About me

Ok...just a few words about myself... I may expand this section in due time... You can also get an idea of who I am by reading my travel pages...

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Whereabouts: Norway

Sorry excuse for a life: English teacher at a high school.

Political & philosophical affiliation: Conservative/Libertarian and militant atheist. I prefer science to religion, knowledge to belief, empirical evidence to revelations, intelligence to stupidity, and freedom to force. See the pattern here?



Surprisingly many have sent me those goddamn email questionaires called "getting to know you". I generally found the idea ridiculous, plus much too time consuming. But as the pressure has grown and my in-box slowly gets flooded with desperate calls from the masses for information on their Great Leader, I have decided to put an answer up on my homepage. After all, my online motto is "We aim to please".

Nickname: Aton (only online, don’t have one rt)
Hometown: Bumfuck, Norway
Current Residence: Same. Duh.
Croutons or Bacon Bits: Can I have a double Quarter Pounder with cheese, please? Yes, I do want fries with that.
Favorite Salad Dressing: SALAD??? Do I look like a &%*#¤ rabbit?
Do you drink: Would I willingly pay large sums of money for the privilege of drinking a toxic substance? Nope.
Shampoo or Conditioner: Yes, please.
Have you ever gone skinny dipping: Only in the shower. Duh.
Do you make fun of people: No, I make idiots of them. THAT is fun, though.
Favorite color: Black & blue
Least Favorite: Pink.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: Nope, I’ve always been declared not guilty on reasons of insanity.
Best friends: Some of my own split personalities.
One pillow or two?: One.
Pets: Do ringworms count? Seriously...two cats...
Favorite Music: Opera & Classical.
Hobbies: History, politics, current affairs, English poetry (mainly 19th century), Opera & classical music, Internet chatting, travelling (especially in the US).
Dream car: I prefer to sleep in a bed, not a car.
Type of car you drive now: Saab
Words or Phrases you overuse: "We aim to please" & "My lack of sympathy is heartfelt".
Toothpaste: Always when I brush my teeth, yes. Duh.
Favorite Food: Pepperoni pizza.
Online Crush: None.
Real life crush: CRUSH THE STATE!
Piercing or tattoos: Would I pay money to have little pieces of metal driven through my body at the risk of infection, amputation and early death, plus never being able to walk past a magnet again and generally looking like an asshole? Naaaaaaaaah.
Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: Don't have any tics, and certainly no Roman ones.
How do you characterize yourself (a hopeless romantic or non-romantic)? Militant realist.
Do you get along with your parents: For the most part.
Favorite town to chill in: I’m not comfortable being chill.
Favorite ice cream: Lemon.
Favorite Drink: Orange juice.
What's your bed time?: If I can get away with it… 6-8am…
Adidas, Nike or Reebok: I wouldn’t be caught dead in sneakers. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t be caught dead at all, but you get my drift…
Favorite Musical Groups: None really.
Favorite perfume/cologne: None in particular.
Favorite web site: My own. Definitely. The rest of the web sucks.
Favorite Subject in school: History & political science.
Least favorite subject: Anything remotely practical.
Favorite sport to watch: Football. (The European version, where you actually use your feet to work the ball, hence the term football). Uncivilized Yanks *grumble*.
Most humiliating moment: Oh, wouldn’t y'all like to know? Fuck off! *lmao*
Favorite Holiday: Summer.
Loudest person you know: Luciano Pavarotti.
Craziest person or silliest you know: So many assholes…so few megabytes…
What do you look for in the opposite sex: Physical remoteness from myself. Can’t stand their incessant nagging. (The previous line is going to get me buried next to Jimmy Hoffa…)
Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you and be sure to send it to them: I know where you live, and if I ever receive another "getting to know you" e-mail, I will come and kill you without further warning.

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Email: aton_the_sun_god@hotmail.com