Christianity - a stupid, immoral religion

Christianity is the largest of the world’s religions, with well over a billion more or less faithful believers. It has had a tremendous impact on the world for the past two thousand years, especially on the «western» societies. Elements of history, moral and values from The Bible and Christian tradition exist in all parts of «western» culture.

At present, religion has much less influence on people and society than it had only a few years ago. There are very wide differences of opinion among those who call themselves Christians about the content and the interpretation of the religion. An increasing number of people reject or question central dogmas of Christianity. In this essay, I shall look at two main objections to Christianity; its level of intelligence and its moral views.

First of all, I have to say that fortunately, there are few people in America today that can be called truly Christian (as according to The Bible). Sect kills sect verbally with the teachings of the good book, and bishops fight in public over interpretations and dogmas. Christianity, at least in the Protestant version, is almost uniquely built on the words of The Bible, especially the gospels. The teachings should, in other words, be difficult to change. And yet we see that the church is full of «liberal» theologians - which only means that a little light of logic has penetrated the dark minds of the Christians.

In addition, we must consider the influence of political correctness (the contents of which has changed over the past two thousand years) and a kind of adjustment to the market of ideas (people’s attitudes have changed from influence by e.g. Marxism and liberalism). Many liberal theologians present interpretations of The Bible that are clearly politically motivated. Unfortunately they do not see that by doing this, they are demolishing their own castles-in-the-air. The few traces of humanity and reason seldom manifests itself in the logical conclusion: A clean break with dogmas and the acceptance of reality, logic and reason.

The main point is that most Christians, not just the liberal theologians, have already rejected much of the basis for Christianity. This has been the precondition for the development of the civilized «western» societies. It’s just that the Christians themselves are not aware of this, and too many agnostics and atheists also fail to see how bad true Christianity was and is. Lousy teaching, popular-folkloristic distortions and theological populism has covered up the truth: That Christianity is a stupid, immoral and repulsive religion that all who wish to label themselves intelligent and/or civilized people have to distance themselves from.

Christianity = stupidity

Christianity is a variety, and partially a perversion, of Judaism. The fundamental divide lies in the person of Jesus Christ, who claimed to be the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Ghost according to The Gospels (allowing for the fact that J.C. never proof-read them). The Christians claim that The Old Testament contains prophecies of the coming of such a person. Jesus is said to be the savior of the world, salvation granted through belief in him and his «father», God. Even today, this is considered to be a minimum of what you have to believe, in order to call yourself a Christian.

It is clear that Christianity rests upon traditions thousands of years old, the oral tradition far outdating the written. It is furthermore clear that very few people not presently locked up in mental institutions claim to have seen the Lord, or any his many messengers. Any hard evidence for such communication is absent and all such information is purely subjective and individual. Christianity stresses The New Testament, particularly The Gospels, which tell about the previously mentioned Jesus. This religion that so many people build so much of their conduct and attitudes on, and which penetrates our culture, is therefore solely based on the credibility of unknown or obscure writers living decades after Jesus’ death. The strong mental grip the religion has achieved since then relies on the hundreds of years of unopposed indoctrination in the infallibility of the creed. But the foundations are very uncertain. Anyone with the tiniest bit of critical sense must therefore reject the notion that Christianity automatically equals truth.

Now on to the rationality and logic of Christianity. Let us start by looking at areas where modern civilization has gained ground since it started freeing itself from the cold hands of religion; areas like astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, zoology, biology, meteorology, genetics and medicine. Now, if one is to call oneself a Christian, one has to believe in Jesus Christ, and the only knowledge we have about him is gained from The New Testament. Without The Gospels, no Jesus. If The Gospels lie, Jesus falls and with him Christianity. Many Christians will also say that if The Old Testament falls, most of Christianity goes with it. The main point is that the credibility of The Bible is decisive for whether you accept Jesus or not. And in order to do this, you have to completely disregard modern civilization.

If The Bible is anything more than superstitious bunk, you have to accept that modern astronomy and mathematics lie. Gone is all our knowledge on radiation, speed, geometry and the calculation of distances. The Universe, the Solar System and Earth are not billions of years old, but 6000. Gas, dust, the centrifugal forces, gravitation, fusion, novas and other fun disappear if we are to believe the story of Creation. The sun was made AFTER the earth.

The laws of physics and chemistry are likewise suspended. Gravity disappears, matter dissolves or appears out of nothing. Water is divided, used for taking walks on, or made into wine. Human beings turn into salt. Fish and bread become even more nutritious than your mother told you.

Biology’s teachings on reproduction is suspended, all our modern zoological and genetical knowledge on the origin and evolution of the species likewise. Life, according to The Bible, arrived on dry soil first, thereafter in the sea and air simultaneously. Man was created from clay, and woman from his rib. Present day species arrived by boat, two by two. People are eaten by fish and survive. Bushes self-ignite and talk. Sticks become snakes. Dust becomes mosquitoes. Clouds follow people, glow in the night and strike people with lightning on command. Storms are made and stilled. Hail destroys trees. Darkness covers the land for days. Walt Disney couldn’t have beaten this! (And virgin births must be more practical than making everybody uncles and nephews - where are the family values, Walt?)

