next morning, Helen makes Daria and Quinn get up and go on a morning nature walk with herself and Jake after a breakfast of wild berries, and Trent and Jane have to wake up at 7 AM on a Saturday to play in the Lane Family Croquet Game. During this time, Jake and Daria head off the beaten path to find Jake's lost dreams and ideals, and Quinn and Helen talk about why Jake is stressed. Helen, while talking to Quinn, gets a crazed look in her eye and says that Quinn has to save the tribe, and she runs away. Quinn calls for Daria, and when Daria and Jake arrive, Jake goes wild as well, and he and Helen chase each other around, looking for their spirit animal. Daria soon is the only one left sane when Quinn freaks out and starts talking about glitter berries and she puts mud on her face since she's not wearing any makeup. Helen and Quinn chase a near-naked Jake through the forest, while Daria finds help in Helen's hypocracy when her cell phone rings. Daria calls 911 and the family is airlifted out of the forest. When Jake finds out how much the helicopter ride cost, he burst a blood vessel in both his eyes. {main page}{pics}{links}{characters}{episodes}{message board}{e-mail me}{sign my guestbook}{veiw my guestbook}{my homepage}