Large mouth Bass
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Large mouth Bass

Bass is a fun fish to fish and it is popular . When fishing for Large mouth Bass the best conditions would be, 23c (73F) dergees a few clouds not very windy. When fishing for Large Mouth in a boat you should look for 1-6 feet deep water, downed trees, reeds and weeds and espically cat tails. Fertile or murky water is also good to look for.

Warm days in spring are good for catching Largemouths. Best fishing is usally after two or more days of warm sunny weather because the water has warmed up on the surface.

If you live around lake fronts go look and see if there are any old boat houses on the water. If there are go in with a worm or leech and drop it in the water wait and see if any fish come out and eat it. I did that for a couple days and caught many small mouth and rock bass. (didn't catch any large mouth)

Look for downed trees in the water, that is a good place for Bass

When using buzzers it is best to use them when there are not many or high waves. It should be smooth water, because then there is not as much noise under water and the buzzer triggers the Bass.

Here are some good lures to use when fishing for large mouth.

1) Berklay scented power bait, use purple white or brown.

2) Rapala floating minnow, When using minnows use slim and long ones. Bass find it is easier to go down there throat.

3) Shad Rap Craink Bait

4) Strike King 7 1/4" pork-o. Various colours.

5) Real worms

When using plastic bait DON'T rush, reel it in slowly then a bit quicker then slow down again and tug on it. Don't drag it along the bed keep it at least 1' off the bed.

Currently (97-06-25) the Canadian record Large Mouth bass is 10.48 Lbs on Preston Lake, Ont.

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