According to the Bible, medicine has suffered a setback. Ashes create blisters, the dead are resurrected, spit cures blindness. The lame, limping and leprous turn into Olympic athletes. Mental illness is cured by a touch or a word. Jesus - the savior of Medicare?

I’m a tolerant person. I don’t want to hurt anybody (well, not that many, anyway). We have freedom of religion and freedom of speech. People can believe what they want for all I care. But give me the choice between Christianity and a full frontal lobotomy, and you can roll out the anesthetics right away. The Bible is a rejection of the foundation for western technology and civilization as it has developed over the last two thousand years. Its credibility is zero. If anyone trusts anonymous religious fanatics writing thousands of years ago about something they didn’t even witness, they have a right to do so. But they can not, will not, must not be allowed to hide behind the tiniest leaf of science.

God, Jesus and the rest of the zoo

So far the physical trustworthiness of Christianity. It’s not going to get any better when we turn to the historical and theological content. Let us take a look at the absurd creation «God». Christians of the difficult type tend to attempt to justify the madness by posing questions to those of us who trust science. They point, correctly, to the fact that science doesn’t have all the answers, and that the theories regarding the beginning of the universe are all debatable. Furthermore, they take a logical sidestep by asking rhetorical questions like «and what was before Big Bang?», «what is outside the universe?» and the final, stupid «who made the world - did it make itself?».

In other words, these blessed idiots think it worse to work out theories based on the knowledge we actually have, and admit to the fact that not everything is explored yet, than create a being contrary to all knowledge, and whose existence does not solve a single problem, as all questions posed to science can be returned to religion. What was before God? What is eternity - or has God limited the universe? Has God created himself? God has always been there, you say? In that case, the primeval matter before the Big Bang might «always» have been there. (Also, if time is the fourth dimension, it gives no sense to talk about time before matter). Maybe the universe is indefinite, it’s just that not all of it is filled with matter (at least not visible matter). The lack of answers and constants may stop us from drawing final conclusions, but that’s hardly any reason to throw all our scientific tools overboard.

Christians trying to be clever might almost be cute, if they weren’t so simple. Rather than face the mysteries of life, solving them like mature, thinking human beings, they run into their caves and draw the veil of fantasy over the problems: Don’t think about it and it will disappear. If you don’t have an answer, make one up. Defend it to death, and feel free to kill all that disagree with you. Fire and swords are recommended. Yours truly, God.

So far, Judaism and Christianity share a common absurdity. But Christianity has gone a step further. They’ve come up with a whole family of fantastic creatures. Let’s take a closer look at this soap opera:

God is the head of the family. He is really the only god, but he hasn’t told that to Jesus and The Holy Ghost. God is eternal in space and time. He is almighty and knows everything in past, present and future. God first spends an unknown number of years all alone in a dry, dark place. Then one day, he gets the brilliant (although he’s always known he would get it) idea of creating life. The earth and surroundings are then made in six days.

On the seventh day he rests, even though he can’t get tired. Because of this, shops are closed on Sundays. A little time passes, the humans he created start breaking his rules, and they are kicked out of Eden. They have a problem child that kills his brother because God (who is Just, by the way) favors the sacrifice of the deceased. From there on it goes downhill, with orgies, drunkenness and blasphemy until God (who is also Merciful and Good) places it all under water in a fit of HUGE proportions. The only one who finds mercy is Noah, who in the end turns out to be a drunkard too.

Then we continue with more sins and bestiality until The Lord (God) gets angry again. This time, however, he has a new strategy. Instead of burning down a couple of cities, sending a few plagues or turning the tap again, or simply show himself and give the rascals an oral reprimand, he comes up with a brilliant scheme
(take a deep breath here):

He sends his only begotten son Jesus to mankind, conceived by a virgin and The Holy Ghost so that the people He (God) doesn’t like can nail this son to a cross, because the son is preaching the teachings of his father to the people who believe in this father, except they don’t because they prefer to believe what the scriptures say that the father said, rather than believe what the son NOW says that the father really meant, and besides, who is this Jesus guy anyway, but when the son dies from the treatment he receives, he (the Son) thereby saves all those born thereafter from their misdeeds, at least if they believe in him. Then he resurrects from the dead, has a nice chat with his friends and heads back home by airmail.

Still a believer?

The Christian theology and inner «logic» is so absurd that it takes years of brainwashing or a large tumor to accept it. The biblical God displays many human characteristics. Despite his omnipotence, he gets tired. He has to fight with the devil. People refuse to obey him. Despite his omniscience, he gets disappointed, sad, regretful. And when people are mean to each other, he forgives them because they crucified his son. Where’s the coherence? Is it really, two thousand years after this Jesus Christ, still possible to accept this nonsense?

A sick moral

I have proven the absurdity of Christianity. Now I shall prove the perversity of it. The moral message of Christianity is evil, degrading and sick. It has caused more human suffering than anything else throughout world history. Many Christians would admit to this, but are not willing, or able, to see why. They blame human weakness, and point to the good things they are doing themselves. But that will not suffice.

The good that is done in the name of God or Christianity is done mainly in spite of the religion, not because of it. And it’s only fair to question the motivation behind their good deeds. Is it always care for one’s fellow man that is the reason, or is it the desire to recruit new souls? Or is the nursing and selflessness only a consequence of the implicit self-destruction one has to possess to accept Christian moral?

Christianity tells us that man was made by God, in his image. This means that we were godlike when we ran naked around in the woods! Man received wisdom, against the orders of God, and was thrown out of paradise. Man became sinful by gaining knowledge of good and evil. Therefore, according to Christianity, «sin» entered the world through knowledge. This alone should be enough to deem this particular religion immoral. But it gets worse.

The Old Testament gives us a God who, if we were to transfer his personality to a human being, must be characterized as a paranoid, schizophrenic psychopath with a strong inclination towards violent behavior, a megalomaniac and a control-freak bent on revenge. He puts the whole world under water rather than give it a warning. He destroys cities, he kills and enslaves whole nations that dare speak against him.

The biblical God plays the classic game of a psychopath. By alternately beating and blessing his people, he creates the kind of uncertainty and dependency that is typical of the kind of relationship seen between violent men and abused women. Today, God would have been a topic on Oprah...

The Christian God is a mass murderer who kills innocent women and children, both in ancient Egypt and elsewhere. Next time you hear a preacher droning on about the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, punch him in the teeth! The only redeeming thing about God is his total lack of existence. If such a being really existed, no one would be safe. The state would be a dear and trusted friend (or Big Brother...) compared to this evil father.

Many Christians are rightfully ashamed of the God of The Old Testament. They attempt to portray Jesus as something new, something fresh and truly good. Poor bewildered sinners, e.g. homosexuals, believe that Jesus is on their side against the intolerant priesthood. How wrong they are. Jesus is the #1 hell-preaching prophet of The New Testament. His teachings, as told by The Gospels, are incoherent and self-contradictory, but the following should be clear to all: Jesus states that the alternative to salvation is Hell. Only those who believe in him can be saved, and those who do not believe will automatically spend their hereafter in warmer lands. And he makes it very clear that the law laid down by Moses (including death penalty for homosexuals) stands firm.

Jesus sharpens the definitions of adultery, relative to the Mosaic laws. He claims to have come to split families. He has come with the sword. Beggars, occupying soldiers and the corrupt servants of the state are blessed, while honest merchants are condemned. His behavior is somewhat redeemed by his tolerance towards honest working women (prostitutes), and the healing of the sick, but these things are also perverted by the underlying motive of winning souls, and the fact that belief is the criterion for being helped. The aim is not to help as such, and faith is more important than actions.

According to Christianity, we are all sinners from the moment of birth. We are evil, weak, morally crippled souls that are led into temptation, for such is our nature after we gained knowledge and free will. Our only hope is to abandon all doubt and accept the «thou shalt» and «thou shalt not»’s of religion. And should we break the rules, all we need to do is regret before we die and everything’s fine again.

One of the more perverse consequences of ignorance of The Bible is the popular belief that Hell is a place ruled by Satan, in which he fries evil people after their death. According to The Bible, however, Hell is a place created by God, where Satan himself will burn together with non-believers. Satan gets the same treatment as other sinners. His only crime is to offer another philosophy than that approved by God and Jesus. The good, merciful God sentences all different thinking and acting people to «the second death» in the sea of fire and sulfur. With this, the perversity inherent in the teaching of salvation is complete. Jesus dies by the will of God, so that all who believe in him shall be saved from the sufferings God has created for all others. We are to crawl and bow to this monster all our life to avoid his punishment. This is Tolerance?? This is Mercy? This is Love?


Christianity stands for: Irresponsibility, coercion, intolerance, collective guilt, inherited guilt, mass murder, thought control, fatalism, ignorance, submission and slavery. In addition, sexism, racism, destruction of culture, abuse of children, cruelty to animals, glorification of authorities and pure sadism. The «good» Christians give you only half-truths, either because they don’t know any better, or from pure cynicism. If you really wish to use time and effort to help others, Christianity is not the right framework for good deeds.

I strongly recommend people read The Bible. Only then can one, through one’s own eyes, get an idea of the depth and nature of Christianity’s stupidity and evilness. All thinking, freedom-loving men should see a self-interest and a moral imperative in disclosing and fighting religions in general and Christianity in particular. Even though civilization has fought off the worst excesses of religion, there’s much work left to be done before the human mind is liberated.

The vast majority of Americans today do not follow the Christian teachings. That is the main reason why things are as good as they are. But too few have understood the true nature of this religion, and liberated themselves spiritually. That is the main reason why things aren’t better.

A guy named Zach didn't like my article. Read his ranting letter here.
I was sufficiently bored to take the time to reply.

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